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This study investigated the effect of different types of distractions related to use of a hands-free phone on driving performance. The study used three types of verbal distractors: casual conversation, simple arithmetic number guessing, and number adding, in the phone conversation. 12 adults were instructed to follow a lead vehicle on a closed-course highway in a fixed-based driving simulator. The results showed that use of a hands-free cellular phone involving verbal and cognitive distractions impaired driving performance and skill. Types of distraction produced significantly different effects on several dependent variables: the driving speed, headway (distance between the lead car and the manipulated car), brake reaction time, and number of collisions with the lead car. In general, the higher the cognitive load involved in the dialogue, the worse the driving performance.  相似文献   
Outgroups are usually viewed with suspicion and expected to discriminate against the ingroup. The present study demonstrated that ingroup members attributed past discriminatory behaviour committed by individuals of unknown group membership more to outgroup members than to either ingroup members or members of a neutral group. In contrast, past egalitarian behaviour was attributed less to outgroup members than to members of a neutral group. Ingroup members also expected more discrimination from a future outgroup allocator than from a future neutral group allocator. Finally, the study showed that ingroup members' own behaviour in allocating money became more biased in favour of ingroup members vis-á-vis outgroup members when the future allocator was from an outgroup rather than from a neutral group and when they had witnessed the discriminatory behaviour of an allocator in the past.  相似文献   
由于职业的关系,作为一位科普期刊记者的我常和科学家们打交道。走进这支特殊群体的内心世界,他们向我吐露心扉,为我讲述他们毕生执著追求的科技事业。我这才得知他们的故事很精彩。我常常把他们美誉为“金字塔上的人物”,这是因为这些科学家们用他们的卓而不群的智慧,将呕心沥血的科研成果广泛应用于实际生产当中,推动了中国乃至世界的生产力的发展。他们是最可爱的人。我常常思索这么一个问题:是什么样的一种力量支撑着这些科学家们投入到物我两忘、宠辱不惊的伟大的科技事业?继而,为了全人类生产力的发展,为全人类谋求一个和谐、幸福、和…  相似文献   
本文从民间传说入手,对照史籍,探求管仲生年。  相似文献   
塔斯基首先提出关于真之定义的T模式即:"p"是真的,当且仅当,p。随后他又用X取代T模式中的"p",并且用"满足"来定义"真"。本文一方面根据"内容恰当性"要求,提出另一种模式T′即:"p"是真的,当且仅当,p是存在的;用以补充T模式,并完善塔斯基的语言层次论。另一方面根据"形式正确性"要求,指出塔斯基对T模式的这两项修改都是多余的。  相似文献   
以22篇纵向社会网络分析研究文献(30项独立样本研究,27746个被试)为对象,使用元分析技术探讨青少年偏差行为的同伴选择和同伴影响效应假设。结果发现:(1)同伴选择和同伴影响效应都显著,但同伴影响效应显著大于同伴选择效应;(2)青少年发展阶段在同伴选择和同伴影响过程中存在显著的调节效应。在同伴选择过程中,青少年早期阶段不显著,而中、晚期阶段显著;在同伴影响过程中,青少年早、中期显著,晚期阶段不显著。(3)偏差行为类型在同伴选择和同伴影响效应中的调节效应不显著。(4)网络数量在同伴影响过程中存在显著的调节效应,随着网络数量增加同伴影响效应越可能成立。结论,中晚期青少年会基于偏差行为相似性选择朋友,早中期青少年会受朋友的影响而产生偏差行为。  相似文献   
Arbitrary symbolism is a linguistic doctrine that predicts an orthogonal relationship between word forms and their corresponding meanings. Recent corpora analyses have demonstrated violations of arbitrary symbolism with respect to concreteness, a variable characterizing the sensorimotor salience of a word. In addition to qualitative semantic differences, abstract and concrete words are also marked by distinct morphophonological structures such as length and morphological complexity. Native English speakers show sensitivity to these markers in tasks such as auditory word recognition and naming. One unanswered question is whether this violation of arbitrariness reflects an idiosyncratic property of the English lexicon or whether word concreteness is a marked phenomenon across other natural languages. We isolated concrete and abstract English nouns (N  = 400), and translated each into Russian, Arabic, Dutch, Mandarin, Hindi, Korean, Hebrew, and American Sign Language. We conducted offline acoustic analyses of abstract and concrete word length discrepancies across languages. In a separate experiment, native English speakers (N  = 56) with no prior knowledge of these foreign languages judged concreteness of these nouns (e.g., Can you see, hear, feel, or touch this? Yes/No). Each naïve participant heard pre‐recorded words presented in randomized blocks of three foreign languages following a brief listening exposure to a narrative sample from each respective language. Concrete and abstract words differed by length across five of eight languages, and prediction accuracy exceeded chance for four of eight languages. These results suggest that word concreteness is a marked phenomenon across several of the world's most widely spoken languages. We interpret these findings as supportive of an adaptive cognitive heuristic that allows listeners to exploit non‐arbitrary mappings of word form to word meaning.  相似文献   
赵晨  高中华 《心理科学》2014,37(3):729-734
本研究以来自5家公司的272对主管与员工之间的配对数据为样本,探讨了员工政治自我效能与组织公民行为间的关系以及心理资本的调节作用。研究结果表明:政治自我效能与组织公民行为之间呈现倒U型的关系,当员工政治自我效能较低和较高时,组织公民行为都比较低,而当他们的政治自我效能处于中等水平时,组织公民行为最高;心理资本对组织公民行为具有积极的促进作用,同时能够减弱员工政治自我效能对组织公民行为的倒U型影响。  相似文献   
采用记忆更新任务,实验1要求被试分别更新3个和4个记忆项目,并设置不转换、控制转换和抑制转换条件,考察记忆集对注意焦点转换及其返回抑制的影响;实验2操纵两次更新同一记忆项目之间对其它记忆项目更新的次数(2次、3次及3次以上),在实验1基础上,考察返回抑制中项目抑制状态的消退过程.结论:随记忆集增加,转换代价增大,而返回抑制效应消失;当注意焦点对其它记忆项目更新2次时,之前被抑制项目的抑制状态可完全消退.  相似文献   
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