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Psychological research has offered valuable insights into how to combat misinformation. The studies conducted to date, however, have three limitations. First, pre-emptive (“prebunking”) and retroactive (“debunking”) interventions have mostly been examined in parallel, and thus it is unclear which of these two predominant approaches is more effective. Second, there has been a focus on misinformation that is explicitly false, but implied misinformation that uses literally true information to mislead is common in the real world. Finally, studies have relied mainly on questionnaire measures of reasoning, neglecting behavioural impacts of misinformation and interventions. To offer incremental progress towards addressing these three issues, we conducted an experiment (N = 735) involving misinformation on fair trade. We contrasted the effectiveness of prebunking versus debunking and the impacts of implied versus explicit misinformation, and incorporated novel measures assessing consumer behaviours (i.e., willingness-to-pay; information seeking; online misinformation promotion) in addition to standard questionnaire measures. In general, both prebunking and debunking reduced misinformation reliance. We also found that individuals tended to rely more on explicit than implied misinformation both with and without interventions.  相似文献   
现在,等值越来越受到各考试测验机构及测量学研究人员的重视,特别是项目反应理论等值的优越性更使他们有了信心。然而,很多人却没有注意到被试能力分布形态可能给等值结果带来的影响效果及程度。本研究以项目反应理论两级记分模型的项目参数等值在不同被试能力分布形态下的结果差异作为重点,探讨被试抽样偏差可能给项目特征曲线等值带来的误差问题。研究结果表明,被试能力分布形态会显著地影响项目参数等值的系数,特别地,能力分布的偏态系数与等值方程的截距存在显著的线性相关关系,但能力分布形态的变化对等值方程中斜率的影响并不明显  相似文献   
恙虫病是自然疫源性急性传染病.通过恙虫病医疗实践,谈几点个人认识:恙虫病流行与该疫源地区鼠类活动有关;恙虫病疫源地会因气候变化而变更;重视恙虫病准确而及时诊断,尽量减少病人疾苦;恙虫病立克次体对人单核-吞噬细胞系统有特别的亲嗜性与专性细胞内寄生,是其临床病理基础;用氯霉素联合双黄连治疗恙虫病可获满意效果.  相似文献   
当下心理学研究出现的种种问题就其实质而言,是一种生态失衡现象,因此,心理学欲走向健康发展之轨道,应注重心理学研究的生态建设。  相似文献   
天台宗性具善恶说,具有较为明显的泛恶倾向,且处处脱不了审丑思维。自梁、陈入隋,智顗弘法数十载,其中贯穿了对丑类恶物的审度和涵化。不光恶为丑因、恶中见丑、审丑观恶,善和美也以各种通道与丑相融互格,共同呈现出多维流动、浑化自洽的球体架构。这种圆融宽厚的丑学,反映了“末法时期”的悲悯思维,也昭示着一个恢宏多采时代的到来。  相似文献   
如何在青少年中培养理性探索的科学精神,是近些年许多专家学者关注的课题,也是他们积极研究与实践的课题。他们通过调查研究,敏锐洞察到在部分青少年中对愚昧迷信、伪科学、邪教等问题存在模糊认识,对于超常现象缺乏理性思考和科学判断的方  相似文献   
The current study distinguishes between attributions of goal-directed perception (i.e. attention) and non-goal-directed perception to examine 9-month-olds' interpretation of others' head and eye turns. In a looking time task, 9-month-olds encoded the relationship between an actor's head and eye turns and a target object if the head and eye turns were embedded in a sequence of multiple, variable actions with equifinal outcomes, but not otherwise. This evidence supports the claim that infants of this age may attribute perception, at least goal-directed perception, to others and undermines arguments that gaze-following at this age consists only of uninterpreted reflexes. The evidence also suggests alternative interpretations of the typical errors infants make in standard gaze-following procedures. Implications for infants' understanding of perception and attention in both human and non-human agents are discussed.  相似文献   
刻板印象威胁效应研究回顾与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刻板印象威胁是个体经历的一种风险,处于该风险中的个体担心自己会验证所属群体的消极刻板印象。刻板印象威胁会导致个体行为上的表现下降和心理上的分离与不认同。同时,刻板印象威胁效应也会受领域认同、群体认同和自我等因素的影响。心理机制方面,已由焦虑、唤醒等单一机制研究转向了多威胁线索加工模型、综合过程模型的探讨。研究发现,刻板印象威胁可以采用重塑任务与建立认同安全环境等手段进行应对。未来研究将集中于心理后果的研究、不同类型威胁的后继研究、现场研究及本土化研究。  相似文献   
我国高校对心理咨询与治疗人才的培养现状调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究旨在调查我国高校对心理咨询与治疗人才的培养现状并分析其中存在的问题与需求.在我国华东、华西、华南、华北、华中地区选取22所不同类型,具有临床心理、咨询心理或应用心理学专业的本科、研究生培养计划的高等院校,搜集其课程设置、实践训练方面的资料,分析调查结果并与发达国家进行比较.结果发现存在一些问题,与发达国家相比尚存在着较大的差距.其中本科生的课程设置主要存在少数学校专业必修课和专业选修课的关系处理不合理、部分学校对心理咨询和治疗课程的培训不足,绝大多数学校无伦理课程培训等问题.研究生的课程体系较不完善,尤需加强对科学和道德伦理,行为的生物基础、行为的认知-情感基础、心理师的个人与专业发展、心理评估和诊断,心理咨询与治疗流派等领域的课程培训.本科生和研究生的实习训练方面,均存在实习内容不全面、实习时问短等问题.此外,本科人才的培养模式问题也值得深入研究探讨.  相似文献   
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