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Recently encoded information can be lost in the presence of new information, a process called 'retrograde interference'. Retrograde interference has been extensively described for more than a century; however, little is known about its underlying mechanisms. Different approaches agree on the need of the synthesis of plasticity related proteins (PRPs) to consolidate a long-term memory (LTM). Our hypothesis is that when PRPs are limited, interference of a task over LTM formation of another may be due to the utilization of protein resources common to both tasks. Here, by combining the tasks of inhibitory avoidance (IA) and open field (OF) exploration in rats, we show that memory traces compete for their stabilization if PRPs are limited. As a result, LTM is formed for only one of the tasks with a consequent decrease in the memory for the other. Furthermore, infusing Arc antisense oligonucleotide into the dorsal hippocampus, we found that Arc is necessary for LTM formation of these two types of learning tasks and is one of the PRPs that can be shared between them when animals are trained in both OF and IA. In sum, these findings suggest that under conditions of reduced protein availability, a learning task interferes with LTM formation of another by using the available PRPs.  相似文献   
Expressed emotion (EE) is considered a general predictor of poor outcome across a range of conditions, including eating disorders, and is valuable in measuring the effect of family interventions. There are no self-report questionnaires validated in Spanish to measure EE among relatives of patients with a psychiatric condition. The aim of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Level of Expressed Emotion scale (LEE) among relatives of eating disorder patients. A cross-sectional study of 270 relatives of patients with an eating disorder was conducted to examine the factor structure, reliability and validity of the LEE scale. Results indicated that the LEE-S (Spanish version) did not correspond to the a priori subscales described in the original version. The refined 45-item LEE-S scale consisted of four factors which explained 25.5% of variance in EE for relatives. Reliability was acceptable (alpha ranged from .73 to .86). The discriminant validity of the subscales was moderately supported by correlations with psychological distress (GHQ-12; rho = .34) and specific caregiving experience (EDSIS; rho = .39). The LEE-S instrument has adequate psychometric properties and may be of value to assess families at risk of a negative emotional climate at home.  相似文献   
Sexual attraction was considered a component of sexual orientation from the beginning of the second half of the 20th century to present times. However, some recent researchers have studied sexual attraction as an independent field measuring it by the Sexual Attraction Questionnaire (SAQ). This study analyzes sexual attraction through the SAQ in 400 university students from a Peruvian catholic university. These participants -191 women and 209 men- show a very diverse curricular background. The following hypotheses were tested: a) the structure of the SAQ, pointing out two concepts: attraction to men and attraction to women; b) the high inverse correlation between these two concepts or factors; c) the specific impact of this context in sexual attraction: higher percentage of attracted by none of the sexes and lower percentage of attracted to the opposite sex, in comparison with other contexts; and d) the Lippa prediction (2006, 2007), regarding a higher polarization of sexual attraction for men than for women. Results support the first three hypotheses. Clarifications are laid down with regard to the fourth one. Discussion focuses on theoretical and applied advantages of using the SAQ as opposed to the frequent use of a single item of sexual attraction for each sex.  相似文献   
Since modernity, the concept of subject supposes both an anthropocentric and a dualistic view of life and reality. In this study, we carry out an analytic interpretation of the Descartes’ notion of subject, in order to build a different dimension of the concept of subject. We discuss the activity of computing, as the manner by which the living subject relates with and in-forms the world. We further examine computing in the aging yeast as an example of living subject and we try to comprehend the maturity of the subjectivity in Descartes’ res cogitans and in our proposed res computans.  相似文献   

The basic unit of any cognitive model that attempts to describe individual knowledge and its manifestations must be chosen carefully, as the resulting position on learning, teaching and, in general, of the psychological research subject depends largely on this choice. The objective is to assess and contrast two constructs of enormous significance in cognitive psychology that have been used as cognitive units under different theoretical contexts: the concept in its classical sense, and the scheme in its organismic version. Arguments are presented to show that the latter is more consistent with constructivist assumptions and is more respectful of psychological data such as the Gestalt and prototype effects or the existence of procedural and implicit knowledge.  相似文献   

Sperber y Wilson (1986, 1987) ban propuesto un modelo psicológico que incorpora las implicaturas en los procesos pragmáticos de comprensión del lenguaje.

