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Applied Research in Quality of Life - As the occupational group that delivers public services, civil servants confront a particular working property and environment. Previous studies indicate that...  相似文献   
孔门十哲,出类拔萃者莫若颜回、子贡、子路,且此三人之身世、性情、才具、道德修为和成就各有风华,但又殊途同归:共同维护了孔门。光大了儒家。孔子称得上是中华民族几千年来最为伟大的教育家,颜回、子贡、子路三人各方面的修为和成就,莫不大大受惠于夫子有教无类、因材施教的卓越的教育理论和教育方式。三人也没有辜负孔子的教导,以身垂范,较好地诠释了孔子儒家所宣扬的“仁、智、勇”;并与其师一道,在乱世中矢志不渝,坚守道义,追求理想,为儒学的传播和繁荣做出了重要的贡献。  相似文献   
主观幸福感的结构及其与人格特质的关系   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
邱林  郑雪 《应用心理学》2005,11(4):330-335,353
以239名大学生为被试,考察了主观幸福感(SWB)的结构及其与人格特质的关系。分析表明,SWB由生活满意度、积极情感和消极情感三个相关的维度构成,而且它们可以共同负荷于一个高阶因子。外倾和神经质是SWB的重要预测指标,积极情感的主要预测指标是外倾,神经质则是消极情感最有力的预测指标,而外倾和神经质对消极情感和生活满意度有相同的预测力。情感平衡是外倾和神经质影响生活满意度的中介变量。  相似文献   
疼痛恐惧是影响和维持慢性痛的重要因素。不同材料和被试类型情况下, 疼痛恐惧均主要作用于个体对疼痛相关信息的早期注意加工阶段, 表现为注意警觉模式。该注意模式使个体将注意维持在疼痛上, 从而干扰了对非疼信息的注意能力。矫正疼痛恐惧相关注意偏向可以改善疼痛体验。未来研究应采用更具生态效度的任务测量疼痛恐惧相关的注意偏向及其神经基础, 进一步考察矫正疼痛恐惧相关注意偏向能否改善慢痛患者的忧郁和功能丧失等问题。  相似文献   
药物成瘾是一类精神及行为障碍, 涉及到中枢神经系统的病变。毒蕈碱受体(Muscarinic receptor, M受体)属于胆碱能受体, 分5种亚型。行为学研究表明, 干预M受体能有效影响药物成瘾行为, 但其神经机制还亟待探索。阿片类药物与精神活性药物均能激活中枢多巴胺系统, 而M受体与多巴胺系统在多个脑区产生了交互作用。其中激动M2及M4受体抑制了多巴胺系统功能, 而激动M5受体增强了多巴胺系统功能, 与干预M2、M4、M5受体对药物成瘾行为的影响相对应。以上证据提示, 干预M受体可能通过影响多巴胺系统对药物成瘾起作用。  相似文献   
A cross-cultural experiment tested predictions regarding reward allocation decisions among subjects in the United States and Taiwan. The experiment included five independent variables—two between-subject factors (American vs. Chinese; instrumental vs. unspecified vs. social-emotional allocator orientation) and three within-subject factors (high vs. low employee competence, social skill, and mobility). In general, Americans and Chinese distributed rewards quite similarly: In both cultures, allocators distributed greater rewards to employees who were more competent and possessed greater social skill. In both cultures, instrumental allocator orientation induced stronger tendencies to base allocations on competence; social-emotional allocator orientation induced stronger tendencies to base allocations on social skill. In both cultures, subjects engaged in competence-based "rational selective exploitation"—among highly competent employees, those with greater professional mobility received larger portions of the reward pool than did counterparts with constrained mobility. In both cultures, subjects also evidenced an unexpected social-skill-based rational selective exploitation—among employees with good social skill those with greater professional mobility received larger portions of the reward pool than did counterparts with constrained mobility. However, there were a number of interactions with culture that ran contrary to our a priori predictions: We hypothesized that Americans would exhibit greater individualism by focusing on competence in allocating outcomes, and that Chinese would exhibit greater collectivism by focusing on social skill. Although Americans did attend to employee competence more than Chinese, Americans also attended to employee social skill more than Chinese. These findings are discussed in terms of an expanded conceptualization of the nature of individualism and collectivism.  相似文献   
Tsai CC  Lin CC 《Adolescence》2004,39(156):725-734
The purpose of this study was to explore adolescents' perceptions and attitudes regarding the Internet, by gender. Data were collected from 636 high school students in Taiwan. It was found that male adolescents perceived the Internet more as a "toy," while female adolescents perceived the Internet more as a "technology," "tool" or "tour." Results indicated that females held more pragmatic views of the Internet, whereas males believed they could obtain more enjoyment from the Internet. In addition, males expressed significantly more positive attitudes than did females on two aspects of the Internet: usefulness and perceived control. However, no significant gender differences were found in terms of the affection and behavior aspects of using the Internet. More importantly, females tended to show higher Internet self-efficacy than did males. It is suggested that gender differences regarding the Internet might be narrowing because female adolescents are acquiring more experience with it.  相似文献   
The theory of planned behavior has been applied to sports and exercise behaviors. According to this theory, human intention to take action in a specific context is guided by three antecedents: attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control. Behavioral intention mediates the relationships between these three considerations and its ultimate performance. However, this theory has seldom been applied to the behaviors of spectators of sporting events. A sample of 269 volleyball spectators in Taiwan was studied to examine whether people's intention mediated their attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control toward a given behavior, watching the 2010 Fédération Internationale de Volleyball World Grand Prix in Taipei. Regression analyses did not support behavioral intention as a mediator. This result is discussed in the context of planned behavior.  相似文献   
西方志愿者行为研究述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李林  石伟 《心理科学进展》2010,18(10):1653-1659
志愿者行为是在组织背景下, 个体经过深思熟虑之后, 自愿对主动寻求帮助的对象实施的一种长期且无偿的帮助行为; 其形成和发展可以用功能理论、特质理论和多因素模型来解释。志愿者行为的测量工具主要有志愿功能量表、志愿精神问卷和志愿者行为问卷。研究者对人口统计学特征、人格变量、动机变量及组织因素等志愿者行为的前因变量及志愿者身心健康、社会收益等志愿者行为的结果变量的探讨比较深入, 但在概念明晰、理论整合、测量工具、取样探索等方面还有待进一步研究。  相似文献   
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