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In the present study we manipulated the importance of performing two event‐based prospective memory tasks. In Experiment 1, the event‐based task was assumed to rely on relatively automatic processes, whereas in Experiment 2 the event‐based task was assumed to rely on a more demanding monitoring process. In contrast to the first experiment, the second experiment showed that importance had a positive effect on prospective memory performance. In addition, the occurrence of an importance effect on prospective memory performance seemed to be mainly due to the features of the prospective memory task itself, and not to the characteristics of the ongoing tasks that only influenced the size of the importance effect. The results suggest that importance instructions may improve prospective memory if the prospective task requires the strategic allocation of attentional monitoring resources.  相似文献   

Both retrospective cued-memory tasks and event-based prospective memory tasks require that cue and target information be associated, and that aspects of that association be reinstated for successful remembering. These functional similarities between retrospective memory and prospective memory were the bases for the hypothesis that the familiarity and the distinctiveness of the target event (cue) would influence prospective memory performance. Experiment 1, focusing on target familiarity, found a nominal advantage in prospective memory with unfamiliar target events. Experiment 2 showed a significant benefit for unfamiliar target events, as well as for target events that were distinctive relative to the local context. Additionally, prospective memory performance did not reliably correlate with explicit retrospective memory tasks (recall and recognition), but did correlate with an indirect retrospective memory task (word fragment completion). This pattern suggests and helps specify the general view that prospective memory processes may be similar to those involved in both direct and indirect tests of retrospective memory.  相似文献   
以专利制度为首的现行知识产权体系无法全面保护中医药知识产权,尤其是中医药传统知识产权,根本原因在于其宗旨与中医药的传承性相悖.印度等国确立了传统知识产权保护模式并取得了一定成就.我国应当参考借鉴,探索一套传统知识产权保护体系,制定并完善中医药传统知识产权登记制度、来源披露制度和许可使用制度,全面保障中医药知识产权.  相似文献   
医学人文教育固然以提倡患者的自主存在性突破了医学技术主义形态,但若对患者自主地位的过度强调则会使其陷入二律背反的困境,于此之上的关怀哲学探究则把患者视为处于具体情境中的特殊他人,如此便能建立并维持医学人文情境中的医患和谐。透过耕犁"以患者自主为核心的医学教育限度"、"以关怀为始点的医学哲学诠解"与"关怀哲学在医学人文中的教育张力"三重意涵来突显关怀哲学在医学人文教育中的本位复归,期使医学教育能够透过关怀哲学的融汇从而在医疗临床过程中达成其效力显现的人文基点。  相似文献   
为了观察右美托咪定在球后神经阻滞麻醉下高血压眼科手术患者中降压的可行性及其效果,选择择期眼科手术的高血压患者40例,随机分为2组[右美托咪定复合硝酸甘油组(D组)和单纯硝酸甘油组(N组)],每组20例.记录患者术前、术中及手术结束时的MAP、SBP、DBP、HR、SpO2及Ramsay评分,同时统计硝酸甘油及右美托咪定用量.结果发现,两组基础MAP、SBP、DBP、HR、SpO2差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),两组降压程度无统计学意义(P>0.05).组内及组间HR差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).D组较N组硝酸甘油用量明显减少(P<0.05).因此右美托咪定可在高血压眼科手术患者中达到较好的镇静及降压效果.  相似文献   
现代医生应是专业技能与人文素养兼备的形象,医学伦理学素质是医学生理应具备的品格.实践证明,医学伦理学临床见习是培养医学生医学伦理学素质的必要环节.医学伦理学的临床见习,能固化医学生的知识体系,有利于医学生医学伦理学素质的养成,帮助提高医学生分析和解决医学临床实践中面临的伦理困境.而妇产科室由于其特殊性,在临床见习中渗透伦理学教学的意义尤为重大,通过妇产科医学伦理学临床见习的设计与实施,科学合理地选择见习的内容,寻找最佳的见习方式和方法,完善见习的评定体系和考核形式,医学伦理学的教学效果立竿见影.  相似文献   
文献研究表明,国内护士职业倦怠现象相当普遍,其重要症结是制度非正义.这种制度非正义表现在三个方面,即护士的社会地位低;护士的劳动报酬低;护士的个人发展空间受限.因此,预防和消除护士职业倦怠现象应该从以下三个方面入手:尊重护士,提高其社会地位;提高劳动报酬,让护士生活得有尊严;拓展护士个人发展空间.  相似文献   
医学人文教育固然以提倡患者的自主存在性突破了医学技术主义形态,但若对患者自主地位的过度强调则会使其陷入二律背反的困境,于此之上的关怀哲学探究则把患者视为处于具体情境中的特殊他人,如此便能建立并维持医学人文情境中的医患和谐.透过耕犁“以患者自主为核心的医学教育限度”、“以关怀为始点的医学哲学诠解”与“关怀哲学在医学人文中的教育张力”三重意涵来突显关怀哲学在医学人文教育中的本位复归,期使医学教育能够透过关怀哲学的融汇从而在医疗临床过程中达成其效力显现的人文基点.  相似文献   
The pressure to individuate propositions more finely than intensionally—that is, hyper-intensionally—has two distinct sources. One source is the philosophy of mind: one can believe a proposition without believing an intensionally equivalent proposition. The second source is metaphysics: there are intensionally equivalent propositions, such that one proposition is true in virtue of the other but not vice versa. I focus on what our theory of propositions should look like when it's guided by metaphysical concerns about what is true in virtue of what. In this paper I articulate and defend a metaphysical theory of the individuation of propositions, according to which two propositions are identical just in case they occupy the same nodes in a network of invirtuation relations. Invirtuation is here taken to be a primitive relation of metaphysical explanation exemplified by propositions that, in conjunction with truth, defines the notion of true in virtue of. After formulating the theory, I compare it with a view that individuates propositions by cognitive equivalence, and then defend the theory from objections.  相似文献   
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