Los objetivos del trabajo eran: 1) Determinar empíricamente la realidad psicológica de las implicaturas conversacionales mediante un paradigma experimental nuevo; 2) Contrastar la hipótesis de Sperber y Wilson de que intervienen procesos lógicos en la comprensión no natural de interacciones lingüísticas.

A 120 sujetos se les presentaron dos conjuntos de estímulos lingüísticos: 32 interacciones conversacionales de pregunta-respuesta indirecta y 32 implicaturas que correspondían a las proposiciones lógicas a las que, supuestamente, deberían acceder para comprender las interacciones. Se medía el tiempo (en centésimas de segundo) que empleaban los sujetos en dar una respuesta de aceptación/rechazo a las interacciones y en verificar la veracidad o falsedad de las implicaturas.

Los resultados son favorables a la hipótesis de la realidad psicológica de las implicaturas conversacionales en la comprensión de las interacciones lingüísticas de carácter indirecto. Además, son compatibles con la hipótesis de que en tales procesos se efectúan funciones cognitivas de verificación, lo que constituye un apoyo empírico favorable al modelo de Sperber y Wilson (1986, 1987).  相似文献   

Durante la pasada década la psicología cognitiva ha estudiado profunda y extensamente los conocimientos matemáticos tempranos, especialmente la habilidad de contar debido a su papel en el desarrollo de habilidades numéricas más sofisticadas. Esta investigación se ha enfocado desde distintas perspectivas aunque todas ellas pueden enmarcarse en la teoría general del desarrollo de integración de habilidades. En este trabajo se analizan los modelos de contar aparecidos en la literatura, agrupados en dos categorías: 1) modelos de ejecución, centrados en el aspecto procesual y 2) modelos de competencia, con mayor énfasis en el conocimiento conceptual subyacente a los procedimientos de contar.

Los diferentes enfoques en el estudio de esta habilidad cognitiva han contribuido a que se produzca un cambio importante en el área de los conocimientos numéricos tempranos así como una nueva orientación en la instrucción temprana. No obstante, existen todavía limitaciones tales como dificultades en la formalización del cambio de un nivel de la habilidad a otro, el limitarse a tareas específicas o la no inclusión de componentes perceptuales y creativos en los modelos de simulación de la tarea de contar.  相似文献   

Este estudio se centra en la influencia de la alineación mapa/medio y del número de puntos de correspondencia mapa/medio sobre la interpretación de los mapas «Usted está aquí». Se llevó a cabo en el Campus Universitario de Santiago de Compostela, utilizándose un diseño factorial 2 x 2. Cada sujeto tenía que localizar un objeto en un mapa y desplazarse hacia él. Se utilizaron cuatro versiones diferentes de mapas y, como variables dependientes, una amplia gama de índices (tiempo de observación del mapa, tiempo invertido en llegar al punto-meta, éxito o fracaso en la tarea, diversas medidas del trayecto, legibilidad percibida del mapa, seguridad y grado de dificultad subjetiva de la tarea).

Los resultados indcaron que los sujetos tardan menos tiempo en interpretar y localizar un objetivo en un mapa cuando está alineado con el ambiente, lo perciben como más legible que uno no alienado, y seleccionan un trayecto más adecuado hacia el punto-meta.  相似文献   
In case of special engineering projects of important relevance it is interesting to pay attention to several possible risks; some of them are in the field of morality or ethics. Due to the social importance of these risks, additional considerations or even additional warranties are justified.  相似文献   

Artistic creation often involves the use of mental images. This investigation examined the influence of training in artistic skills on mental imaging capacity in a sample of 126 subjects aged between 18 and 23 years. First- and 5th-year fine arts students were compared with regard to their performance in 2 imaging capacity tests (the Visual Elaboration Scale and the Vividness of Visual Imagery Test) and 3 tests of drawing involving spatial representation, transformation of spatial relations, and memory. The students who had undergone a longer period of artistic training performed significantly better on all 5 tests, and all drawing tasks scores correlated with each other. These results indicate that artistic training may enhance imaging capacity.  相似文献   
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