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This study examines three perspectives in the literature about menopausal depression. According to one, the physiological changes of menopause result in increased psychological distress. Another approach proposes that menopause is most depressing for women who occupy traditional female gender roles. The third asserts that menopause is not especially depressing for most women. This study empirically examines three perspectives using data from two community surveys. These analyses suggest menopausal status may not be associated with depressive symptomatology, either directly or indirectly through traditional gender roles.This research was supported in part by PHS grant numbers 5T32MH13043, 5T32MH16373, and 5T32MH15774. I appreciate the helpful comments I received from Janet Berkeley, Bruce Link, and an anonymous reviewer on earlier versions of this paper. I also am grateful to Lenore Radloff and NIMH for providing the CMHA data and to Harold Dupuy and NCHS for the HANES data.  相似文献   
Two explanations for the Yerkes-Dodson Effect (1908) were tested. Easterbrook (1959) proposed that arousal reduces the range of cue utilization. Thus, arousal should interfere with the capacity for simultaneous (dual) memory scans. In contrast, Humphreys and Revelle (1984) proposed that arousal facilitates sustained information transfer but interferes with short-term memory. Arousal should thus reduce the time needed to prepare to respond but increase the time needed to scan memory. Either caffeine or placebo was given to 78 subjects who differed in impulsivity. They completed three versions of a memory-scanning task: two single-task versions (physical and category matches) and one dual-task version (either type of match). As predicted by Humphreys and Revelle, relative to placebo, caffeine lowered the intercept (p<.01), suggesting facilitation of sustained information transfer, but increased the slope (p<.05), suggesting impairment of access to short-term memory, of the regression of reaction time on log-transformed memory-set size. That caffeine had a main effect on slopes and on intercepts but did not interact with type of task suggests that arousal does not necessarily disrupt dual-task performance.  相似文献   
The properties of retrieval cues constrain the picture superiority effect   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In three experiments, we examined why pictures are remembered better than words on explicit memory tests like recall and recognition, whereas words produce more priming than pictures on some implicit tests, such as word-fragment and word-stem completion (e.g., completing -l-ph-nt or ele----- as elephant). One possibility is that pictures are always more accessible than words if subjects are given explicit retrieval instructions. An alternative possibility is that the properties of the retrieval cues themselves constrain the retrieval processes engaged; word fragments might induce data-driven (perceptually based) retrieval, which favors words regardless of the retrieval instructions. Experiment 1 demonstrated that words were remembered better than pictures on both the word-fragment and word-stem completion tasks under both implicit and explicit retrieval conditions. In Experiment 2, pictures were recalled better than words with semantically related extralist cues. In Experiment 3, when semantic cues were combined with word fragments, pictures and words were recalled equally well under explicit retrieval conditions, but words were superior to pictures under implicit instructions. Thus, the inherently data-limited properties of fragmented words limit their use in accessing conceptual codes. Overall, the results indicate that retrieval operations are largely determined by properties of the retrieval cues under both implicit and explicit retrieval conditions.  相似文献   
Inspite of continued work on the stretch reflex and “voluntary” movement study of the conditioned stretch reflex declined early in this century. The present experiments surveyed seven classical conditioning regimens for the human rectus femoris EMG seen after a blow to the patellar tendon. It was possible to (1) rule out conditioning to a knee touch that occured together with the tap, (2) establish weak conditioned stimulus, Sc, control for a tape recorder click and subsequent fist clench that preceded the tap by variable elapsed times, and (3) establish strong Sc control for a tone that sounded an invariant 0.27 sec before the tap. There were large differences, however, in Sc power across subjects, as measured by amplitude, latency, and frequency of conditioned EMG activity that occured prior to tap or when the tap was omitted. Purely reflexive responses, especially later EMG segments, also varied in amplitude and frequency, to support a conclusion that numerous controlling stimuli added or competed from trial to trial. Further disclosure of Sc contributions, including those from movement-generated stimulation, is warranted, especially for behaviors whose rhythmic timings, as in locomotion, might favor Pavlovian conditioning.  相似文献   
