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Le Mode`le de Culture Fit explique la manie`re dont l'environnement socio‐culturel influence la culture interne au travail et les pratiques de la direction des ressources humaines. Ce mode`le a e´te´ teste´ sur 2003 salarie´s d'entreprises prive´es dans 10 pays. Les participants ont rempli un questionnaire de 57 items, destine´ a` mesurer les perceptions de la direction sur 4 dimensions socio‐culturelles, 6 dimensions de culture interne au travail, et les pratiques HRM (Management des Ressources Humaines) dans 3 zones territoiriales. Une analyse ponde´re´e par re´gressions multiples, au niveau individuel, a montre´ que les directeurs qui caracte´risaient leurs environnement socio‐culturel de fac¸on fataliste, supposaient aussi que les employe´s n'e´taient pas malle´ables par nature. Ces directeurs ne pratiquaient pas l'enrichissement des postes et donnaient tout pouvoir au contrôle et a` la re´mune´ration en fonction des performances. Les directeurs qui appre´ciaient une grande loyaute´ des employe´s supposaient qu'ils remplissent entre eux des obligations re´ciproques et s'engagaient dans la voie donnant pouvoir aux pratiques HRM. Les directeurs qui percevaient le paternalisme et une forte distance de l'autorite´ dans leur environnement socio‐culturel, supposaient une re´activite´ des employe´s, et en outre ne pourvoyaient pas a` l'enrichissement des postes et a` la de´le´gation. Des mode`les spe´cifiques a` la culture qui mettent en relation ces 3 groupes de variables ainsi que les applications de ces recherches pour la psychologie industrielles trans‐culturellesont e´te´ de´battus.  相似文献   
Pragmatic abilities are fundamental to successful language use and learning. Individual differences studies contribute to understanding the psychological processes involved in pragmatic reasoning. Small sample sizes, insufficient measurement tools, and a lack of theoretical precision have hindered progress, however. Three studies addressed these challenges in three- to 5-year-old German-speaking children (N = 228, 121 female). Studies 1 and 2 assessed the psychometric properties of six pragmatics tasks. Study 3 investigated relations among pragmatics tasks and between pragmatics and other cognitive abilities. The tasks were found to measure stable variation between individuals. Via a computational cognitive model, individual differences were traced back to a latent pragmatics construct. This presents the basis for understanding the relations between pragmatics and other cognitive abilities.

Research Highlights

  • Individual differences in pragmatic abilities are important to understanding variation in language development.
  • Research in this domain lacks a precise theoretical framework and psychometrically high-quality measures.
  • We present six tasks capturing a wide range of pragmatic abilities with excellent re-test reliability.
  • We use a computational cognitive model to provide a substantive theory of individual differences in pragmatic abilities.

This study will investigate the narratives related by the members of three different generations within two different families on their memories of the Franco dictatorship. The first generation lived through Francoism, the second the democratic transition, and the third were born in a democratic country. Based on a social and discursive conception of memory and identity, this study is carried out using semi-structured interviews as a data collection tool, which we then thematically analyse, together with aspects of the participants’ positions and voices. The interviews are connected according to the factors of generation and family, and we analyse the similarities and differences. This is how the influence of both is seen in each individual’s memories and identities, in addition to how their political ideology is configured.  相似文献   

Cross-cultural differences in autobiographical memory (AM) are associated with cultural variations. In models of the self and parental reminiscing style, but not many studies have analysed the relationship between AM and specific cultural practices such as formal schooling. Theoreticians like [Greenfield, P. M. (2009). Linking social change and developmental change: Shifting. pathways of human development. Developmental Psychology, 45, 401–418. doi:10.1037/a0014726; Ka?itçiba?i, C. (2005). Autonomy and relatedness in cultural context. Implications for self and family. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 36, 403–422. doi:10.1177/0022022105275959] and [Keller, H. (2007). Children development across cultures. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates] have considered formal schooling as an engine towards the model of independence; however, the empirical evidence in this regard is inconclusive: while some studies found evidence of a relation between formal schooling and characteristics of AM, others did not. To solve this inconsistency, the present study compared orally narrated childhood memories of Mexican adults with three different levels of education (from rudimentary literacy to university). Results support a relationship between formal schooling and AM in the predicted direction: More educated participants reported longer, more specific and more self-oriented memories than those with less schooling experience did. Some gender differences were also observed, with males generally reporting more individually and less socially oriented memories than females, except for university level participants. We conclude that these results support Greenfield’s theory about formal schooling as a sociocultural factor that promotes the cultural pathway to independence, as well as complexity and context-boundedness of gender differences in AM.  相似文献   
We examined the dimensionality of pay satisfaction using a Spanish language questionnaire and a sample of 236 maquiladora workers in Mexico. A confirmatory factor analysis indicated that a five-factor solution has the best fit compared to alternative models. Thus, blue-collar Mexican workers were able to distinguish five distinct facets of pay satisfaction: pay level, pay raises, benefits, pay structure/administration, and bonuses. This study replicates the five-factor structure of pay satisfaction in a Spanish-speaking sample of production workers in a maquiladora plant in Mexico.
Nous avons examiné la satisfaction relative au salaire en utilisant un questionnaire en langue espagnole sur un échantillon de 236 travailleurs d'une industrie maquiladora au Mexique. Une analyse factorielle confirmatoire a indiqué qu'une solution à cinq facteurs semble être le meilleur ajustement comparé aux alternatives possibles. Ainsi, les cols bleus mexicains sont capables de distinguer cing facettes de satisfaction relative au salaire: le niveau de salaire, son augmentation, sa gestion/son administration et les primes. Cette étude reproduit la structure en cinq facteurs de la satisfaction relative au salaire sur un échantillon hispanophone de travailleurs à la production d'une usine maquiladora au Mexique.  相似文献   
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