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真之符合论指的是一个命题是真的,当且仅当它符合一个事实;真之同一论指的是一个命题是真的,当且仅当它是一个事实。真之符合论强调命题与事实的符合,真之同一论强调命题与事实的同一。一些真之同一论的倡导者同样是真之符合论的支持者,从一定意义上来讲,真之同一论是真之符合论的发展与简化。M.大卫对真之符合论和真之同一论做出了比较细致的分析,并且提出了一些十分有意义的看法。  相似文献   
对于有关常识和诸如“理性”、“真理”和“实在”这样的哲学思想的主要范畴来说,错觉是一种异乎寻常的检验案例。我的目标是,通过与弗洛伊德的遗产和20世纪最引人注目的精神病学研究成果进行某种交锋,分析这种错觉所具有的各种富有悖论色彩的形式,从而阐明构成了它那些特定的时间化、概念化和论证样态之基础,并且为这些样态确定方向的逻辑。就英语而言,人们也许是在“幻觉”的意义上使用delusion(错觉)这个术语的,不过,它也可以被用来表示我们在罗曼诸语言之中称之为“delirio”或者“d啨lire”(这两个外来语在这里均指“迷狂”之意,前者是…  相似文献   
“再过10年左右———这很短,托马斯·莫尔的《乌托邦或最佳形式政府论》(1516年)的源源不断的诠释者们,[1]将庆祝它诞生500周年———这很长。”这个文本所流淌出的墨迹,也许就像罗尔沙赫氏测试那样,使我们可以投射我们的思绪、幻想、美梦或者希望,遐想回到已经一去不复返的过去,或者憧憬那歌声飘缈却永远不会来到的黎明。[2]对这种博学论述的大合唱进行补充,显得过于不自量力。根据当代的各种事件来诠释这个文本,纯属狂妄。但笔者要对这两宗主要指控进行认罪辩护,个中缘由不是为了喜欢挑衅———我们承认这样的指控并非是无关紧要,而是为…  相似文献   
不可知的现实 现实问题在于我们认为对它非常了解,而事实上对它完全没有很好地理解.[1]过去,我们的过去,对我们来说似乎绝对清晰,但事实并非如此.如果我们反思通盘考虑起来是我们的过去的20世纪,我们逐渐认识到,作为20世纪主要标志性现象的共产主义和纳粹主义几乎未被给予系统化的思考.  相似文献   
如何在中国哲学史的框架内理解和诠释中国佛教,胡适与冯友兰用现代学术的方法分别作了佛教“化中国”和佛教“中国化”两种解读。冯友兰历经一生写成的中国哲学“三史”中,对佛教研究在叙事方式上经历了由史论结合、以史为主到史论结合、以论为先而明其学脉,在理论分析上经历了从新实在论等西方哲学到运用马克思主义观点分析中国佛教哲学而得其宗旨。其一以贯之的主线是从揭示中国佛教的本位性到用马克思主义哲学考察中国佛教哲学,这不仅反映了冯先生学术研究的方法论转换,也深刻体现了他的世界观转向。  相似文献   
上世纪50年代,UFO目击者和加入这个事件的渲染者使事件急剧升温。1950年,弗朗克·斯库利(Frank Scully)发表了一本引起轰动的书,叫《追踪飞碟》。书中声称,一个飞碟坠毁在新墨西哥的阿兹特克东部的偏僻的高原沙漠上,飞碟的直径为99英尺,里面有16个外星人的尸体。斯库利自己并没有看见这个场景,仅仅是听别人说的。2年以后,发现这个故事是个骗局。关于飞碟坠毁的另一个故事也是发生在新墨西哥,地点是位于罗斯威尔西北部的75英里一处空军基地。据猜测,这次坠毁发生在1947年的7月,由此引发了一系列的事件和争论,并延续至今。坠毁是不容争论的,…  相似文献   
The aim of the present research was to study a well-defined set of line drawings that have never been analyzed before, and that are perceived as closed flat knots (CFKs). These knots are obtained by folding two-dimensional laminae. From this study it emerged that the perception of CFKs is always accompanied by a type of amodal completion, which had not previously been studied, and which we have called "completion by folding". It occurs when three quadrilaterals are so arranged that they look like a sheet of paper folded around one of them, partly occluded and partly occluding. Two experiments were carried out on this phenomenon revealing that a three-level stratification is produced in the completion by folding that facilitates unification between occluded figures, even when current models do not foresee such a perceptual solution, either because the distance between the two figures that become a unit is too big (experiment ) or because the slope between the two figures is not favorable (experiment 2). A third experiment, which took up the problem of the perception of CFKs, revealed the following: (1) Besides the prototype CFK, obtained by the interlacing of a rectangular lamina, there is a theoretically infinite class of CFKs. (2) The drawing of all the possible closed flat knots involves geometrically precise rules. (3) Not all feasible knots with these rules are seen as such. (4) Only the knots with characteristics of alignment and regularity are recognized as knots. (5) The closed flat knots are seen as the result of a transformation which the figure undergoes. This evidence constitutes a remarkable perceptual problem, discussed with reference to the recent theories of amodal completion.  相似文献   
Mathematics of forgiveness   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This study was aimed at determining the integration rule--summation or averaging--underlying the forgiveness schema. The main reason for distinguishing between these structures is that they have very different practical implications regarding the influence of various factors specific to each case on the propensity to forgive. In a summative model, the impact of the different factors and the direction of the effects are constant. For example, the presence of apologies always is a positive element even when these apologies assume a very weak form. By contrast, in an averaging model, the apologies can be a positive or a negative element depending on the current level of propensity to forgive and the form of the apologies. Two experiments were conducted using the functional theory of cognition framework. Experiment 1 applied the missing information test. Experiment 2 applied the credibility of information test. In both experiments, clear evidence favored a summative rule for judging willingness to forgive from circumstantial information such as presence or absence of intent, presence of absence of apologies, and degree of cancellation of consequences.  相似文献   
We examined individual differences in working memory appearing in the effective visual field size while reading Japanese text. Working memory capacity was measured by a Japanese reading span test, and the subjects were divided into high- and low-score groups. Reading performance was measured by reading time, comprehension, and eye movements using a variable moving window through which the subject could read areas of the Japanese text. As the window size decreased, the reading time increased significantly. High-span subjects showed better performance in reading time, comprehension, and fixation duration than low-span subjects even in small visual fields. Interestingly, high-span subjects appear to show better information integration during reading, whereas low-span subjects showed less integration without parafoveal vision. These findings suggest that reading performance was better for subjects with larger working memory resources in a parafoveal restriction condition.  相似文献   
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