Previous work(Frankenhaeuser & Lundberg, 1977) has shown that unpaced mental arithmetic is performed at slower rates in noise, despite unchanged catecholamine indices of arousal; only male subjects were used, tested early in the day. Since the times of testing entail arousal effects that interact with noise stress, and the sex of subject further modifies these interactions, a new experiment was designed to include these variables. Men and women were tested on the Norinder mental arithmetic task, in quiet or in noise, either in the morning, when arousal was low, or during the early evening, when temperature curves indicate that arousal should be high. Analysis of the number of problems attempted shows a significant drop for men in noise in the morning, but an interaction due to reversal of the noise effect in the evening; there is no main effect of noise when women's scores are included. The results are compatible with interpretations combining motivation and cognition, and they demonstrate the importance of the experimental variables in explaining noise stress effects.The authors are indebted to the late David A. Shipp for his assistance in running subjects.  相似文献   
Two experiments providing additional validity data on the Profile of Mood States and the Thayer Activation-Deactivation Adjective Check List were per-formed. In the third and main experiment, seven normally menstruating women filled out both questionnaires at the same time every day for 90 days. They were not aware that they were participating in a study of menstruation. Analysis of the time series records of individual women revealed relatively few significant fluctuations in moods and activation levels. Analysis of the group data showed that Fatigue, Confusion, Deactivation/Sleep, and Depression/Dejection were significantly lower in the premenstrual phase than in the periovulatory phase of the cycle, while General Activation was higher. Anger/Hostility and Confusion were both lower in the menstrual phase than in the periovulatory phase. On a retrospective menstrual distress questionnaire, these same subjects say that they experience increases in anxiety, irritability, depression, and tension in the premenstrual phase of the cycle. The differences between individual and group data and the apparent discrepancy between daily self-reports and retrospective questionnaires are discussed.  相似文献   
As an alternative to the sado-masochistic interpretation of violent spouse abuse, a quasi-romantic perspective sees abuse as a consequence of intensive intimacy—even love. In this study, abuse is explained as a form of punishment of the partner who is experienced as the spoiler of the expectations, hopes and plans for a fulfilling long term, committed and attuned communion. He/she, who is perceived as the breaker of that intimate context has to be penalized, with the death-penalty being the extreme form of expression of outrage at the offense. Both husbands who killed their wives, and wives who killed their husbands, in their interviews with the author displayed a deep commitment to their marriages. This explains why their leave-takings were so violent and their exits so final. By killing the spoiler they could bury and let go of their romantic dreams! Less lethal forms of spouse abuse-battering, enslavement, etc., often have the same element of punishment of the spoiler.Roger Carl F. Bach, Ph.D. participated in the data collection and the write-up of the results.  相似文献   
The use of an analogy from a semantically distant domain to guide the problemsolving process was investigated. The representation of analogy in memory and processes involved in the use of analogies were discussed theoretically and explored in five experiments. In Experiment I oral protocols were used to examine the processes involved in solving a problem by analogy. In all experiments subjects who first read a story about a military problem and its solution tended to generate analogous solutions to a medical problem (Duncker's “radiation problem”), provided they were given a hint to use the story to help solve the problem. Transfer frequency was reduced when the problem presented in the military story was substantially disanalogous to the radiation problem, even though the solution illustrated in the story corresponded to an effective radiation solution (Experiment II). Subjects in Experiment III tended to generate analogous solutions to the radiation problem after providing their own solutions to the military problem. Subjects were able to retrieve the story from memory and use it to generate an analogous solution, even when the critical story had been memorized in the context of two distractor stories (Experiment IV). However, when no hint to consider the story was given, frequency of analogous solutions decreased markedly. This decrease in transfer occurred when the story analogy was presented in a recall task along with distractor stories (Experiment IV), when it was presented alone, and when it was presented in between two attempts to solve the problem (Experiment V). Component processes and strategic variations in analogical problem solving were discussed. Issues related to noticing analogies and accessing them in memory were also examined, as was the relationship of analogical reasoning to other cognitive tasks.  相似文献   
Using psychoanalytic theory, the author explains how a woman came to devote herself to a man's group that conceived of itself as the New Kingdom of God. He refers to notes from counseling sessions with the woman, Jane, and to excerpts from the book,T, which is an autobiography of the group's leader, Thomas. The author compares their ego profiles as measured on ego assessment scales and argues that this allows us to see how Thomas gained his charismatic status.  相似文献   
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