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Poor performance in pressure-filled situations, or "choking under pressure," has largely been explained by two different classes of theories. Distraction theories propose that choking occurs because attention needed to perform the task at hand is coopted by task-irrelevant thoughts and worries. Explicit monitoring theories claim essentially the opposite-that pressure prompts individuals to attend closely to skill processes in a manner that disrupts execution. Although both mechanisms have been shown to occur in certain contexts, it is unclear when distraction and/or explicit monitoring will ultimately impact performance. The authors propose that aspects of the pressure situation itself can lead to distraction and/or explicit monitoring, differentially harming skills that rely more or less on working memory and attentional control. In Experiments 1-2, it is shown that pressure that induces distraction (involving performance-contingent outcomes) hurts rule-based category learning heavily dependent on attentional control. In contrast, pressure that induces explicit monitoring of performance (monitoring by others) hurts information-integration category learning thought to run best without heavy demands on working memory and attentional control. In Experiment 3, the authors leverage knowledge about how specific types of pressure impact performance to design interventions to eliminate choking. Finally, in Experiment 4, the selective effects of monitoring-pressure are replicated in a different procedural-based task: the serial reaction time task. Skill failure (and success) depends in part on how the performance environment influences attention and the extent to which skill execution depends on explicit attentional control.  相似文献   
This study investigated whether measures of infant temperament, regulatory disorders, and physiological reactivity and concurrent measures of family environment were predictors of child behavior problems at 54 months of age. The sample consisted of 23 children–mother dyads. The sample recruitment strategy emphasized testing both typical and fussy/difficult infants at 9 months of age. Children were categorized into low and high behavioral problem groups at 54 months of age. The children in the high behavioral problem group were more likely at 9 months to have been temperamentally difficult, to have been classified as regulatory disordered, and to have displayed respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) regulation difficulties. These children also were more likely to come from families described as less cohesive and providing less focus on active/recreational activities when the children were 54 months old. A logistic regression analysis, including only the 9‐month infant measures (i.e., difficultness, regulatory disorders classification, and RSA regulation), resulted in a significant model with 100.0% accurate classification into high or low behavioral problem groups. Data suggest that infant measures of behavioral and physiological state regulation may be early indicators of child behavior problems, especially internalizing problems.  相似文献   
Susan Darlow  Marci Lobel 《Sex roles》2010,63(11-12):833-843
Having one’s physical appearance scrutinized is a common experience for women. We examined 274 Northeastern American undergraduate women’s responses to having their appearance evaluated 1) by themselves or by another student, and 2) in comparison to the appearance of female peers or without comparison. As hypothesized, comparison to peers and evaluation by another predicted poorer views of the self and of one’s appearance, but only in conjunction with being overweight, endorsing thinness ideals, or their combination. Endorsement of thinness ideals and being overweight also independently predicted lower appearance state self-esteem. Few effects on mood were found. Results underscore the power of appearance evaluation to influence women’s self-perceptions, particularly in those whose appearance deviates from culturally prescribed standards of beauty.  相似文献   
Nuclear energy has received substantial recent attention, marketed as a ‘green’ solution to global climate change (GCC) with calls for new reactors. However, considerable debate exists about whether it represents a viable solution to GCC. Given the complexity and urgency of the issue, a full and balanced debate is desirable. Since media play an important role in shaping public perception, we examined print media coverage of proposed reactors in Georgia—one site in the southeastern United States, which has been the focus of such proposals. We analysed the content of editorials and news articles from two local newspapers—the Augusta Chronicle and Atlanta Journal‐Constitution. The former exclusively published pro‐nuclear opinion pieces whereas the latter published a mix of pro‐ and anti‐nuclear opinions. The majority of news articles in both newspapers generally presented balanced arguments. Pro‐ and anti‐nuclear arguments most often reflected economic and environmental benefits and risks, whereas informational text primarily detailed regulatory processes and financing. Findings suggested that informational text was not necessarily ‘neutral’, sometimes masking covert pro‐ and anti‐nuclear content. Implications for how findings might shape public opinion and strategies for shaping media and extending public deliberation are discussed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Three studies evaluated Tier 1 early intervention for handwriting at a critical period for literacy development in first grade and one study evaluated Tier 2 early intervention in the critical period between third and fourth grades for composing on high stakes tests. The results contribute to knowledge of research-supported handwriting and composing instruction that informs practice as school psychologists are empowered to embrace the role of intervention specialist. The first study found that neurodevelopmental training (orthographic-free motor activities and motor-free orthographic activities) led to improved accuracy and legibility of letter formation, but that direct handwriting instruction with visual cues and verbal mediation led to improved automatic handwriting (rate of writing legible letters) and transfer to improved word reading. The second study found that neither motor training nor orthographic training alone added value to direct instruction in automatic letter writing and composing practice in developing handwriting skills, which transferred to improved word reading; but the added motor training did improve performance on a grapho-motor planning task for sequential finger movements that is relevant to composing. A related analysis showed that direct instruction with visual cues and memory delays may reduce reversals. A third study found that adding handwriting to reading instruction improved handwriting but did not add value to reading outcomes for at risk readers; reading instruction alone was beneficial for word reading, decoding, and comprehension. The fourth study showed that comprehensive, explicit instruction in the processes of composition led to more significant improvement, based on group and individual data, than did the regular fourth grade program, on high stakes writing assessment.  相似文献   
