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医学伦理学与生命伦理学的关系在逻辑上有包容论、互异论和交叉论(延续论)三种可能的类型。包容论认为,后者关注范围更广,前者作为一个部分包括在生命伦理学当中。互异论主张,两个概念在跨学科特点方面不同,生命伦理学必须通过跨学科协作,以公共性为导向,而医学伦理学较为单一,以职业性为目标。交叉论(延续论)强调,医学伦理学经历了古代医德学,近现代医学伦理学和生命伦理学。包容论与互异论过于强调二者的相同或区别,割裂了二者内在联系,片面性显而易见。交叉论(延续论)看到了二者内在逻辑,反映了本体属性,是更为合理的评价。  相似文献   
围手术期麻醉医师面临问题的复杂性、动态性和模糊性,要求其在具备良好逻辑思维能力的同时,还要学会应用直觉思维来进行麻醉危机管理。通过决策判断的双加工理论模型探讨说明直觉思维在临床麻醉决策中的可应用性,并给出麻醉医师直觉思维的培养途径,提高麻醉医师的思考能力,增加应急处理课程和临床训练,重视临床经验的学习,营造良好的教学氛围。为了在围手术期更好地保证患者的安全,麻醉医师应重视直觉思维在临床麻醉决策中的应用。  相似文献   
为了探讨初中生亲子依恋、同伴依恋对其主观幸福感的影响以及集体自尊和个体自尊在两者之间所起的中介作用,本研究采用问卷调查的方法对两所初中学校的857名初一至初三的学生进行了调查.主要结果如下:(1)总体而言,男生的父子依恋水平、集体自尊水平和生活满意度更高,女生的同伴依恋水平和消极情绪更高;(2)男女生表现出不同的年级发展特点,女生在亲子依恋、集体自尊和消极情绪,男生在集体自尊上表现出明显的初二现象;(3)亲子依恋、同伴依恋水平越高,初中生的集体自尊和个体自尊水平越高,其主观幸福感程度也越强;(4)母子依恋、同伴依恋、个体自尊和父子依恋依次显著正向预测初中生的生活满意度,并依次负向预测初中生的消极情绪;同伴依恋、个体自尊、母子依恋和集体自尊依次显著正向预测初中生的积极情绪;(5)亲子、同伴依恋不仅能直接影响初中生的主观幸福感,而且通过两种途径(依恋→集体自尊→主观幸福感;依恋→集体自尊→个体自尊→主观幸福感)间接对其产生影响.  相似文献   
本研究以40名大学生为研究对象,通过内隐加工和内隐记忆的方法探讨面孔信任评价是否为自动加工。结果表明,在外显记忆任务下,大学生在三种可信度面孔的再认成绩两两之间差异显著,其中不可信任面孔再认正确率最高,反应最快;在内隐记忆任务下,不可信任面孔的再认成绩最好,且反应最快。这些结果说明,个体可以依据陌生面孔的可信度对面孔进行自动加工,且对不可信任面孔最为敏感。  相似文献   
Individuals with eating pathology, particularly those with diagnosed eating disorders, are at high risk for suicide. It is less clear whether undiagnosed eating pathology and subsyndromal eating disorders carry the same risk and, if so, what mechanisms may explain why higher levels of eating pathology yield greater risk for engaging in suicidal behaviors. The indirect relationship between disordered eating and risk for suicidal behaviors via facets of experiential avoidance was tested using a multiple‐mediator model. The model was tested using bootstrapping estimates of indirect effects in a sample of 218 noncollege student adults (Mage = 32.33, 66.1% women) with a history of suicidal attempt and/or history of nonsuicidal self‐injury (NSSI). Results revealed that disordered eating indirectly predicted risk for suicidal behaviors, distress aversion (i.e., negative attitudes or dislike of distress), and procrastination (i.e., delaying engagement with distressing activities). Results suggest that targeting experiential avoidance and helping those who have a history of engaging in suicidal behaviors and/or NSSI develop regulation strategies to use during times of distress may be of utmost importance for treatment and prevention of eating pathology.  相似文献   
A nonlinear indirect effects framework was used to investigate potential interpersonal indirect effects (i.e., perceived burden and thwarted belonging) accounting for the nonlinear relationship between body mass index (BMI) and suicide ideation. Using a sample of 338 undergraduates, results revealed a significant quadratic effect of BMI on suicide ideation via perceived burden only, which became significant as BMI fell below 18.00 kg/m2 and above 28.00 kg/m2. Our results provide novel information relevant for suicide risk screening in the context of weight‐ and health‐related interventions and provide justification for future longitudinal trials assessing suicide risk across the BMI spectrum.  相似文献   
The Interpersonal–Psychological Theory of Suicide (IPTS) proposes that combinations of thwarted belongingness, perceived burdensomeness, and acquired capability lead to suicide ideation, planning, and attempting. We compared individuals with and without suicidality on thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness, and compared a combined group of planners and attempters to ideators on fearlessness about death (one component of acquired capability). Individuals with suicidality had higher thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness than individuals without suicidality. Planners and attempters did not have higher fearlessness about death than ideators. These findings partially support IPTS hypotheses. Assessing thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness may improve suicide risk determination.  相似文献   
人与自然的和谐有着道德基础。古代的“天人合一”思想为我们从道德的视角研究人与自然的和谐,以及建构现代生态伦理观提供了一定的帮助。从道德的意义上,人与自然的和谐中人是道德主体,承担着全部道德责任,其行为是道德评价的对象。人对自然的适应与改造、尊重与利用是辩证的统一。  相似文献   
尽管近年来在慢性心力衰竭(CHF)的治疗方面取得了较大的进展,但CHF患者仍有较高的住院率及病死率.CHF临床实践指南的发布促进了规范化治疗.为了取得良好的医疗效果,临床医生必须对心力衰竭患者提供一系列复杂的药物治疗及严格的自我控制措施.随着医学的不断发展,出现了包括心脏再同步化起搏、左心室辅助装置或心脏移植等治疗,而这些手段常需要在对患者进行危险性评估的基础上进行.严格遵循指南并使CHF患者出院后的教育与各种支持项目相结合才能够在一定程度上减低患者的再住院率及病死率.  相似文献   
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