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We compared the effects of three types of visual aid on free recall across three age groups in an eyewitness paradigm. Child, adolescent and adult participants (N = 144) viewed a short film depicting a non‐violent crime and, following a brief delay, gave a free‐recall account. Participants then described the event once again, with the aid of their own sketch plan, a provided sketch plan or photograph, or with no visual aid. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and coded for the type and accuracy of information reported. Across all age groups, relative to the control condition, all three visual aids increased the amount of new information reported during the second free‐recall account and helped participants to maintain accuracy. All three visual aids therefore had a positive effect on participants' performance; in a forensic setting, however, witnesses' own sketch plans are likely to be the safest, most easily applied and most time effective.Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of a stress management intervention designed to reduce affective distress in 79 student nurses who previously reported significant distress, was evaluated by comparing stress management with wait-list control. The intervention had reliable, positive effects on affective outcomes including General Health Questionnaire-30, State and Trait Anxiety Inventory, Beck Depression Inventory, and a measure of domestic satisfaction. The intervention also led to an increase in Direct Coping use.

State Anxiety immediately preceding two important examinations, i.e. at 3 and 18 month follow-up, was lower for students receiving stress management. However, no effect was detected on sickness, absence and examination performance following this intervention. Stress management delivered in groups reduces affective distress and increases adaptive coping use in both clinical and academic settings.  相似文献   
When using precision grip to pick up objects, there are many possible pairs of grasp points that permit the thumb and index finger to exert opposed forces for secure grip. Previously, it was shown that individuals select grasp points so that the line between them (grasp axis) passes through or near the center of mass (CoM), thus minimizing the torque around the grasp axis during lifting. The accuracy of grasp axis selection depended on object spatial symmetry, indicating the importance of vision. The authors investigated how grasp point selection is influenced by haptic as well as visual information. Ten participants lifted cuboids whose CoM was located either symmetrically in the geometric center or asymmetrically toward one end. Results for the asymmetric cuboid revealed that grasp points migrated toward the asymmetric CoM from the geometric center. This was more pronounced in the presence of visual cues that reliably indicated the location of CoM. The results suggest that grasp point selection is influenced by a multimodal representation of CoM.  相似文献   
In the summer of 1996, the author visited the source of the 'Toronto Blessing', spending many hours and several days at meetings of the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship and talking with adherents and participants. Conducting ethnographic research through the lens of pilgrimage, the study explored the work of the fellowship and assessed its popularity within the context of contemporary revivalism. The study was published (Percy, "Morphology") and concentrated on the distinctive romantic grammar of assent that formed the theological construction of reality for participants. The article concluded with the observation that the 'success' of the fellowship was likely to be short-lived. In the autumn of 2002, the author returned to the fellowship to conduct further research and specifically to examine the nature of atrophy in a charismatic movement. After the millennium and with many failed predictions of global revival, how did the fellowship cope with its own declining numbers and a withering international support-base, with its unfulfilled hopes, and with the non-reification of its visions? Using the theoretical framework of James Hopewell (drawn from the field of Congregational Studies), the research suggests that this charismatic fellowship persists in being adaptive, in spite of the obvious loss of its popularity and influence, continuing to offer a viable spiritual resource within global revivalism that emphasises the importance of romantic (spiritual) adventure.  相似文献   
This study used a sample of 314 British athletes (170 male, 144 female) to examine whether social-contextual and personal motivation variables proposed by self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 2002 Deci, E. L. and Ryan, R. M. 2002. Handbook of self-determination research, Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press.  [Google Scholar]) can predict reported levels of sportspersonship and antisocial moral attitudes in sport. Structural equation modeling analysis showed that perceptions of coach autonomy support were positive predictors of athletes’ satisfaction of their psychological needs for competence, relatedness, and autonomy. In turn, the three needs were positive predictors of autonomous motivation. Autonomous motivation positively predicted sportspersonship and negatively predicted antisocial moral attitudes in sport. The opposite pattern of results was observed between controlled motivation and the sportspersonship and antisocial moral attitudes variables. The findings emphasize the importance of autonomy supportive environments, psychological need satisfaction, and autonomous motivation for fostering sportspersonship in sport.  相似文献   
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