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Poor handwriting is a diagnostic criterion for developmental coordination disorder. Typical of poor handwriting is its low overall quality and the high variability of the spatial characteristics of the letters, usually assessed with a subjective handwriting scale. Recently, Dynamic Time Warping (DTW), a technique originally developed for speech recognition, was introduced for pattern recognition in handwriting. The present study evaluates its application to analyze poor handwriting. Forty children attending Dutch mainstream primary schools were recruited and based on their scores on the Concise Evaluation Scale for Children's Handwriting (Dutch abbreviation: BHK), 20 good and 20 poor writers (of whom 13 were scheduled for handwriting intervention) were identified. The groups were matched for age (7-9 years), school grade (grades 2 and 3) and handedness. The children subsequently wrote sequences of the letter "a" on a graphics tablet in three conditions (normal, fast, and accurate). Classical kinematics were obtained and for each individual letter DTW was used to calculate the distance from the mean shape. The DTW data revealed much higher variability in the letter forms of the poor writers that was independent of the kinematic results of larger trajectories, faster movements, and higher pen pressure. The current results suggest that DTW is a valid and objective technique for letter-form analysis in handwriting and may hence be useful to evaluate the rehabilitation treatments of children suffering from poor handwriting. In education research it may be exploited to explore how children (should) learn to write.  相似文献   
We examined patterns of trait similarity (assortative mating) in married couples in four cultures, using both self-reports and spouse ratings on versions of the Revised NEO Personality Inventory. There was evidence of a subtle but pervasive perceived contrast bias in the spouse-rating data. However, there was strong agreement across methods of assessment and moderate agreement across cultures in the pattern of results. Most assortment effects were small, but correlations exceeding .40 were seen for a subset of traits, chiefly from the Openness and Agreeableness domains. Except in Russia, where more positive assortment was seen for younger couples, comparisons of younger and older cohorts showed little systematic difference. This suggested that mate selection, rather than convergence over time, accounted for similarity. Future research on personality similarity in dyads can utilize different designs but should assess personality at both domain and the facet levels.  相似文献   
ASTEF: A simple tool for examining fixations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In human factors and ergonomics research, the analysis of eye movements has gained popularity as a method for obtaining information concerning the operator's cognitive strategies and for drawing inferences about the cognitive state of an individual. For example, recent studies have shown that the distribution of eye fixations is sensitive to variations in mental workload---dispersed when workload is high, and clustered when workload is low. Spatial statistics algorithms can be used to obtain information about the type of distribution and can be applied over fixations recorded during small epochs of time to assess online changes in the level of mental load experienced by the individuals. In order to ease the computation of the statistical index and to encourage research on the spatial properties of visual scanning, A Simple Tool for Examining Fixations has been developed. The software application implements functions for fixation visualization, management, and analysis, and includes a tool for fixation identification from raw gaze point data. Updated information can be obtained online at www.astef.info, where the installation package is freely downloadable.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to empirically assess the reliability of the plan formulation method for couples, a procedure for formulating the case, planning, and monitoring the couple therapies according to control-mastery theory. We hypothesized that when couples are looking for couple therapy, they have an unconscious couple’s plan for the therapy, which includes the couple’s goals; the pathogenic beliefs that the partners want to disprove; the traumas from which these beliefs originated and that the partners want to master; the vicious relational circles that make the couple suffer and that the couple wants to break; the virtuous relational circles that are expressions of the couple’s resources and that the couple wants to fuel; and the relational insights that may help the couple get better. Our study involved 15 couples treated by four experienced therapists. Four raters independently formulated each couple’s plan based on the first three sessions following a standard procedure, and we calculated the intraclass correlation for pooled judges’ ratings. For a subsample of three couples—who before and after treatment had completed the dyadic adjustment scale (DAS) and the outcome questionnaire-45.2 (OQ-45.2)—the compatibility of the therapists’ interventions with the couples’ and partners’ plans was assessed. The relationship between the ratings of compatibility, DAS and OQ-45.2, was assessed. The results showed excellent interjudge reliability for each couple’s plan formulation (average ICC?=?0.82), attesting to the validity of the procedure; and preliminary data on the therapeutic process suggested that therapists’ interventions compatible with couple’s plans could help partners achieve good outcomes.

