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通过对国内某三甲医院五年科研伦理审查情况进行分析,探讨科研项目伦理审查工作的重点、难点及对策。汇总2013年~2017年经医学伦理委员会会议审查的科研项目,分析研究者的学历、职称、学科与通过率关系。近5年医学伦理委员会共审查科研项目285项,通过238项,未通过47项,其中内科通过率高于外科(P<0.05),副高以上职称通过率高于中级(P<0.05),研究生以上学历通过率高于本科及以下学历(P<0.05)。只有强化伦理意识,规范审查形式,健全监管机制,才能保证科研伦理工作健康规范发展。  相似文献   
On a exploré dans trois recherches la relation entre la satisfaction professionnelle et les mentalités individualiste ou communautaire. Dans la première, une étude de niveau écologique, nous avons trouvé des corrélations à la limite de seuil de signification entre l'indice d'individualisme de Hofstede et des attitudes défavorables envers la communication et les relations professionnelles; toutes deux relèvent des aspects inter-individuels du travail. Pour la deuxième recherche, c'est un échantillon d'employés chinois de Hong Kong qui ont fourni les données. Les employés présentant un sentiment communautaire se montraient plus satisfaits de leur travail, de leur salaire, de leur promotion, de leur encadrement et de leurs collègues que leurs homologues individualistes. La troisième étude a retrouvé les résultats de la deuxième avec un échantillon d'employés d'un niveau plus modeste.
The relationship between individualism-collectivism and job satisfaction was explored in three studies. In the first, ecological-level, study, we found marginally significant correlations between Hofstede's individualism index and unfavourable attitudes towards working relationships and communication, both being interpersonal aspects of work. In the second study, data were collected from a sample of Chinese employees in Hong Kong. Collectivist employees reported higher satisfaction with their work, pay, promotion, supervision, and coworker than their individualist counterparts. Study 3 replicated findings of Study 2, with a sample of employees at a lower rank.  相似文献   
通过对2型糖尿病心血管终点事件的观察,更多的临床证据提示,糖尿病的治疗目标应该以减少心血管事件为主。糖尿病防治从策略上发生了两个转变,即以血糖为中心转向以防治心血管事件为中心的多危险因素综合防治策略;以糖化血红蛋白检测作为血糖评价的金标准转向以血糖量、质、时程控制的全面评价策略。  相似文献   
Exposure to an enriched environment (EE) has been shown to induce cortical plasticity. Considerable amount of research is focused on the effects of EE in the hippocampus; however, effects of EE on other brain regions and the mechanisms involved are not well known. To investigate this, we induced cortical plasticity by placing mice in an EE for one month and measured the effects of EE in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). Here, we show that EE enhanced the expression of the plasticity gene, egr-1, in the ACC of EE animals accompanied by enhanced cingulate long-term potentiation (LTP) and decreased cingulate long-term depression (LTD). The increased NMDA receptor NR2B/NR2A subunits current ratio is associated with the plasticity seen in the ACC while total protein levels remain unchanged. Furthermore, behavioral experiments show that these mice exposed to EE demonstrate enhanced responses to acute and long-term inflammation. Our findings suggest that exposure to EE alters physiological properties within the ACC which results in enhanced responses to inflammation.  相似文献   
采用基金投资框架任务,结合眼动技术考察眼睛注视线索与框架类型对风险决策的影响。结果发现:(1)消极眼睛注视线索促进了被试在损失框架下的风险寻求行为,控制组与积极、中性、消极眼睛组的行为结果无显著差异;(2)以均字注视次数为指标的眼动结果表明,积极眼睛组和中性眼睛组对确定损益的关注差异大于对风险损益的关注差异;消极眼睛组和控制组被试对损失的关注大于对收益的关注,对确定项的关注大于对风险项的关注,但两者不存在交互作用。消极眼睛注视线索可能改变了个体对风险性和确定性的感知,并因此影响了人们的风险决策行为,规避消极情绪线索可能有助于减少经济决策中的风险寻求行为。  相似文献   
通过对经典四卡问题呈现方式的改进,逐一呈现与命题对应的检验证据,要求被试判断每一证据在命题检验中的作用。结果表明:(1)"证真偏向"依然存在,但从正确率来看,顺证真与顺证伪没有显著差异;(2)发现了显著的顺序效应,与逆向检验相比,顺向检验有更高的正确率与更短的反应时;(3)被试加工与命题"无关联"刺激时存在明显困难,其正确率显著较低。这些结果说明个体在判断不同证据对命题检验的作用时会受到命题内在方向性的影响,个体可能会采用一些固有推理图式以及简单的匹配策略解决问题。  相似文献   
There are few empirical studies on the issues of psychology graduate students beyond dissertation research. Data from a sample of 65 psychology graduate students were analyzed to explore how stress relates to self-esteem, mood, and daily habits (eating, sleeping, smoking, exercise, and alcohol consumption). The results suggest that sleep patterns, exercise habits, and negative mood were significant correlates and predictors of stress. Findings prompt further investigation of the effects of the stress on psychology graduate students, which might aid in developing interventions leading to increased productivity, satisfaction, and global well-being for both graduate students and faculty.  相似文献   
Memory reactivation has not been systematically studied with infants older than 1 year. Currently, three experiments examined the effects of a reactivation treatment (priming) on retention throughout the second postnatal year. Fifteen- and 18-month-olds learned an operant train task, forgot it, received a 2-min or 10-s prime, and later were tested for retention. Although the longer prime was effective for 15-month-olds, 18-month-olds required the shorter prime (Experiment 1). The memory was reactivated after delays two (18 months) and three (15 months) times longer than infants originally remembered it (Experiment 2). The reactivated memory was forgotten as fast as the original memory after the 2-min prime and twice as fast after the 10-s prime (Experiment 3). The fact that reactivation changes quantitatively but not qualitatively throughout infancy suggests that the same mechanism mediates it at all ages. These findings have major implications for the impact of early experience on cognitive development.  相似文献   
神经性厌食症和神经性贪食症是主要的进食障碍症状。进食障碍的影响因素有社会文化因素(例如媒体和同伴的影响)、家庭因素(如困惑和冲突)、消极情绪、低自尊水平和对自身的不满及认知和生物方面的因素等。  相似文献   
按学生体质健康标准测试内容及评分标准的规定,连续10年(2002年~2012年)从大连海洋大学学生的体检、体测资料中,每年随机抽取200名(男、女各100名)、年龄在19岁~21岁的样本,探讨其体质健康的变化趋势.统计结果显示,体质及格者、良好者、优秀者的平均增长速度分别为2.4%、-1.2%、-1.9%.可见,大学生体质健康有逐年下降的趋势.建议学校认真落实健康第一的指导思想,加强对大学生的健康教育;对不良的生活方式进行干预.  相似文献   
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