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克罗恩病是一种以累及消化道为主的复发性炎性疾病.生物制剂的使用为克罗恩病的治疗提供了新的方向.大量临床研究已证实生物治疗主要是抗TNF α单抗对诱导及维持克罗恩病临床缓解、预防并发症的发生有效.目前临床指南多建议对克罗恩病采取递增方案治疗,对重度患者可及早采取更为有效的包括生物治疗在内的治疗方式,但递减治疗方案在临床中的应用尤其是针对初次诊断者也越来越受到重视.目前早期及长期应用生物治疗的安全性及其是否能改变克罗恩病的自然病程证据尚不充分.应针对患者的不同情况,根据风险/效益研究来确定更合适的治疗方案.  相似文献   
The primary purpose of this study was to investigate whether the theory of planned behavior (TPB) mediated the relationship between dialectical thinking and health behaviors. A sample of 285 undergraduates was tested with a dialectical thinking styles scale, health promoting lifestyle profiles, and TPB questionnaires. Structural equation modeling was used for data analysis. Results indicated that all the three dimensions of thinking styles (belief in the connection, acceptance of change, and acceptance of contradiction) exerted significant effects on TPB constructs. Specifically, the connection and the change dimensions had positive effects on health behaviors mediated by TPB, whereas the contradiction dimension had a negative effect. Model 2 showed a satisfactory fit, demonstrating the influential pathways between dialectical thinking and health behaviors. Implications in issues of health promotion and future research are discussed.  相似文献   
Written emotional disclosure has been reported to confer a variety of benefits on physical and psychological well-being. However, variable findings suggest that outcomes may vary systematically as a function of specific parameters of the experimental design. This study aims to investigate the unique and combined effects of disclosure instructions focusing on emotional expression and instructions facilitating cognitive reappraisal and to examine how ambivalence over emotional expression and ethnicity moderate the effects of these writing instructions. Seventy-one Asian and 59 Caucasian undergraduates (N = 130) with at least minimal physical or depressive symptoms were randomly assigned to one of the four writing conditions: emotional disclosure (ED), cognitive reappraisal (COG), the combination of ED and COG, or a control condition. Self-reported physical symptoms, positive affect (PA) and negative affect were assessed at baseline and three follow-ups spanning 4 months. Mixed linear models revealed that COG writing reduced physical symptoms, ED buffered a decrease in PA over time, and the combination of ED and COG (i.e. self-regulation; SR) was most effective. Asians and highly ambivalent participants benefited most from expressive writing. Findings contribute to the development of a SR moderator model and carry implications for designing expressive disclosure studies, particularly for ethnic minorities.  相似文献   
Electropulsing usually promotes a metastable phase to evolve towards its equilibrium state. This work reports an alternative case, where electropulsing promotes the decomposition of the stable δ-phase in duplex stainless steel at high temperature. This decomposition enables both the γ-phase and the σ-phase in the steel to survive and hence to strengthen it at high temperature. The hardness of the quenched sample with electropulsing treatment is 49.4% higher than that without electropulsing treatment. A fundamental understanding of the observation is developed.  相似文献   

La2 Zr2 O7 (LZO)-based pyrochlore islands were grown on a Y2 O3 -stabilized ZrO2 (YSZ) (001) single-crystal surface by the reaction between La2O3 vapour and the crystal. A network of interfacial edge dislocations with line directions [100] and [010] and Burgers vectors ( as/2)[101] and ( as/2)[011] respectively ( as being the lattice parameter of the YSZ) was observed at the moving LZO-YSZ reaction front. The interface-parallel component of the Burgers vectors accommodates the LZO-YSZ lattice mismatch of +5.0%, while the perpendicular component causes a slight tilt of the LZO lattice with respect to the YSZ lattice. The dislocation half-loops nucleate and glide on inclined {101} planes at the edges of the four corners of the growing islands.  相似文献   
A key challenge in the fabrication of superhard nanocomposite films is how to control the distribution of grain sizes in these materials. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy has been used to measure nanograin-size distributions in the Ti–B–N films with various B contents. The results show that the mean grain size decreases with increase of B content and the grain-size distribution conforms to a log-normal function when the hardness approaches a maximum value. The transition from normal to log-normal distributions can be determined by analysis in terms of a minimum information criterion. The origin of a log-normal size distribution probably results from heterogeneity arising from a diffusion-drift process.  相似文献   

Complete solid-state amorphization has been realized in elemental Se by means of mechanical milling of crystalline Se powder. Quantitative X-ray diffraction and thermal analyses were employed to characterize the amorphization process and indicated that the amorphization onset corresponds to a critical crystallite size and a drop in microstrain. During the major amorphization process, the remaining crystallite size remains unchanged with a constant lattice expansion. A new kinetics model of crystallite destabilization is proposed for the solid-state amorphization which satisfactorily explains the experimental observations.  相似文献   
A numerical model is proposed to simulate fracture induced by the coalescence of numerous microcracks, in which the condition for coalescence between two randomly nucleated microcracks is determined in terms of a load-sharing principle. The results of the simulation show that, as the number density of nucleated microcracks increases, stochastic coalescence first occurs followed by a small fluctuation, and finally a newly nucleated microcrack triggers a cascade coalescence of microcracks resulting in catastrophic failure. The fracture profiles exhibit self-affine fractal characteristics with a universal roughness exponent, but the critical damage threshold is sensitive to details of the model. The spatiotemporal distribution of nucleated microcracks in the vicinity of critical failure follows a power-law behaviour, which implies that the microcrack system may evolve to a critical state.  相似文献   
探讨个人幸福指数-中小学生版(PWI-SC)在中国的适用性以及中澳两国中学生个人幸福指数的跨文化差异。采用PWI-SC施测522名中国中学生、185名澳洲中学生,进行区分度、信度和效度检验,发现该问卷可运用于中国中学生个人幸福指数的调查,个别项目需稍加修改。比较中澳中学生的施测结果,中国中学生的个人幸福指数低于澳洲中学生,中国中学生得分为47-70,澳洲中学生得分为51-72;中国中学生除在个人已有成就项目上得分高于澳洲中学生外,其他方面均较低;中澳两国初中生的个人幸福指数均显著高于高中生,两国初高中生个人幸福指数的差异体现在不同方面;中澳两国中学生个人幸福指数的年龄差异均显著,进一步事后分析发现,两国中学生个人幸福指数的基本趋势均为随年龄增长,个人幸福指数降低,中国15岁中学生的个人幸福指数较高。PWI-SC基本适用于中国中学生;中学生随年龄增长,个人幸福指数降低;中国中学生的个人幸福指数低于澳洲中学生。  相似文献   
This article introduces a new affordance framework for humans and human design. Based on previous important concepts in product design–affordance, signifier, and product semantics, the authors propose three new concepts to illustrate how people perceive affordance. According to the model, perceptual probability of affordance is the probability that the public can perceive a certain affordance; perceptual threshold of affordance is the threshold at which affordance can be perceived by a person and changed by perceptual information; and situations, in which interactions between affordances and people exist, are crucial influences on human–affordance interactions. An illustration of the model and suggestions for further research are provided.  相似文献   
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