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对陕西地区1299名城乡初中生进行分层整体取样调查,结果表明:(1)初中生心理健康素质在人际素质、动力系统、自我和归因风格方面城乡差异显著;(2)在适应、人际素质、动力系统、自我和归因风格方面初二得分高于初一和初三,年级差异显著;(3)在动力系统和归因风格方面女生得分显著高于男生,男生认知风格得分显著高于女生。  相似文献   
卫生改革需要有包括卫生改革伦理学理念在内的全方位改革理念的联手支撑。伦理含金量缺失或者不足,卫生改革实践就难以取得圆满成功。因此,目前展开的新一轮卫生改革,必须以“效率与公平合理兼顾”为核心准则,在完善政策、规划目标、组织实施等全过程中切实保证卫生改革伦理学理念准确到位和正常运作。  相似文献   
7岁超常和常态儿童的信息加工速度   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
邹枝玲  施建农  恽梅  方平 《心理学报》2003,35(4):527-534
该研究以超常和常态儿童各25名(平均年龄分别为6岁10个月和6岁11个月)为被试,以选择反应、图形匹配、心理旋转、和抽象匹配为基本认知任务,对超常和常态儿童的信息加工速度作了比较研究。研究者对被试的正确率和反应时作了分析。结果表明:(1)超常儿童基本信息加工能力显著优于普通儿童,具体表现在反应时更短,或正确率更高。(2)超常儿童与常态儿童信息、加工的差异与任务难度有关,在选择反应和图形匹配任务中,超常儿童的反应时显著短于常态儿童。而且,在图形匹配任务中,任务难度越大,差异越显著。而在心里旋转和抽象匹配任务中,超常儿童的正确率显著高于常态儿童。(3)任务的难度无论对超常组被试还是常态组被试的反应时及反应正确率都有影响,但影响方式不太一样。在反应时上,随着任务难度的增加,两组被试的反应时都明显延长;但在正确率上,则随着任务难度的增加,常态组被试的正确率降低,而超常组被试的正确率基本稳定在一个较高的水平上,即任务难度问的差异不显著。  相似文献   
Research has indicated that clinical serious disease may lead to posttraumatic growth (PTG). However, little is known about PTG among hemodialysis (HD) patients. The study examined the relationship among resilience, rumination and PTG among Chinese HD patients. 196 HD patients were recruited from a tertiary hospital in a Northern city of China between 1 June 2015 and 30 May 2016. Patients were surveyed using the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory-Chinese version, Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale, and Chinese Event Related Rumination Inventory. Correlation analyses showed that resilience was most highly positively correlated with PTG (r = .70, p < .001), deliberate rumination moderately correlated to PTG (r = .50, p < .001), and intrusive rumination was lower negatively related to PTG (r = –.26, p < .001). Regression analyses showed that age, gender, duration of dialysis, resilience and deliberate rumination had significant associations with PTG (β = ?.31, p < .0001; β = –.14, p = .002; β = .10, p = .032; β = .44, p < .001; β = .20, p < .001). They together explained 65% of the total variance in PTG (F [8,195] = 46.74, p < .001). However, intrusive rumination was not associated with PTG (p > .05). The results suggested that resilience and deliberate rumination may be instrumental for PTG improvement.  相似文献   
Examining age differences in motor learning using real‐world tasks is often problematic due to task novelty and biomechanical confounds. Here, we investigated how children and adults acquire a novel motor skill in a virtual environment. Participants of three different age groups (9‐year‐olds, 12‐year‐olds, and adults) learned to use their upper body movements to control a cursor on a computer screen. Results showed that 9‐year‐old and 12‐year‐old children showed poorer ability to control the cursor at the end of practice. Critically, when we investigated the movement coordination, we found that the lower task performance of children was associated with limited exploration of their movement repertoire. These results reveal the critical role of motor exploration in understanding developmental differences in motor learning.  相似文献   
Tablet computer displays are amenable for the development of vision tests in a portable form. Assessing color vision using an easily accessible and portable test may help in the self-monitoring of vision-related changes in ocular/systemic conditions and assist in the early detection of disease processes. Tablet computer-based games were developed with different levels of gamification as a more portable option to assess chromatic contrast sensitivity. Game 1 was designed as a clinical version with no gaming elements. Game 2 was a gamified version of game 1 (added fun elements: feedback, scores, and sounds) and game 3 was a complete game with vision task nested within. The current study aimed to determine the normative values and evaluate repeatability of the tablet computer-based games in comparison with an established test, the Cambridge Colour Test (CCT) Trivector test. Normally sighted individuals [N = 100, median (range) age 19.0 years (18–56 years)] had their chromatic contrast sensitivity evaluated binocularly using the three games and the CCT. Games 1 and 2 and the CCT showed similar absolute thresholds and tolerance intervals, and game 3 had significantly lower values than games 1, 2, and the CCT, due to visual task differences. With the exception of game 3 for blue-yellow, the CCT and tablet computer-based games showed similar repeatability with comparable 95% limits of agreement. The custom-designed games are portable, rapid, and may find application in routine clinical practice, especially for testing younger populations.  相似文献   
医学伦理委员会在成立之初就明确了自身的使命:确保涉及人体试验研究的"科学"、"伦理"和"监管"。但在实际操作中, 很多伦理审查委员会将程序的正义简单地理解为是不是采用了标准化的审查流程, 是否通过了国外所谓权威机构的认证, 这导致伦理审查并没有遵循一个正当的程序进行, 使其在公平性、公正性等诸多方面受到质疑。因此, 为维护受试者的核心权益, 确保涉及人体试验的医学研究有序进行, 建立正当的程序并在伦理审查过程中实现程序正义有着极为重要的意义。  相似文献   
加强医院文化建设是现代医院发展的必然趋势,更是新医改下公立医院和民营医院寻求竞争优势行之有效的一种战略。但当前我国公立医院与民营医院由于所处体制与运行机制的不同,决定了二者在医院文化建设的路径和内容上存在一定的差异性,因而在医院文化的发展轨迹和实效性上也呈现出明显的不同。但可预见的是,未来随着国家机制和体制的完善以及医改的深入发展,我国公立医院与民营医院在医院文化的发展上将会殊途同归。  相似文献   
当前我国公立医院的过度扩张已经引起了社会和医疗领域的高度关注,分析扩张背后的主要原因是市场经济制度下的利益驱动以及政府权力与医院权益交易等权利寻租的结果。这种过度扩张会引发一系列的负面效应:趋利性与垄断行为是目前公立医院过度扩张后带给社会的最大风险,使公立医院失去了本应承担的社会责任,同时打破了医疗市场的公平竞争,滋生了医疗领域的腐败,由于扩张所带来的医疗资源过于集中,既不利于患者权益的保障和医患关系的改善,也不利于当前我国“看病难、看病贵”问题的解决。因此,我国政府应该合理地控制公立医院的发展规模。  相似文献   
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