Zusammenfassung Die Autorin gibt zun?chst einen kurzen überblick über die bisherige Analyseabbruchsliteratur seit Freuds berühmter Dora-Analyse. Sie beschreibt die Ver?nderung des Blicks auf Behandlungsabbrüche im Kontext der theoretischen und behandlungstechnischen Entwicklungen und hebt hervor, dass die unvermeidlich erfolgenden Verstrickungen von Analytikern mit ihren Patienten bei realen Abbrüchen oder Abbruchsdrohungen heute eher als wichtiges Material und nicht mehr nur als „Kunstfehler“ verstanden und entsprechend weniger scham- sowie schuldhaft erlebt und durchgearbeitet werden k?nnen. Es folgt ein Fallbericht über die schwierige Analyse einer jungen Erwachsenen, die einerseits beharrlich an ihrem destruktiven Agieren auf der Basis ihres narzisstischen Universums und ihrer ?dipalen Verstrickungen festhielt. Andererseits war sie mit aufrichtigem Erkenntnisinteresse dazu bereit, die dramatischen “enactments” zwischen sich und ihrer Analytikerin (re)konstruktiv zu verstehen und sich auf ihren immer wieder bedrohlichen Entwicklungsprozess einzulassen. Anhand von mehreren (über den gesamten Behandlungsverlauf verteilten) Abbruchsinszenierungen beschreibt die Autorin, wie sich über das beharrliche und konkrete Durcharbeiten dieser Szenen mit der Zeit schrittweise ein tieferes Verst?ndnis für deren Sinn und eine Milderung der Wucht der negativen Affekte herstellen lie?en. Den besonderen Akzent bei ihrer Behandlungsführung setzt die Autorin auf die Arbeit an und in der unmittelbaren übertragungsbeziehung zwischen sich und ihrer jungen Patientin: Diese forderte ihre Analytikerin immer wieder heraus, einerseits „Farbe zu bekennen“ und dabei gleichzeitig ihre analytische Professionalit?t verl?sslich aufrechtzuerhalten. Dieser behandlungstechnisch komplizierte Balanceakt zwischen Scheitern und Chance wird n?her beschrieben.
Breaking-off-enactments between failure and chance
Abstract First, an overview of the literature about the breaking off of analyses since Freud's famous Dora case is given. Subsequently, a since then changed view of breakoffs of treatments is presented, derived from new developments in theory and technique of treatment. The inevitable entanglements of analysts and patients in case of breakoffs or threats of breaking off are seen, therefore, nowadays rather as important analytic material instead of viewing it as “malpractice”. They are less loaded with guilt and shame and so easier to work through. A case study is then presented about the difficult analysis of a young adult woman, who on the one side was tenaciously clinging to her destructive acting-outs rooting in her narcissistic universe and her oedipal entanglements. But on the other side she had a genuine interest in getting (re)constructive awareness about the dramatic enactments between herself and her analyst and to engage in a developmental process which had for her again and again a menacing quality. The author describes several breakoff-enactments in the course of this analysis, occuring at different times along the whole treatment, and how their consistent and concrete working through gradually led to a deeper understanding of their meaning and to a moderating of the vehemence of negative affects. The author's emphasize in her treatment was put especially on the work in the transference relationship: the patient challenged the analyst repeatedly on the one side to “come clean” and at the same time to maintain reliably the professional analytic attitude. This complex balancing act between failure and chance is described in detail.

