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本研究将微观发生法设计和虚拟仿真技术相结合,考察了不同特质社会创造性大学生跨情境、跨时间的状态社会创造性的变化特点。结果表明:(1)在四种具体社会问题情境中,个体策略新颖性的变化表现出了跨情境的多样性特点,而策略实用性的变化则主要表现出了跨情境的一致性特点;(2)个体特质社会创造性对其状态社会创造性的表现的影响主要体现在策略的实用性上。  相似文献   
已有大量研究揭示了近似数量系统与计算流畅性的相关关系, 但缺少对二者关系原因的系统检验与论证。视觉形状知觉假设有别于传统的数量领域特异性解释, 认为对形状的快速知觉是近似数量系统与计算流畅性的共同认知机制, 即视觉形状的快速知觉能力可以解释二者之间的相关关系。近似数量系统和计算流畅性在加工过程中依赖对形状的快速知觉, 二者在加工过程中都涉及了复杂视觉刺激的快速处理。视觉形状知觉假设得到了一系列研究结果的支持, 但局限在视觉形状知觉与二者关系的探讨上, 视觉形状知觉在二者关系中作用的加工机制仍不清楚。未来研究需要结合多种研究方法和技术, 多角度深入探讨视觉形状知觉在二者关系中作用的认知与脑机制, 并将研究结果应用于数学课堂教学和计算困难的干预中。  相似文献   
以442名初中生为被试,采用历时20个月的纵向研究考察家庭社会经济地位(socioeconomic status, SES)和积极品质对中考成绩的预测作用。结果发现:(1)家庭SES、积极品质整体发展水平可以同时显著正向预测初中生在20个月后的中考成绩;(2)积极品质整体发展水平在家庭SES与中考成绩之间存在中介作用,即家庭SES越高,初中生的积极品质整体水平越高,其中考成绩越好。研究结果提示积极品质可以补偿低家庭SES对学生中考成绩的不良影响。  相似文献   
采用荧光PCR法对199例晚期非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC )组织进行表皮生长因子受体(EGFR )基因突变检测,分析EGFR基因突变的分布特征及其与临床病理特征的相关性。结果显示56例(28.1%)存在EGFR基因突变,其中27例(13.6%)为外显子19突变,25例(12.6%)为外显子21突变,2例为外显子18突变,1例外显子20突变,1例外显子18和20的共突变。另外,除广东及安徽省铜陵市外,辽宁地区NSCLC患者EGFR基因突变率及主要突变类型与其他地区相符,常见于外显子19、21突变,其中腺癌、不吸烟患者突变率更高,更适宜EGFR-TKI靶向治疗。  相似文献   
本研究通过两个实验探讨了262名3~5岁幼儿基于面孔的信任判断能力及其年龄间差异。结果发现:(1)实验1中,当陌生面孔单张呈现时,3岁幼儿还不能正确地区分被成人评价为可信和不可信的面孔,而4、5岁幼儿已经能够基于面孔特征做出与成人基本一致的信任判断;(2)实验2中,当配对呈现可信vs.不可信两张面孔时,3~5岁幼儿都能够在日常交往情境中依据陌生交往者的面孔特征做出与成人基本一致的信任判断,并且随着年龄的增长,信任判断准确率逐步提高。这些结果表明幼儿从3岁开始已经能够基于面孔做出信任判断,随着年龄的增长,信任判断能力逐步发展。  相似文献   
无论是国内还是世界其他国家,乳腺癌近年来已成为女性常患恶性肿瘤之首。早期乳腺癌通过手术、化疗、放疗及内分泌治疗等综合治疗后可以达到长期生存。然而对于晚期乳腺癌,特别是伴有远处转移的乳腺癌,疗效却不尽如人意。对于转移性乳腺癌,目前治疗优先选择毒性尽可能小的全身系统性治疗方案;而对于需要缓解症状或避免即将发生并发症(如皮肤溃疡、出血、真菌感染以及疼痛等)的情况可于全身治疗后行相应手术。然而对于转移性乳腺癌是否手术切除原发灶以及是否可从手术中获益,仍然充满争议。  相似文献   
抑郁焦虑与心血管疾病的关系最能体现身与心两者相互影响、不可分割的特点。但临床上,心血管疾病患者抑郁焦虑的诊疗率不足1%。这说明现有的诊疗理念和方式没有将心血管疾病和精神障碍联系起来,给患者全面全程的干预和管理。这样的缺陷不仅增加患者的痛苦和功能障碍,也增加心血管疾病的发病率和病死率,还增加患者及社会的医疗负担。本文结合临床经验,从心身一体的诊疗理念,谈谈抑郁焦虑与心血管疾病。  相似文献   
The relationship between religious orientation and personality has been investigated using several different measures and diverse samples. As part of a larger study, 114 undergraduate students were given the Duke University Religion Index (DUREL) to include only those participants who were considered religious. The final sample of 80 participants were given the NEO Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO PI-R) and the New Indices of Religious Orientation (NIRO). Based on the results of the bivariate correlations, higher levels of intrinsic religious orientation were associated with greater Agreeableness and Conscientiousness. Multivariate analyses further revealed that Agreeableness was the most important personality variable when predicting intrinsic and quest religious orientations, with higher levels of Agreeableness predicting greater intrinsic and lower quest orientations. While lower levels of Neuroticism predicted greater intrinsic orientation, higher levels of Neuroticism predicted greater quest orientations. Higher Conscientiousness predicted greater intrinsic and lower quest orientations. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   
Previous research has identified the age prospective memory paradox of age-related declines in laboratory settings in contrast to age benefits in naturalistic settings. Various factors are assumed to account for this paradox, yet empirical evidence on this issue is scarce. In 2 experiments, the present study examined the effect of task setting in a laboratory task and the effect of motivation in a naturalistic task on prospective memory performance in young and older adults. For the laboratory task (Experiment 1, n = 40), we used a board game to simulate a week of daily activities and varied features of the prospective memory task (e.g., task regularity). For the naturalistic task (Experiment 2, n = 80), we instructed participants to try to remember to contact the experimenter repeatedly over the course of 1 week. Results from the laboratory prospective memory tasks indicated significant age-related decline for irregular tasks (p = .006) but not for regular and focal tasks. In addition, in the naturalistic task, the age benefit was eliminated when young adults were motivated by incentives (F < 1). In conclusion, the present results indicate that the variability of age differences in laboratory prospective memory tasks may be due in part to differences in the features of the prospective memory task. Furthermore, increases in motivation to perform the prospective task seem to help remedy prospective memory deficits in young adults in the naturalistic setting.  相似文献   
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