Pregnancy is a momentous life event experienced by most women that involves biomedical and psychosocial changes that are potentially stressful. High levels of maternal stress in pregnancy contribute to adverse fetal, infant, child, and adult outcomes, including cognitive, emotional, neurodevelopmental, and physical health effects. This article discusses definition, measurement, and effects of stress in pregnancy and describes current research questions such as whether the timing or pattern of prenatal stress accentuates its effects and whether prenatal stress accounts for ethnic disparities in adverse birth outcomes in the United States. We review research on the ways that women cope with prenatal stress and research examining associations of coping with maternal emotional state, health, and birth outcomes. Additionally, we describe important factors that improve women's psychosocial adaptation to pregnancy, their health, and their birth outcomes, specifically trait optimism, social support, and physical activity, and we emphasize interventions that utilize these factors.  相似文献   
Three studies examined a hypothesized inhibition against exposing a lie. In Experiment 1, 21 men and 27 women were placed in conditions in which their nonexposure of another's lie resulted either in the risk of an experimenter's data being contaminated (impersonal consequence), or in the risk of the subject contracting pinkeye (personal consequence). Each person was given the opportunity to expose the lie, first in a group setting, and later in a private setting. Eighty-three percent of the subjects in the impersonal condition and 77% of the subjects in the personal condition failed to expose the lie. Experiment 2 explored the phenomenon further by assessing whether subjects not in the presence of individuals other than the liar would be more likely to confront the lie. As in Experiment 1, it was found that most subjects did not reveal the lie, regardless of consequence condition of setting. In Experiment 3, it was anticipated that objective self-awareness would interact with consequence information to produce more exposing behavior in the personal-consequence condition, but not in the impersonal condition. Results generally confirmed the hypothesis; a significant interaction of Consequence x Self-Awareness Condition was found.  相似文献   
Outperforming others, although privately satisfying, can be a source of interpersonal strain. This article presents the framework of a major form of outperformance-related distress, which we label sensitivity about being the target of a threatening upward comparison (STTUC). To become STTUC, an individual must believe that another person is making an upward comparison against the self and feels threatened by the contrast in status. The outperformer must also experience concern about some facet of the other's response, and this concern may be focused on the other, the self, or the relationship. In addition to offering new predictions about outperformance-related distress, the STTUC framework unites many previously disconnected findings on topics such as fear of success, envy, self-presentation, and self-evaluation maintenance.  相似文献   
Lobel  Thalma E.  Rothman  Gabriella  Abramovizt  Esther  Maayan  Ziva 《Sex roles》1999,41(7-8):577-587
The present study investigated the relationshipbetween deception and selfperception of traditionallymasculine and feminine characteristics. In the firststage of the study, 730 fifth and sixth graders (377 boys and 353 girls), all Jewish Israelis,completed an adapted form of the BSRI (Bem, 1974). Inthe second stage of the study, 154 boys were given threetypes of questionnaires, one consisting of questions dealing with traditionally masculine topics,the second with traditionally feminine topics, and thethird with neutral topics. Since most of the questionswere very difficult, participants faced failure, but were given an opportunity to deceive andpretend to know more than they really did. It was found,as predicted, that cross-sex males, i.e., those whoself-endorse a large amount of traditionally feminine characteristics and a small amount oftraditionally masculine characteristics, were a uniquegroup. They were the only group who deceived more on thegender-inconsistent than gender-consistent task. The other gender role groups deceived more on thegender-consistent task than on the gender-inconsistenttask, or equally on both tasks. The results arediscussed within the context of the debate over themeaning of self-endorsement of masculine and femininetraits.  相似文献   
This study investigated the relationships among attachment, personality style, and family interaction patterns. The results revealed that avoidant attachment style was associated with indirect affect expression as measured by somatic complaints, social isolation, family disengagement, and family conflict avoidance. Anxious/ambivalent style was associated with more overt expression of depression and anxiety. Family factors were not significantly related to either the anxious/ambivalent or secure styles. The implications and potential therapy benefits for use of attachment theory in family therapy and directions for future research are also addressed. Marci Leveridge, PhD, is a Licensed Health Service Provider and private practitioner in Oklahoma City. Cal Stoltenberg, PhD, is Professor, Counseling Psychology Program, University of Oklahoma, Department of Educational Psychology, 820 Van Vleet Oval, Room 321, Norman, OK 73019-2041 (cstoltenberg@ou.edu). Denise Beesley, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Counseling Psychology Program at the University of Oklahoma.  相似文献   
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