überarbeitete und erweiterte Fassung eines Vortrags im Dezember 2006 anl?sslich der Ernennung zur DGPT-Lehranalytikerin, gehalten vor der „Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Integrative Psychoanalyse, Psychotherapie und Psychosomatik Hamburg“ (APH). Ich danke Josef Hauphoff, Peter Fürstenau und Helmut Junker für ihre konstruktiven fachlichen Anregungen.  相似文献   
While bimanual interference effects can be observed when symbolic cues indicate the parameter values of simultaneous reaching movements, these effects disappear under conditions in which the target locations of two movements are cued directly. The present study investigates the generalizability of these target-location cuing benefits to conditions in which symbolic cues are used to indicate target locations (i.e., the end points of bimanual movements). Participants were asked to move to two of four possible target locations, being located either at the same and different distances (Experiment 1), or in the same and different directions (Experiment 2). Circles and crosses served as symbolic target-location cues and were arranged in a symmetric or non-symmetric fashion over the four target locations. Each trial was preceded by a variable precuing interval. Results revealed faster initiation times for equivalent as compared to non-equivalent target locations (same vs. different cues). Moreover, the time course of prepartion suggests that this effect is in fact due to target-equivalence and not to cue-similarity. Bimanual interference relative to movement parameter values was not observed. These findings suggest that cuing target locations can dominate potential intermanual interference effects during the concurrent programming of different movement parameter values.  相似文献   
When two sequential targets (T1, T2) are inserted in an RSVP stream of distractors, perception of T2 is impaired at intertarget lags shorter than 700 msec. Paradoxically, this deficit disappears when T2 is presented directly after T1 (lag-1 sparing). Visser, Bischof, and Di Lollo (1999) found that lag-1 sparing occurs only when T1 and T2 are presented in the same stream. In contrast, Shih (2000) obtained lag-1 sparing with targets insepa-rate streams. Four experiments addressed this inconsistency and revealed lag-1 sparing with targets in different streams, but only when observers had no foreknowledge of T1's location. We hypothesized that when T1 location is known, attention is focused narrowly on that stream; if T2 then appears in the other stream it is missed, and lag-1 sparing does not occur. When T1 location is not known, attention is focused broadly, encompassing both streams, and lag-1 sparing ensues.  相似文献   
The results of an exploratory national study carried out in Italy using Osgood's Semantic Differential Scales (Osgood, Suci, & Tannenbaum, 1957) with parents of 100 normal 6- to 11-yr.-old children in mainstream classrooms are reported. The aim was to devise a simple tool to be used to explore parents' perceptions of their children in this age group. Parents were asked to rate "my child" using some of Osgood's Semantic Differential Scales especially adapted for this study. Participants were 97 fathers and 100 mothers. Fathers were 32 to 57 years of age (M = 43.2, SD = 5.4), mothers were 29 to 49 years of age (M = 39.7, SD =4.4). In factor analysis four factors were identified: Activity, Evaluation, Emotions evoked by the child, Personality/Physical contact. Average factor scores were significantly different. There were no significant differences between fathers and mothers on the four factor scores. Children were more positively evaluated the younger they were.  相似文献   
In an inhibition of return (IOR) paradigm, we used a threshold-tracking procedure combined with backward masking to measure the speed of perceptual processing in IOR independent of motoric factors. Instead of the conventional reaction time measure, this procedure yielded the critical exposure duration (DURc) that is required in order for a target to be identified reliably before the onset of a trailing mask. In Experiment 1, the facilitation effects conventionally found at short cue—target onset asynchrony (CTOA) were evidenced by shorter values of DURc at cued relative to uncued locations. Conversely, the retardation effects conventionally found at long CTOA were evidenced by correspondingly longer values of DURc. In Experiment 2, the DURc results strongly suggest that the directional reading bias previously observed in IOR studies is due, at least in part, to perceptual rather than motoric factors.  相似文献   
Inhibitory interneurons are coupled by electrical and inhibitory synapses and exert a powerful control of the discharges of principal cells. In this paper, the transmission properties of excitatory synaptic inputs by a network of interneurons, are studied by using a computational approach. It is shown that both the rise and decay time constants, describing the time course of the excitatory synaptic inputs, have a strong effect on the output jitter of the fired spikes. Similar results were found by changing the values of the other parameters describing the network. Lastly, it is shown that the presence of the electrical coupling between interneurons confers to the network the capability of transmitting, with less temporal spread, the timing information contained in its inputs.  相似文献   
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