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In a field study with 295 factory employees, three hypotheses were tested: (1) Procedural injustice at work is correlated negatively with job satisfaction and psychosomatic well‐being. (2) The perception of procedural injustice depends on the person's chronic justice sensitivity. (3) Justice sensitivity moderates the correlation of procedural injustice with satisfaction and well‐being, the correlation becoming larger with increasing justice sensitivity. Procedural injustice was defined as the discrepancy between desired (ought) and perceived (is) procedures. Justice sensitivity and procedural fairness according to Leventhal's criteria (consistency, nonpartiality, accuracy, correctability, representativeness) and one additional criterion (open information) were measured via questionnaire. Job satisfaction, number of sick days during the last six months and number of days a person felt sick at work during the last six months served as indicators of psychosomatic well‐being. The first and second hypotheses were supported by the data. Partial support was also obtained for the third hypothesis: Justice sensitivity moderated the correlation of procedural unfairness with (a) the number of days the person felt sick at work and (b) the sum of this variable with the number of sick days. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
According to the World Health Organization well-being has been defined as one outcome parameter indicating successful recovery from diseases. One disease causing significant psychosocial problems and distress is Gambling Disorder that is being characterized as a poorly controlled excessive engagement in gambling activities. While there are several studies investigating treatment-effects in patients with Gambling Disorder, the role of well-being as a complementary treatment outcome has not been studied so far. In our research project it was aimed to fill this gap by gathering data on changes of eudaimonic dimensions of well-being from 76 patients with Gambling Disorder before and 1 year after receiving inpatient treatment. At both waves (pretreatment and follow-up) we collected data regarding well-being (Ryff Scales of Well-being), psychopathological symptoms (SCL-9), and diagnostic criteria for Gambling Disorder (Lie/Bet-Questionnaire). We found some dimensions of well-being changing 1 year after treatment and that patients recovered from Gambling Disorder displayed significant increments in Autonomy and Environmental Mastery. In contrast, patients still meeting criteria for Gambling Disorder displayed well-being increments only in Environmental Mastery and decreases in Personal Growth and Positive Relations with Others. Only changes in Environmental Mastery and Self-Acceptance were significantly associated with decreases in psychosocial distress indicating that well-being is an additional indicator for treatment outcome. It was also intended to identify factors predicting increments in well-being. However, no relationships were found regarding demographics, clinical variables, or treatment parameters. It is proposed to acknowledge well-being as an additional indicator for treatment effects and suggested to implement therapeutic strategies for an early enhancement of well-being.  相似文献   
The present study investigated the psychological health effects and motivational origins of digital stress based on a representative survey of 1,557 German Internet users between 14 and 85 years of age. Communication load resulting from private e-mails and social media messages as well as Internet multitasking were positively related to perceived stress and had significant indirect effects on burnout, depression, and anxiety. Perceived social pressure and the fear of missing out on information and social interaction were key drivers of communication load and Internet multitasking. Age significantly moderated the health effects of digital stress as well as the motivational drivers of communication load and Internet multitasking. The results, thus, underline the need to address digital stress from a life span perspective.  相似文献   
This issue addresses the topic of ecological validity in research in human development across the life span. Although recent developments in study design, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques have greatly advanced researchers’ ability to collect large amounts of data on large groups of individuals in natural settings, it is important to approach these data with a reflected understanding of their ecological validity. Just because data were collected using everyday and familiar stimuli or ecological momentary assessment methods does not mean automatically that the ecological validity of these data is guaranteed and can go unquestioned.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Das Konzept der Panikstörung ging ursprünglich auf neurobiologische Modellvorstellungen zurück, die rasch von verhaltenstherapeutischen Ansätzen aufgegriffen und differenziert wurden, während die Rezeption durch psychoanalytische Ansätze zurückhaltend erfolgte. In dieser Übersicht werden aktuelle neurobiologische, verhaltenstherapeutische und psychodynamische Modelle dargestellt. Neurobiologische Ansätze beschreiben die zentrale und periphere Fehlsteuerung des Stresshormonsystems. Verhaltenstherapeutische Modelle erklären die Aufrechterhaltung der Störung durch konditionierte Furchtreaktionen, Fehlinterpretation körperlicher Sensationen bzw. dispositionale Angstsensitivität. Neuere psychodynamische Konzepte beschreiben mangelnde Toleranz für intensive Affekte und Trennungserfahrungen aufgrund unsicherer Objektbeziehungsrepäsentanzen als Ursachenfaktoren für Panik. Sie schaffen damit Verbindungen zu tierexperimentellen und neurobiologischen Studien, die die Bedeutung vorzeitiger Trennungserfahrungen für lebenslang erhöhte Stressreagibilität und Furchtsamkeit herausgearbeitet haben. Neurobiologische, verhaltenstherapeutische und psychodynamische Ansätze ergänzen sich beim Verständnis dieses heterogenen Krankheitsbildes.  相似文献   
Depressive symptoms in patients presenting with coronary heart disease have an impact on quality of life, health behavior, and prognosis. The psychotherapeutic interventions which had been tested for their efficacy in previous randomized controlled trials, showed only minor effects. A stepwise approach consisting of individual and group psychotherapeutic interventions was tested for efficacy in a German multicenter study. The presented paper describes the therapeutic procedure for two individual sessions and one couple session by means of case examples. The main focus was to determine depressive symptoms along with underlying maladaptive personality traits such as negative affectivity and social inhibition (type D pattern). Depressive mood, disappointments and mortifications both in private and professional life and also during the previous treatment are verbalized. Dysfunctional relation patterns and maladaptive sickness behavior are taken up by the psychotherapist and alternative behavior patterns are developed. The objective of the couple session is strengthening the partnership resources and offering relief of fears and worries relative to the heart disease. The psychotherapeutic procedure is psychodynamically oriented but also contains cognitive-behavioral and interactional treatment approaches.  相似文献   
Emotional distress connected to a cancer disease may result in comorbid mental and especially depressive disorders. Although psychodynamic therapy is one of the most frequently applied forms of psychotherapy of depression in cancer patients there is a lack of empirical studies which meet the criteria of evidence-based psychotherapy research. This is especially true with regard to randomized controlled trials of psychodynamic psychotherapy. As far as we know no manual for psychodynamic treatment of cancer patients has yet been published. In this article a manual for a 20-session short-term psychodynamic treatment is presented. The treatment is based on Luborsky’s supportive-expressive (SE) therapy. The SE treatment manual of depressions in cancer patients presented here is an adaptation of the general SET manual as well as the SE manual for depression. In the first part the general principles of SE therapy are presented. In the second part a manual specifically adapted to the treatment of depressive cancer patients is described. The treatment manual is presently being used in a large-scale randomized controlled multi-centered study comparing short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy and treatment as usual.  相似文献   
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