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Both response-contingent withdrawal of a visual reinforcement and response-contingent presentation of an aversive stimulus (loud noise) were found to be effective in suppressing toe-sucking in a young rhesus monkey.  相似文献   
Compared to controls, children who were diagnosed as victims of Nonaccidental Trauma or Failure to Thrive had depressed Bayley Scale Mental Index scores, p < .002and p < .0001, respecitvely. Failure-to-Thrive children also had depressed Bayley Scale Motor Index scores, p < .0001. Nonaccidental-Trauma children had Mental and Motor Scale range scores, as determined by differences between basal and ceiling items on the Mental and Motor scales, that were a function of measured Mental and Motor Index Scores. Specifically, Nonaccidental-Trauma children with lower Mental Index scores had higher Mental Scale range scores than Nonaccidental-Trauma children with higher Mental Index scores, p < .003. Control children had Mental Scale range scores that did not differ between the high-low Mental Index score conditions. On the Motor Scale, range scores of Nonaccidental-Trauma children in the highlow Motor Index score conditions did not differ. However, children with higher Motor Index scores had higher Motor Scale range scores than control children with lower Motor Index scores, p < .02. In addition, the Infant Behavior Record of the Bayley Scales revealed behavior ratings of Nonaccidental-Trauma and Failure-to-Thrive children that differed from Mental and Motor Scale scores on several dimensions. These differences may reflect differential effects of the Nonaccidental-Trauma and Failureto-Thrive conditions.This study was supported in part by Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Office of Child Development Grant OCD-CB-371. We wish to acknowledge the advice and encouragement of Roger V. Cadol, director, Developmental Evaluation Center of Denver General Hospital, and Michael J. Fitch, director, Child Study Project. A portion of this article was read at the American Association on Mental Deficiency Region IV Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 2, 1975.  相似文献   
Etude interculturelle de la notion de responsabilité. — Le but de cette recherche est de comparer quel est le degré de responsabilité attribué à une personne par des enfants de trois nationalités différentes : Cuba, Porto Rico, USA. Dans chaque pays, quatre échantillons ont été constitués selon l'âge : 7–8, 9–10, 11–13 et 16–18 ans. Les enfants répondent à un questionnaire composé de 40 courtes histoires dans lesquelles on a fait varier : 1) la part prise par la personne dans la causalité des événements (5 degrés : simple association, implication directe, prévision, intention, justification); 2) la nature, bonne ou mauvaise, des conséquences; 3) l'importance, grande ou faible, des conséquences. Les résultats montrent que les degrés de causalité, la nature et l'importance des conséquences affectent grandement le niveau de responsabilité attribué, à tous les âges et dans les trois pays; on observe également des interactions significatives entre ces variables. Conformément à l'hypothèse, le degré de responsabilité attribué croît avec l'intentionalité et décroît avec la justification; il est généralement plus élevé lorsque les conséquences sont plus importantes et, de même, lorsque les conséquences sont néfastes. Cependant, les interactions significatives qu'on peut observer indiquent que Peffet de chacune des variables est, à quelque degré, influencé par les deux autres. La nationalité entraîne un effet global significatif pour un seul âge; mais elle est en interaction avec les variables liées à la causalité et aux conséquences dans tous les groupes. En général, les sujets latins (Cubains et Portoricains) font des distinctions plus fines que les Américains entre les degrés de causalité lorsque les conséquences sont bénéfiques; ceci est particulierement apparent pour les sujets les plus jeunes. II est difficile d'interpréter les différences entre nationalités : la meilleure explication reléve sans doute des différences dans les relations familiales et dans la maniere d'élever les enfants.  相似文献   
Two experiments were conducted to examine behavioral consequences of a sense of time urgency, which presumably characterizes individuals classified as manifesting a so-called “Type A” coronary-prone behavior pattern. Experiment I indicated that time-urgent Type A Ss were reliably less successful than noncoronary-prone “Type Bs” in performing a task requiring a low rate of response for reinforcement (DRL). Type As were not only unable to delay their responses; they also showed greater evidence of tension and hyperactivity than Type Bs during DRL performance. Experiment II extended these results to the interpersonal domain. Time-urgent Ss became more impatient and irritated than less urgent Ss when both types were systematically slowed down in their efforts to reach a solution on a joint decision-making task. The results were discussed in terms of a conceptualization of the A-B dimension as reflecting differential expectations of and needs for environmental control. Additional evidence was presented in support of this approach. Consideration was also given to possible physiologic mechanisms mediating the relationship between psychological variables such as the Type A pattern and actual occurrence of coronary heart disease.  相似文献   
In the course of two experimentss groups of kindergarten, second, fourth, sixth grade and college students received several discrimination problems. Each trial with feedback was followed by a series of blank trials, which served as a probe for S's hypothesis. Ss responded systematically during the blank trials on about 90% of the probes. Beginning at the second grade they typically showed characteristic hypothesis-testing behavior, viz., keeping confirmed hypotheses, rejecting those disconfirmed, etc.  相似文献   
This paper demonstrates that Herzl's development of political Zionism was largely a reflection of his improved mastery of Oedipal dangers. Before his Zionism, he had been a total assimilationist. This was manifested in the nature of his disdainful attitude towards the Jewish masses and in idealization of selected non-Jews, as well as in his conflicted Jewish identity. In his thirties, various external events undermined the assimilationist approach; other events, plus ego maturation, allowed a more effective mastery of Oedipal dangers. Thus, he was able to react more appropriately and creatively to intensifying anti-Semitism by developing Zionism that reflected increased honor, manliness, and reconciliation.  相似文献   
This study was designed to check for the equivalence of the ZKPQ-50-CC (Spanish and French versions) through Internet on-line (OL) and paper and pencil (PP) answer format. Differences in means and deviations were significant in some scales, but effect sizes are minimal except for Sociability in the Spanish sample. Alpha reliabilities are also very similar in both versions with no significant differences between formats. A robust factorial structure was found for the two formats and the average congruency coefficients were 0.98. The goodness-of-fit indexes obtained by confirmatory factorial analysis are very similar to those obtained in the ZKPQ-50-CC validation study and they do not differ between the two formats. The multi-group analysis confirms the equivalence among the OL–PP formats in both countries. These results in general support the validity and reliability of the Internet as a method in investigations using the ZKPQ-50-CC.  相似文献   
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