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Three experiments describe the effects of manipulating the frequency of response-reinforcer contiguity in a recycling conjunctive schedule. The schedule arranged that a reinforcer was delivered after 30 s provided at least one response had occurred; otherwise the next cycle started immediately. In Experiment 1, this schedule produced the typical pause–respond–pause pattern, with most responses at mid-interval; and, when a limited number of contiguities between responses and food delivery were added, the pattern became more like the monotonic scallop seen on fixed-interval schedules. In Experiment 2, the schedule was initially presented with an additional contingency that allowed contiguity on every trial. Fixed-interval-like behavior occurred and tended to persist as contiguities were gradually eliminated. In Experiment 3, the recycling conjunctive schedule alternated with a condition in which a large number of contiguities occurred. The pause–respond–pause pattern and fixed-interval-like performance occurred with few or many contiguities, respectively. The results of all three experiments illustrate how contiguity interacts with a small number of other variables to determine performance on interval schedules and illuminate previous findings with fixed-interval and fixed-time schedules.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT 'Ulysses contracts' are an instrument through which a psychiatric patient may prearrange involuntary commitments to be put into effect if the patient satisfies certain diagnostic criteria in the future. Proposals for Ulysses contracts typically impose numerous safeguards. This paper argues against the intuitively plausible safeguard which permits only presently remitted patients to contract. Instead of requiring a patient's remission, it is argued that the appropriate safeguard is the patient's ability, whether remitted or not, to offer good reasons for wishing to contract. In short, what matters is not an executive's character, but an executive's reasons, and a bad executive may have good reasons. Attempts to deny the accessibility of good reasons in unremitted patients are rejected on the ground that psychiatric diagnosis requires psychiatrists to be able to distinguish between good and bad reasons in both remitted and unremitted patients. If psychiatrists cannot do that, psychiatric diagnosis is impossible.  相似文献   
社会主义社会对劳动保护一向给予应有的重视,从而能够有效地防止生产创伤的发生。为进一步减少生产创伤而挖掘潜力的一个方面,就是一定要研究在众多不幸事件的成因中占有相当比重的生产创伤的心理原因,这就需要把劳动安全心理学问题作为一个科学分支来进行研究,而建立这样一个科学分支本身就提出了很多问题。我们对于劳动安全心理学的理解最概括地说就是:“劳动安全心理是研究致创(创伤成  相似文献   
世界共产主义运动发展中和现实社会主义形成中的每一个新阶段,都伴随着马克思列宁主义理论的进一步丰富,其中也包括哲学的进一步丰富,哲学是科学世界观的核心和科学地研究自然、社会和思维的方法论根据。战后数十年的显著特点是马克思主义的研究明显地趋于活跃,尤其在社会主义国家里是如此。在这种条件下,广泛研究国外马克思主义哲学家近些年所积累的理论经验,深入系统地考察他们在继续发展马克思列宁主义哲学、阐释和宣传其基本原理和原则方面的活动,就显得极为必要了。然而,在  相似文献   
C.G.普拉多的《罗蒂的实用主义》一文(载《对话》杂志1983年22卷3期,本文引文均来自该文)是许多十分准确评价罗蒂著作意向的文章的一篇。他恰当地指出:罗蒂的目的在于取消哲学的传统和它所关心的问題。但是,如果普拉多以为罗蒂在这方面获得了成功,那他就错了。普拉多承认:取消  相似文献   
本文从20多个方面总结了苏联近年来(1981—1985)批判现代资产阶级哲学的一些成果并作了分析和评论。文章认为,同资产阶级哲学的论战不能仅限于对它的答案作纯否定的评价。以现代唯心主义的歪曲形式表现出来的实际迫切的科学问题应当成为正面考察的对象,而且要从马克思列宁主义哲学的立场出发使其得到恰如其分的阐释。本译文曾在《国外社会科学》第3、4期摘要发表。考虑到本刊读者的需要,特请原译者将全文译出发表于此。  相似文献   
1.行动时刻正如我不断重复的,一切都表明,人类体系已进入一个巨大的变革和转折的时期。从人类的黎明开始,危机和混乱在以前就发生过许多次了,虽然从来没有今天这样大的规模,其影响也不能同目前人类的飞速发展和进步的结果相比。但是,既然目前所发生的转折是史无前例的,因而我们比以往任何时候更不能预言实际上我们将会面临什么样的命运。而这一点是非常明显的:尽管人类陷入困境只能责怪自己,但它只有一个可以接受的拯救自己的抉择——勇敢地和客观地估量自己全面的处境,然后集中全力去寻找一个全新的行动方向,从而在今后能够支配自己所做的一切。  相似文献   
我们考察的这个题目是关于马克思列宁主义哲学的结构,整体性以及体系构造的一个十分迫切、在我国文献中反复争论的问题。在当代,这个问题之所以迫切是由许多原因造成的,其中包括在马克思主义哲学发展中迫切要求加强整体化的、“向心的”(以抗衡占优势的“离心的”)趋势。  相似文献   
在那些自认是批判理论家的学者中存在着两个基本争端。(1) 如何构想批判概念,这种概念与解说(Erklaren)和理解(Verstehen)有着怎样的关系?(2) 哪些社会生活领域应该成为批判的首要鹄的? 如果人们将社会批判理论仅仅归结为法兰克福社会研究所及其追随者们的工作,那么,  相似文献   
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