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本文认为<老子指归>为西汉严君平原著,汉唐时期严君平在蜀中一直倍受尊崇,其书对<老子想尔注>产生了重要影响,两者的密切关系从一个侧面说明<老子想尔注>出于三张之手.  相似文献   
This paper identifies social difficulties commonly faced by a group of forty-two Hong Kong transsexuals who had applied for sex reassignment surgery. It describes the use of a systems perspective to conceptualize their problems and a structural family therapy approach to social work intervention.  相似文献   
地铁驾驶员职业人格特征模型的建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡圣刚  温鸿博  高超 《应用心理学》2005,11(3):276-281,253
采用经典的卡特尔16PF人格特征测验,对298名来自上海和广州的地铁驾驶员进行职业人格特征研究。研究结果发现,与全国成人常模比较,地铁驾驶员具有行业独特的职业人格特征。进一步运用因子分析技术发现,我国地铁驾驶员的职业人格特征主要由自制性、支配性、自立性、现实理智、社会智能五个因素构成,它们解释了总变异的60.162%。这一结果基本建构了我国地铁驾驶员的职业人格特征模型,可以为选拔和评价地铁驾驶员提供科学的参考。  相似文献   
The Child Altruism Inventory (CAI) consisted of 24 yes-or-no items which measured the altruistic orientation of children. The sample included 1095 Grades 2 to 6 Chinese children in Hong Kong, The test-retest and internal consistency reliabilities of the CAI were in the 0.70s. The correlations of the CAI score with the intelligence and self-esteem scores were significantly positive, while the correlations of the CAI score with the psychoticism and neuroticism scores were significantly negative. Children in classes of positive and negative social environment rated high and low on the CAI respectively. The relations of the CAI score with self-report prosocial and delinquent behavioural indices were also positive and negative respectively. The psychometric properties of the CAI are regarded as quite good.  相似文献   

Las autoras comienzan ofreciendo una panorámica general de las investigaciones sobre el síndrome de fobia a las matemáticas y la ansiedad ante los exámenes, explicando a continuación que el objetivo general de su estudio es desarrollar procedimientos de modificación de conducta que ayuden a estudiantes de Psicología, con una historia previa de conductas de evitación a los exámenes, a enfrentarse a las pruebas de psicología matemática. Más específicamente, se quiere comparar la eficacia de la Desensibilización Sistemática tradicional con un paquete cognitivo complejo desarrollada por ellas siguiendo el modelo de Inoculación de Estrés, y el valor de estas dos intervenciones específicas se compara, a su vez, con un grupo de terapia no orientado al problema. Tras describir el método y resultados, las autoras destacan en la discusión la eficacia de las tres intervenciones y el hecho de que se lograse afectar al rendimiento y no sólo a la ansiedad en matemáticas. Finalmente afirman que sus resultados apoyan la actualidad de la obra de Frank (1973, 1982), quien señala que una parte muy importante de los efectos psicoterapéuticos se debe a factores comunes a todas las terapias, en los que habitualmente no recae el peso explicativo.  相似文献   
Moos and Moos' (1986) Family Environment Scale (FES) was adapted to the Chinese children and adolescents in Hong Kong. The major sample included 1,174 subjects from three elementary schools and seven high schools. Two subscales, Expressiveness and Independence and a few items were deleted based on the psychometric analysis. The FES scale intercorrelations were consistent, and the factor pattern of the remaining eight scales was explicable in terms of the characteristics of the Chinese culture. Results also showed that middle class families in general had a more positive family social environment than the working class families.  相似文献   
临潭县是甘南藏族自治州一个多民族、多宗教的民族杂居地区,全县总人口14.68万人(2004年统计数字),其中回族2.6万人,藏族1.34万人,其它少数民族仅有90多人,汉族约有10万人①。全县有基督教信教群众2508人(2004年统计数字),分布在全县19个乡镇,信教群众99%为汉族,只有极个别汉藏通婚的家庭中的藏族妇女信仰基督教。亦子多村是临潭县术布乡的一个小村子,距离临潭县城大约25公里,海拔3000米左右,属于半农半牧区,是藏族聚居的村落。江口河从村子旁边盘绕流过,临夏至岷县的省级公路穿村而过,村口沿公路成丁字型有一条50米长的小街。小街上有一所…  相似文献   
春秋战国是汉字字体由篆到隶的重要时期,齐金文素以其精严整饬的美化藻饰体著称,但这只是其字体演变中的一个环节。齐金文字体演变在书写便捷的原动力下,通过体势趋扁趋方打破篆体长圆体势,通过短直的笔画分解篆体圆转的笔画,与其他地域的金文字体一起推动了汉字字体的演变,并以其鲜明的地域个性丰富了汉字字体面貌。  相似文献   
断辞的差异性存在外露着作《易》者的价值取向。本文主要拈出断辞“悔”,透视其“悔亡”、“无悔”、“有悔(悔)”三种不同形态:以中、正、比、应等为切入点,玩观卦象,通过数理统计对各自的生成进行定量分析,于对比中彰显出《周易》之内蕴:一、正不如中、应(比)之善;二、执中有应为事物发展最根本的条件:三、得位是事物发展不可低估的要素;四、中正之为美。  相似文献   
Abstract The main objective of this study is to test the effects over time of three role stress variables (role conflict, role ambiguity and role overload) on the three burnout dimensions (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment). Based on theoretical models on burnout and on meta-analytical research, it is hypothesized that the three role stress variables will predict changes over time in emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, but not in personal accomplishment. The results obtained by means of hierarchical regression analysis partially support the hypothesis. The three role stress variables predict emotional exhaustion over time. Role conflict and role overload predict depersonalization over time. Finally, contrary to expectations, role ambiguity predicts personal accomplishment over time.  相似文献   
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