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Using 50 psychology undergraduates, an attempt was made to find positive correlations between, on the one hand, transliminality (psychological material crossing thresholds into or out of consciousness), and on the other hand, (item‐corrected) creative personality, and figure‐complexity preference (as given by the Revised Barron‐Welsh Art Scale: a measure of creativity). Only the correlation between transliminality and creative personality was significant. There was also a significant and high test‐retest reliability coefficient for the Transliminality Scale, as well as a significant positive correlation between creative personality and paranormal belief.  相似文献   
With the encouragement of marketing scholars, many companies are tying employee incentives to customer ratings of satisfaction, service quality, or employee performance. One potential drawback to these practices is that customers' evaluations of employees—and, therefore, any associated rewards—may be biased by employee race. This possibility was examined in a restaurant setting. We found that customers rated the promptness and attentiveness of same race servers more favorably than different race servers, but there were no differences for assessments of server friendliness or appearance. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   
The development and testing of a measure of interpersonal communication satisfaction is reported. In the first stage, Likert-style items were constructed from two types of questionnaires, face-to-face interviews, and previous empirical and theoretical work in the satisfaction field. During the second stage, items were tested by applying them to ideally satisfying and dissatisfying conversations. The third stage consisted of further item analyses and factor analysis. The final stage generated reliability and validity information. The resulting 19-item, unidimensional inventory exhibited a high degree of reliability and validity when used to measure communication satisfaction with actual and recalled conversations with another perceived to be a friend, acquaintance, or stranger.  相似文献   
Recent studies have indicated that cognitive complexity scores, based on the quantity of constructs embedded in written essays, correlate significantly with the total number of words contained in the response. As a consequence, a controversy involving whether loquacity rather than cognitive complexity has been measured by such scoring procedures has emerged. In this study (1) the premise is advanced that the quantity of constructs approach represents subjects' willingness to write rather than personal construct systems or construal processes, (2) loquacity is explained in terms of motivational variables rather than construal processes and (3) two separate studies test the motivational hypothesis. Results of study J indicate that subjects promised credit for rigor write more words and more constructs than did their non-motivated counterparts. Moreover, the results of study 2 demonstrate that writing apprehension scores and self-reports of situational motivation predict both loquacity and cognitive complexity scores. These findings support a motivational hypothesis regarding loquacity and raise serious questions concerning cognitive complexity measurement.  相似文献   
This investigation attempted to confer resistance to persuasion by inoculating people with either supportive, refutational, or combination pretreatment messages. Following inoculation, subjects either passively received a high or low intense attack message or actively encoded a message of high or low intensity. As predicted, there was a significant interaction between type of attack and level of language intensity. Discussion centered on the effects of language intensity as a mediator of attitude change in yet another persuasive paradigm.  相似文献   
Classic models of attribution are increasingly used, despite serious problems with their empirical validation. This study revisits Kelley's (1967 ) ANOVA model of attribution and argues that it will most usefully predict attributions when attributional processes are socially “safe” and have few social consequences. The results demonstrate that attributions are most likely to be inconsistent with Kelley's predictions when attributional information and the attributions themselves are socially consequential or risky, but are more likely to be made as predicted when they are socially safe. Applications of Kelley's model, therefore, should pay attention to the extent to which attributions and attributional information are socially consequential or risky, particularly when analyzing the use of consensus information.  相似文献   
