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Two experiments investigated whether motion metaphors for time affected the perception of spatial motion. Participants read sentences either about literal motion through space or metaphorical motion through time written from either the ego-moving or object-moving perspective. Each sentence was followed by a cartoon clip. Smiley-moving clips showed an iconic happy face moving toward a polygon, and shape-moving clips showed a polygon moving toward a happy face. In Experiment 1, using an explicit judgment task, participants judged smiley-moving cartoons as related to ego-moving sentences about space and about time, and shape-moving cartoons as related to object-moving sentences. In Experiment 2, participants viewed the same stimuli, but the cartoons were task-irrelevant. Event-related brain potentials revealed an early attentional effect of congruity on cartoons following sentences about space, and a later semantic effect on cartoons following sentences about time. Results are most consistent with accounts that posit differences in the processing of novel and conventional metaphors.  相似文献   
Following the shootings at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999, the Denver Psychoanalytic Society provided both immediate and long-term interventions to those closely impacted by the tragedy. In this effort, analytically trained volunteers faced many personal challenges and role adjustments. To address these issues a reflective study group was formed twenty months after the traumatic event. Group discussions revealed a surprising number of residual symptoms from secondary trauma, as well as opportunities for shared coping among analysts. Little has been written about the very human and subjective responses of analysts in such circumstances. These experiences may be helpful to others in today's world of terrorism and unexpected violent events.  相似文献   
Embodied cognition accounts posit that concepts are grounded in our sensory and motor systems. An important challenge for these accounts is explaining how abstract concepts, which do not directly call upon sensory or motor information, can be informed by experience. We propose that metaphor is one important vehicle guiding the development and use of abstract concepts. Metaphors allow us to draw on concrete, familiar domains to acquire and reason about abstract concepts. Additionally, repeated metaphoric use drawing on particular aspects of concrete experience can result in the development of new abstract representations. These abstractions, which are derived from embodied experience but lack much of the sensorimotor information associated with it, can then be flexibly applied to understand new situations.  相似文献   
In her recent book, Violence and the Philosophical Imaginary (2012), Ann Murphy suggests that the philosophical imaginary, in particular that of contemporary continental philosophy, is imbued with images of violence (2012, 117). The concept of the philosophical imaginary is drawn from the work of Michèle Le D?uff to explore the role of images of violence in philosophy. Murphy sets the language of violence, reflexivity, and critique against that of vulnerability, ambiguity and responsibility. Her concern is that images of violence have become and may become more ‘neutralised, domesticated or eroticised’ in objectionable ways (2012, 3). There is no doubt Murphy has isolated and highlighted a striking feature of the continental imaginary in a clear and thoughtful way. My paper takes Murphy’s argument further by elaborating a Le D?uffian argument that theorises the reversal of priority from violent language to the violence of language. I take Murphy’s injunction for attention and sensitivity seriously by examining the language of violence and exposing that which is unfamiliar, what has become incorporated and what is revealed by the language that is used. The language of the third Reich and the language of the Rwandan genocide will be briefly compared to demonstrate these points. Our responsibility is to recognise the use of euphemism and metaphor to sometimes cover and sometimes blatantly advertise the horrifying truth. The focus on violence in philosophical language can lead us away from the violence of genocidal language and other violent language that philosophers, like all responsible people, are called to witness.  相似文献   
Large depletion of brain 5 HT has been shown to induce mouse-killing behavior in the rat. Selective lesions of the raphe nuclei have been investigated in order to determine whether the various components of the 5 HT system exert some specific control over this aggressive behavior. Electrolytic lesions of the dorsal or the median raphe nucleus do not induce mouse killing, whereas combined lesions of these nuclei elicit this behavior in about 40% of naive rats. Consequently, it appears that serotonergic neurons originating in the dorsal and median raphe nuclei work synergistically in mediating inhibitory control over mouse-killing behavior. Loco-motor activity is increased in novel environments by each of the selective lesions and to a larger extent by combined raphe lesions; 24 hours activity in resting conditions is unchanged during the light period, and increased during the dark period of the daily cycle by the various lesions. As it has been shown previously that hyper-activity in response to novelty following raphe lesions is not directly related to the 5 HT decrease in the brain, it appears that interspecific aggression and motor responsiveness must not be dependent on the same neural substrate within the raphe nuclei. The raphe lesions do not facilitate the elicitation of mouse killing by further olfactory bulb ablations, in contrast to earlier results where bulbectomy facilitated the induction of this behavior by raphe lesions.  相似文献   
The effect of bigram cues on the solution of five-letter monosyllabic and bisyllabic solution-word anagrams was investigated. This was accomplished through the construction of anagrams with and without solution-word bigrams for both monosyllable and bisyllable words. The results revealed that the monosyllabic words were significantly easier to solve when bigram cues were provided, but that there was no difference between the two types of words when bigram cues were not present in the anagrams. Furthermore, no advantage was observed in the solution of bisyllable words even when the bigram in the anagram was also a syllable of the solution word. It was concluded that the facilitating effect of a bigram cue seems to be peculiar to monosyllabic words, and that the result appears to be a function of an initial solution process that favors a single-syllable response.  相似文献   
Figure drawings were obtained from 97 preadolescent males who differed in self and behavioral assessments of self-esteem. These subjects had been selected from a much larger sample and represented five different types of self-esteem. The figure drawings were scored for 15 variables, dealing with formal characteristics, content, and global-interpretations of the total drawings. Five significant differences were obtained, with the content and global-interpretative categories proving more differentiating between self-esteem groups than did the formal characteristics. Behavioral expressions of self-esteem were more associated with figure drawing characteristics than were subjective evaluations. Discussion focuses on the nature of self-concept and self-esteem in children as a sensorimotor rather than symbolic expression.  相似文献   
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