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We use data from the 2016 China Labor-force Dynamics Survey (CLDS) to examine the relationship between happiness and consumption expenditure of rural farmers in China. A two-stage residual inclusion approach is applied to tackle the potential endogeneity issue of happiness. The empirical results show that a higher level of happiness is associated with an increase in consumption expenditure in general. Further analysis reveals that higher levels of happiness are positively and significantly associated with higher expenditures on basic living goods, education and gifts. We also find that both household income and access to the Internet boost happiness and increase consumption expenditure. Happiness plays a larger role in improving the consumption expenditure of rural households compared with their urban counterparts. Our findings may suggest that improving rural income via income diversification strategies and investing in rural information and communication technology infrastructures would encourage rural farmers’ happiness, promote the upgrading of rural consumption and boost sustainable economic growth.

以自我决定理论为理论依据,对500名高二学生进行问卷调查,采用结构方程模型的统计方法分析了在悲伤、害怕、生气三种情绪条件下,父亲、母亲的反应方式与高二男生、女生情绪调节方式之间的两种关系模型。模型比较结果显示,父、母反应方式对高二年级青少年情绪调节方式的预测作用小于高二年级青少年情绪调节方式对其父、母反应方式的预测作用,这一点在女生身上更为突出;高二年级青少年的情绪调节方式与其父母反应方式之间的关系表现出了性别差异;在不同情绪条件下,高二年级青少年的情绪调节方式对父母反应方式的预测关系表现出了一致性;父亲、母亲对高二学生消极情绪调节方式的反应也表现出了一致性。  相似文献   
马艳云 《心理学报》2007,39(2):209-214
Duncan等人认为,当目标和干扰子之间差异越大且干扰子彼此之间差异越小时,则目标搜索越快。他们的结论定性地描述了目标搜索斜率(反应时间对呈现项目数的函数)的决定因素。笔者从方位维度刺激关系方面进一步定量探究该问题,并提出决定因素为g(T, D, n)(目标方位和干扰子方位间的函数关系)。实验结果证实目标搜索斜率是由g(T,D,n)值决定,目标搜索斜率随g(T, D, n)值增大而减小,相同g(T, D, n)值条件的目标搜索斜率无显著差异  相似文献   
信仰与世俗化科学之间的对立统一是自启蒙运动以来许多传统宗教社会所面临的问题。在当前的宗教心理学实证研究中,宗教信仰与科学理性的关系也日渐成为科学研究感兴趣的话题。同时在学科内部,宗教和科学关系的研究由于总是单向度的进行着,阻碍了对这一话题的深入探析。本文在相关宗教与理性关系的实证研究基础上,以美国基督徒、伊朗穆斯林、印度教徒等为主要研究对象,对宗教开放性假设进行跨文化的研究和探讨。同时采用意识形态模型(Ideological Surround Model,ISM)研究范式中的对话方式对相关实证研究结果进行进一步的思考和探索,鼓励跨文化的宗教信仰与科学理性的对话以及不同意识形态之间的对话,希望在理论上能够对国内宗教心理学的研究有所助益。  相似文献   
睡眠限制已然成为现代社会人们普遍面临的问题, 其对个体身心机能的影响备受研究者关注。众多研究表明, 睡眠限制会对注意功能、执行功能和长时记忆等不同认知领域的心理加工产生差异化影响, 且影响程度与任务类型、睡眠限制的严重程度、年龄和性别等因素相关。研究者们提出了4种主要的作用假说:唤醒假说、注意控制假说、警觉性假说以及前额皮层易感性假说。未来研究需要从关注个体间差异、使用动脉自旋标记灌注功能磁共振成像技术以及重视轻度睡眠限制的影响等角度进行深化和扩展。  相似文献   
This article explores family therapy trainees’ subjective experiences of working as cotherapists with a supervisory-level therapist in a Chinese context, regarding their perceptions of and positioning in it and also their opinions on the benefits and/or pitfalls of cotherapy. Individual interviews with a total of six cotherapists revealed three themes: (1) Cotherapy was perceived as an experiential learning journey that evolved from anxiety and excitement to empowerment and nurturing; (2) a collaborative master–apprentice relationship of openness, trust, and mutual respect was developed with both sides’ interactive effort, which included common commitment and concern for the client, the supervisor’s awareness and explicit address of the role hierarchy, principle setting prior to the cooperation, and honest pre- and-postsession sharing and discussion; (3) the dual-purpose supervisor–trainee cotherapy brought direct benefits for all involved parties and for others. The findings have useful implications for integrating treatment and training for optimal training/learning outcomes and for advancing knowledge transfer from senior to junior and from academia to the field, with reference to local cultural characteristics.  相似文献   
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