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词汇识别与记忆受到词汇之间语义联想关系的影响。鉴于自由联想方法建立词汇语义联想关系的局限性, 研究者们提出用共现联想法建立词汇之间的语义联想关系。本文对词汇共现频率视角下的语义联想效应及其神经机制的研究进行分析发现, 语义联想的丰富程度和关联程度影响词汇的加工; 与少语义联想词相比, 多语义联想词导致P200波幅增大和N400波幅减小; 语义联想加工涉及的脑区主要是额上回和左内侧颞叶区域。未来研究需要探讨自由联想法和共现联想法建立语义联想关系的差异, 基于共现联想法进一步地探究语义联想的行为规律和神经机制, 并从共现联想的角度开展汉语语义联想效应及神经机制的研究。  相似文献   
程浩  张亚利  姚雪  张向葵 《心理科学进展》2021,29(10):1796-1807
运用元分析方法探讨自恋与行为抑制/激活系统的关系。经过文献检索和筛选, 纳入原始文献19篇, 包含25个独立样本, 共7702名被试。根据同质性检验结果, 选用随机效应模型。结果发现, 自恋与行为抑制系统存在中度负相关(r = -0.27, 95% CI为[-0.34, -0.21]), 自恋测量工具在两者间起显著的调节作用; 自恋与行为激活系统存在高度正相关(r = 0.46, 95% CI为[0.40, 0.52]), 被试类型在两者间起显著的调节作用。自恋与行为抑制/激活系统的密切关系支持了自恋的主体性理论和人格强化敏感性理论。  相似文献   
Studies have shown that performance-dependent monetary rewards facilitate visual perception. However, no study has examined whether such a positive effect is limited to the rewarded task or may be generalized to other tasks. In the current study, two groups of people were asked to perform two visual perception tasks, one being a reward-relevant task and the other being a reward-irrelevant task. For the reward-relevant task, the experimental group received performance-dependent monetary rewards, whereas the control group did not. For the reward-irrelevant task, both groups were not rewarded. The two tasks were randomly intermixed trial by trial (Experiment 1) or presented block by block (Experiment 2) or session by session (Experiments 3a, 3b, and 3c). Results showed that performance-dependent monetary rewards improved participants' performance on the relevant task in all experiments and impaired their performance on the irrelevant task in Experiments 2, 3a, 3b, and 3c. These results suggested that monetary rewards might incur a cost on reward-irrelevant tasks. Finally, the benefit of monetary rewards disappeared when they were no longer provided during the final session. This is the first study that reveals both the bright and dark sides of the performance-dependent monetary rewards in visual perception.  相似文献   
从《四库全书》中检索到1700部涉及“自爱”的古籍,形成包含2370条句段的语料库并逐条进行内容分析。结果发现,自爱包含自我珍重、自我接纳与自我约束三个主要指标以及个我自爱、小我自爱与大我自爱三个主要维度。未来研究将依据我国社会文化和历史的脉络,结合新时代人们对自爱的理解,编制相应的测量工具,从而为健全人格养成服务。  相似文献   
工作反刍指在没有要求其出现的情境下, 有意识的、重复发生的工作方面的相关想法, 分为工作相关情感反刍与工作相关问题解决沉思两个维度。工作反刍对个体健康、工作及幸福感的影响有“双刃剑”效应。持续性认知理论、压力认知激活模型与认知资源视角理论, 可以解释该效应的内在机制。未来研究应分析影响双刃剑效应的边界条件, 寻求减少消极效应、增加积极效应的途径, 拓展其双刃剑效应心理机制的分析视角和该效应的作用层面。  相似文献   
包装上的元素信息是消费者感知环境刺激的重要来源, 能对消费者决策产生重要影响。包装元素可分为非语言型包装元素和语言型包装元素两类, 它们对消费者有不同的影响。总体而言, 非语言型包装元素主要影响消费者的感知和情感偏好, 而语言型包装元素更多影响消费者的行为倾向和行为结果。同时, 两类包装元素对消费者产生影响的内在机制可从神经生理机制、认知加工机制、自我控制的转移和多感官交互几方面进行讨论。此外, 两类包装元素对消费者的影响还会受到环境特征、产品特征以及消费者个体特征的调节。未来研究可进一步探讨两类包装元素对消费者尴尬情绪、透明包装的选择以及产品评价等结果的影响。  相似文献   
采用跨通道启动范式,探讨言语与面孔情绪加工的相互影响效应,以及语言差异(母语:汉语;非母语:英语)在其中的影响作用。实验1以言语情绪词为启动刺激,面孔情绪为目标刺激,结果发现,相比于英语启动刺激条件,在汉语启动刺激条件下的面孔情绪判断具有更好的表现;在积极情绪启动条件下,言语情绪刺激能够启动面孔情绪刺激。实验2以面孔情绪为启动刺激,言语情绪词为目标刺激,结果发现,相比于英语目标刺激条件,在汉语目标刺激条件下的言语情绪判断具有更好的表现;在积极情绪启动条件下,面孔情绪刺激能够启动言语情绪刺激。研究结果表明,言语情绪与面孔情绪的加工能够相互影响,但这种相互关系仅表现在积极情绪启动条件下。此外,母语和非母语在情绪功能上具有差异性。  相似文献   
This study used the interpersonal–psychological theory of suicide to explore the relationships among DSM-5 posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptom clusters derived from the six-factor anhedonia model and facets of acquired capability for suicide (ACS). In a sample of 373 trauma-exposed undergraduates, most PTSD symptom clusters were negatively associated with facets of ACS in bivariate correlations, but the anhedonia cluster was positively associated with ACS in regression models. Structure coefficients and commonality analysis indicated that anhedonia served as a suppressor variable for the other symptom clusters. Our findings further elucidate the complex relationship between specific PTSD symptom clusters and ACS.  相似文献   
Rules of thumb for power in multiple regression research abound. Most such rules dictate the necessary sample size, but they are based only upon the number of predictor variables, usually ignoring other critical factors necessary to compute power accurately. Other guides to power in multiple regression typically use approximate rather than precise equations for the underlying distribution; entail complex preparatory computations; require interpolation with tabular presentation formats; run only under software such as Mathmatica or SAS that may not be immediately available to the user; or are sold to the user as parts of power computation packages. In contrast, the program we offer herein is immediately downloadable at no charge, runs under Windows, is interactive, self-explanatory, flexible to fit the user’s own regression problems, and is as accurate as single precision computation ordinarily permits.  相似文献   
郭秀艳  李林 《心理科学》1999,22(5):439-442
本文研究了短时(1小时内)作业中警戒绩效的一些影响因素。实验采用EP710警戒仪,研究了短时作业中时间、信号密度(信噪比)以及信号显著性(占空比)对警戒绩效的影响。使用的方法为信号检测论。因变量指标为辨别力指数d’和判断标准B。结果发现,作业时间和占空比对警戒绩效没有影响,信噪比对辨别力指数d’有影响但对判断标准B没有影响。结果提示,在短时作业中,信噪比对警戒绩效起显著作用.  相似文献   
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