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The ability to attribute mental states to others is crucial for social competency. To assess mentalizing abilities, in false-belief tasks participants attempt to identify an actor's belief about an object's location as opposed to the object's actual location. Passing this test on explicit measures is typically achieved by 4 years of age, but recent eye movement studies reveal registration of others' beliefs by 7 to 15 months. Consequently, a 2-path mentalizing system has been proposed, consisting of a late developing, cognitively demanding component and an early developing, implicit/automatic component. To date, investigations on the implicit system have been based on single-trial experiments only or have not examined how it operates across time. In addition, no study has examined the extent to which participants are conscious of the belief states of others during these tasks. Thus, the existence of a distinct implicit mentalizing system is yet to be demonstrated definitively. Here we show that adults engaged in a primary unrelated task display eye movement patterns consistent with mental state attributions across a sustained temporal period. Debriefing supported the hypothesis that this mentalizing was implicit. It appears there indeed exists a distinct implicit mental state attribution system.  相似文献   
Enhancements to the Micro Experimental Laboratory (MEL) and the ways in which they facilitate development of psychological experiments are discussed in this paper. New procedures are described for (1) presenting and manipulating pictorial graphics, (2) inputting response box, voice key, joystick, digitized speech, and mouse responses, (3) outputting lights, speech, and tone stimuli, (4) editing and analyzing digitized speech, and (5) implementing multitask processing. Methods for extending the language, developing test batteries, sequencing subjects, and managing and analyzing data are described.  相似文献   
Of 778 gay and bisexual men (none with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome [AIDS]), 27% (n = 212) reported suicidal ideation over the previous 6 months. Covariance structure models were used to explore predictors of suicide intent among (n = 112) suicide ideators with (n = 100) and without (n = 112) human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Current AIDS-related stressors (deaths and illnesses and perceived AIDS risk) and past levels of adaptive functioning (social isolation and depression) were significantly more powerful predictors of suicide intent among HIV-positive than among HIV-negative ideators. Biological AIDS risk predicted neither suicide intent, current distress, nor perceived AIDS risk. Pathways to suicide intent appear to be psychologically, rather than biologically, mediated. Among HIV-positive ideators, AIDS-related death and illness events predicted suicide intent but not current distress symptoms. Some suicidal ideation in response to AIDS-related events may be an effort to cope rather than a manifestation of psychological distress.  相似文献   
The present research experimentally evaluated whether exposure to Barack Obama, a positive counter-stereotypic exemplar, can result in a decrease in implicit anti-Black prejudice among non-Black participants. In order to undo any existing influence of exposure to Obama, we first exposed some participants to negative Black exemplars. Participants were assigned to one of three conditions where they were exposed subtly to negative Black exemplars, to negative Black exemplars and then Obama, or to neutral X's (i.e., control). Participants who were only primed with negative Black exemplars showed more implicit negativity toward Black people compared to the control group. Participants exposed to the same negative Black exemplars and then Obama showed a decrease in implicit racial bias levels compared to those in the negative exemplar only condition, providing experimental evidence that exposure to Obama can decrease implicit racial bias levels. These findings indicate that even subtle exposure to a positive, counter-stereotypic exemplar can reduce implicit prejudice.  相似文献   
Mental health has long been defined as the absence of psychopathologies, such as depression and anxiety. The absence of mental illness, however, is a minimal outcome from a psychological perspective on lifespan development. This article therefore focuses on mental illness as well as on three core components of positive mental health: feelings of happiness and satisfaction with life (emotional well-being), positive individual functioning in terms of self-realization (psychological well-being), and positive societal functioning in terms of being of social value (social well-being). The two continua model holds that mental illness and mental health are related but distinct dimensions. This model was studied on the basis of a cross-sectional representative internet survey of Dutch adults (N = 1,340; 18–87 years). Mental illness was measured with the Brief Symptom Inventory and mental health with the Mental Health Continuum Short Form. It was found that older adults, except for the oldest-old, scored lower on psychopathological symptoms and were less likely to be mentally ill than younger adults. Although there were fewer age differences for mental health, older adults experienced more emotional, similar social and slightly lower psychological well-being. In sum, today’s older adults have fewer mental illness problems, but they are not in a better positive mental health than today’s younger adults. These findings support the validity of the two continua model in adult development.  相似文献   
After presenting basic prevention concepts, preventive and rehabilitative tasks and initiatives in work places will be presented. It is pointed out that especially the promotion of psychosocial resources both at individual and organizational levels is a central issue in prevention. As the next step the basic principles of health management are described and relevant psychosocial topics and procedures are outlined. The different elements of a systematic process of health management and the implementation and evaluation of procedures are shown. It is demonstrated that such developments can only have a chance in an enterprise if they have quality assurance and are supported by all important protagonists of the organization. This is especially true concerning the management, because without their acceptance of such measures it is not possible to implement them.  相似文献   
A client's emotional experiences and reactions to those experiences are influenced by his/her family of origin and direct or indirect interactions with various family members. Contextual therapists propose that a client's satisfaction with a relationship depends on the equity of his/her emotional interactions with family members. When relationships are inequitable, trust between individuals disintegrates. In order to reestablish trust in a relationship, a balance of interests must be restored. If not, imbalances may be passed down to future generations. A case of a woman with a family history of ovarian cancer is reviewed with the principles of contextual therapy in mind. In her family, several legacies have resulted in unbalanced relationships between family members that lead to difficulty in establishing trust within the genetic counseling session.  相似文献   
This research examines how the major phenomena of visual search for single characters generalize to word search and word-category search. Experiment 1 examined word and category visual search when the target and distractor sets had a varied mapping (VM) across trials. Reaction time was a linear function of the number of comparisons with a positive slope of 48 msec per word, 92 msec per category. The VM reaction time data indicated a self-terminating comparison process, and there was little or no improvement with practice. Experiment 2 examined search with a consistent mapping (CM) between targets and distractors. Category search slope dropped to 2 msec, and the function became nonlinear. Word search slope dropped to 18 msec, but the function became nonlinear. Word search slope dropped to 18 msec, but the function was still linear. Experiment 3 examined category detection carried out concurrently with serial recall of digits, allowing assessment of search performance under high workload. High workload caused a severe performance reduction in VM category search, and this decrement did not decrease with practice. High workload reduced initial performance in CM category search, but this decrement was eliminated with practice. The present category search results are similar to previous letter search results. Four principles of search are discussed in the context of a theory of automatic/control processing.  相似文献   
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