Although self‐rated or self‐scored selection measures are commonly used in selection contexts, they are potentially susceptible to applicant response distortion or faking. The response elaboration technique (RET), which requires job applicants to provide supporting information to justify their responses, has been identified as a potential way to minimize applicant response distortion. In a large‐scale, high‐stakes selection context (N= 16,304), we investigate the extent to which RET affects responding on a biodata test as well as the underlying reasons for any potential effect. We find that asking job applicants to elaborate their responses leads to overall lower scores on a biodata test. Item verifiability affects the extent to which RET decreases faking, which we suggest is due to increased accountability. In addition, verbal ability was more strongly related to biodata item scores when items require elaboration, although the effect of verbal ability was small. The implications of these findings for reducing faking in personnel selection are delineated.  相似文献   
Psychoanalysis, this paper argues, has since its inception practised an effective method of research based on the clinical consulting room, and this explains its success in generating new knowledge over a long period. Different sciences evolve research methods which are appropriate to their particular objects of study. The clinical research method is well adapted to the distinctive object of study of psychoanalysis?-?the variety of unconscious states of mind. Convergences between psychoanalytic and more conventionally scientific methods, including experimental studies, are greatly to be welcomed, but the paper nevertheless suggests that additions to psychoanalytic understanding will continue to come mainly from clinical work with children and adults. Selon l'auteur, la psychanalyse a pratiqué dès ses débuts une méthode de recherche fort efficace, basée sur ce qui se déroule dans le cabinet de consultation clinique; c'est cela, dit-il, qui explique son succès à faire naître, depuis fort longtemps, de nouvelles connaissances. Chaque discipline scientifique développe sa propre méthode de recherche, censée s'appliquer à ses objets d'étude spécifiques. La méthodologie clinique est bien adaptée à l'objet d'étude spécifique de la psychanalyse, à savoir la diversité des états psychiques inconscients. S'il convient, bien évidemment, à accueillir certaines convergences entre la méthode psychanalytique et d'autres, plus classiquement scientifiques (y compris les études expérimentales), l'auteur prétend néanmoins que des avancées dans la compréhension psychanalytique continueront à surgir principalement du travail clinique auprès d'enfants et d'adultes. In questo articolo si sostiene che la psicoanalisi ha fin dal suo esordio messo in pratica un metodo di ricerca efficace basato sul lavoro clinico nella stanza di consultazione, e questo spiega come sia stato possibile produrre con successo nuova conoscenza nell'arco di un lungo periodo. Scienze diverse sviluppano metodi di ricerca appropriati ai loro particolari oggetti di studio. Il metodo di ricerca clinico si adatta bene all'oggetto peculiare di studio della psicoanalisi - la molteplicita' degli stati mentali inconsci. Ben vengano le convergenze tra il metodo psicoanalitico e altri metodi scientifici piu' convenzionali, compresi gli studi sperimentali, ma nell'articolo si suggerisce che nuove aggiunte al sapere psicoanalitico continueranno a venire soprattutto dal lavoro clinico con adulti e bambini. Dieser Artikel argumentiert, dass Psychoanalyse seit ihren Anfängen eine effektive Forschungsmethode, basierend auf dem klinischen Behandlungszimmer, praktizierte und dies erklärt ihren Erfolg, neues Wissen über eine lange Zeit hinweg zu schaffen. Verschiedene Wissenschaften erschaffen Forschungsmethoden, die jeweils ihren Studienobjekten angemessen sind. Die klinische Forschungsmethode ist dem bestimmten Studienobjekt der Psychoanalyse -die Verschiedenheit von unbewussten Gemütszuständen, angepasst. Konvergenzen zwischen psychoanalytischen und konventionelleren Wissenschaftsmethoden, einschliesslich experimenteller Studien, sollten sehr willkommen geheissen werden, aber der Artikel schlägt vor, dass Zusätze zum psychoanalytischen Verstehen hauptsächlich weiterhin aus der klinischen Arbeit mit Kindern und Erwachsenen kommen werden.  相似文献   
Some authors have argued that certain acts of family therapists—despite their best intentions—may represent a form of colonizing the family. When acting as a colonizer, a therapist is understood as becoming overly responsible for the family and focusing too strongly on change. In so doing, the therapist disrespects the family's pace, and neglects their own resources for change. This paper aims to highlight the need for therapists to be hypersensitive both to the resources of families entering therapy as well as to the impact of prevailing ideologies on their own positioning in the session. The kind of sensitivity advocated here is dialectical in the sense that every family is understood as having potentials promoting dynamism, happiness, and well-being as well as potentials contributing to stagnation, unhappiness, and misery. In this article, using illustrations from clinical practice, we present some ideas for resisting the tendency by the therapist to assume a colonizing position as a professional solver of problems for families. Our main aim here is to redirect the therapist toward connecting with the family's suffering, as well as with the resource repertoire it has developed for navigating and negotiating its way through life.  相似文献   
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