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Even though there is a general presence of aesthetics in school curricula in most of western countries, both at the level of terminology and at the level of choice and definition of contents, objectives and skills to be developed, the approach to sports and physical education potential for the development of aesthetic education of students still does not seem to be a reality in the agenda of this subject. Moreover, it is not transversal in terms of its different didactic contents. In order to explore its relevance, the aim of this work was to deepen how aesthetics is internal and central to sports experience, and which elements of sports and physical education lived experiences can be relevant in the promotion and development of the aesthetic sensibility of students. We propose the deepening of the subject through an hermeneutical qualitative research approach, confronting the content collected in 19 semi-structured interviews that enabled the thematic analysis of its content, and through it, the discussion of viewpoints of representative subjects among those that are the main players in the consideration of an aesthetic education through sport, namely physical education teachers and researchers in the context of aesthetics and sports sciences. With the information gathered and after its processing, we could conclude that there are aesthetic elements of sport's experience that should be taken into account in an aesthetic educational point of view of physical education, namely: complexity, diversity, playability, tension between drama and accuracy, overcoming experience, risk and vulnerability, unpredictable storylines and uncertainty, technique and effectiveness.  相似文献   
This study investigates the interaction between surface and colour knowledge information during object recognition. In two different experiments, participants were instructed to decide whether two presented stimuli belonged to the same object identity. On the non-matching trials, we manipulated the shape and colour knowledge information activated by the two stimuli by creating four different stimulus pairs: (1) similar in shape and colour (e.g. TOMATO–APPLE); (2) similar in shape and dissimilar in colour (e.g. TOMATO–COCONUT); (3) dissimilar in shape and similar in colour (e.g. TOMATO–CHILI PEPPER) and (4) dissimilar in both shape and colour (e.g. TOMATO–PEANUT). The object pictures were presented in typical and atypical colours and also in black-and-white. The interaction between surface and colour knowledge showed to be contingent upon shape information: while colour knowledge is more important for recognising structurally similar shaped objects, surface colour is more prominent for recognising structurally dissimilar shaped objects.  相似文献   
已有研究表明,除自下而上因素外,自上而下因素也能够对客体知觉起到调节作用,从而影响注意的分配。本研究以不同词频(高频和低频)的汉语双字词为实验材料,采用双矩形线索范式变式考察不同语义客体表征质量对基于语义客体注意效应的影响。结果发现,在高语义客体表征质量的条件下出现了基于语义客体的注意效应,而在低语义客体表征质量的条件下并未出现基于语义客体的注意效应。该结果表明,语义客体表征质量的高低是影响基于语义客体注意效应的重要因素。  相似文献   
本文认为"礼失求诸野"是儒家的一项文化开放主张,通过历史疏证,可知其适用范围很广,并由此形成中国文化发展与整合互动的机制,即以民间文化丰富经典文化,以四夷或域外文化充实中国文化,反之,经典文化则对民间和四夷文化进行整合,从而既保持中国文化的主体性,又蕴含着生生不息的发展张力.  相似文献   
道德相对主义的界标   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文主要在理论上划清了"道德相对主义"的界限.在对"道德"与"相对主义"进行辨析的基础上,对"道德相对主义"与道德相对性、道德多元主义、道德地方主义,强道德相对主义与弱道德相对主义进行了区分.对"道德相对主义"进行分类;总结了道德相对主义的一般论证模式;阐明了道德相对主义的对立面以及道德相对主义的家族相似概念.最后陈述了必须拒斥道德相对主义的理由,即道德与法律有内在的联系,有普遍有效的法律,便有普遍有效的道德观念和规范.  相似文献   
临床实习阶段是医学生到医生转型的关键时期,如何提高临床实习质量,本文作者认为建立新型的教学关系,高标准选择带教老师,年龄在35到50岁之间为佳,建立“双向交流”的教育方式;建立临床实习医生职业素养档案;建立实习岗前培训,增强风险意识;给予学生充分的实践机会以及采用多种措施弥补实习中的不足是切实有效的对策。  相似文献   
杜伟宇  卢晓艳 《心理科学》2011,34(6):1422-1427
自我是一个人所持有的关于自我特征的信念,不同的理想和现实自我差异可能带来不同的消费选择。本研究以在校大学生作为被试,通过阅读不同的理想与现实自我材料,启动被试的理想与现实的自我差异,考察其对消费者产品属性选择偏好的影响。结果发现:现实与理想自我差异小的被试,更偏好享乐属性强的产品;现实与理想自我差异大的被试,更偏好功能属性强的产品。  相似文献   
目标定向对创造性个性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于创造性研究的社会心理学取向,本研究试图探讨目标定向干预对创造性个性的影响。对73名高一学生施以TARGET模式3个月以引导掌握定向的形成;另73名高一学生作为控制组。协方差分析表明,实验组的创造性个性有明显改善;被试实验前的目标定向对实验效果具有一定的影响,实验前成绩接近定向的倾向较弱的被试其创造性个性的改善较为明显。总之,目标定向干预可导致创造性个性的改善。  相似文献   
Time perception has long been known to be affected by numerical representations. Recent studies further demonstrate that when participants estimate the duration of Arabic numbers, number magnitude, though task-irrelevant, biases duration judgment to produce underestimation for smaller numbers and overestimation for larger numbers. Such effects were found in the present study to be significantly reduced when a weight unit gram was suffixed to the numbers rendering the mental magnitude differences between different numbers less distinctive. The effects were enhanced when a different unit kilogram was suffixed to the numbers enlarging the perceived magnitude differences between different numbers. The results indicate that effects of number magnitude on duration estimation should not be attributed to the mathematical differences between numbers but to how the numbers are perceived to differ from each other in magnitude in specific contexts when they denote concrete items. The results also provide new evidence for the theoretical proposal of a common generalized magnitude system and indicate that the system must be extended to include other action-oriented magnitudes, such as weight.  相似文献   
采用程序标准化的婴儿迂回行为测验,探讨了244名8─11个月婴儿的迂回行为发展特点及学习能力。结果表明:(1)8─11个月婴儿的迂回行为水平表现出随婴儿月龄的增长而提高的趋势。(2)8─11个月的婴儿具有从反复尝试中学会迂回行为的可能性,其中9、10个月婴儿的学习可能性较大,而8个月婴儿的学习可能性较小。(3)8──11个月婴儿的学习速度随月龄增大而提高  相似文献   
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