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Fibromyalgia is a syndrome characterized by the presence of diffuse and chronic musculoskeletal pain of unknown etiology. Clinical diagnosis and the merely palliative treatments considerably affect the patient's experience and the chronic course of the disease. Therefore, several authors have emphasized the need to explore issues related to self in these patients. The repertory grid technique (RGT), derived from personal construct theory, is a method designed to assess the patient's construction of self and others. A group of women with fibromyalgia (n = 30) and a control group (n = 30) were assessed using RGT. Women with fibromyalgia also completed the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire and a visualanalogue scale for pain, and painful tender points were explored. Results suggest that these women had a higher present self-ideal self discrepancy and a lower perceived adequacy of others, and it was more likely to find implicative dilemmas among them compared to controls. These dilemmas are a type of cognitive conflict in which the symptom is construed as "enmeshed" with positive characteristics of the self. Finally, implications of these results for the psychological treatment of fibromyalgia are suggested to give a more central role to self-identity issues and to the related cognitive conflicts.  相似文献   
Neuronal synchronisation at gamma frequencies (30-100 Hz) has been implicated in cognition and memory. Gamma oscillations can be studied in various in vitro models, but their in vivo validity and their relationship with reference memory remains to be proven. By using the natural variation of wild type C57bl/6J mice, we assessed the relationships between reference memory and gamma oscillations recorded in hippocampal area CA3 in vivo and in vitro. Local field potentials (LFPs) were recorded from area CA3 in behaviourally-characterised freely moving mice, after which hippocampal slices were prepared for recordings in vitro of spontaneous gamma oscillations and kainate-induced gamma oscillations in CA3. The gamma-band power of spontaneous oscillations in vitro correlated with that of CA3 LFP oscillations during inactive behavioural states. The gamma-band power of kainate-induced oscillations correlated with the activity-dependent increase in CA3 LFP gamma-band power in vivo. Kainate-induced gamma-band power correlated with Barnes circular platform performance and object location recognition, but not with object novelty recognition. Kainate-induced gamma-band power was larger in mice that recognised the aversive context, but did not correlate with passive avoidance delay. The correlations between behavioural and electrophysiological measures obtained from the same animals show that the gamma-generating capacity of the CA3 network in vitro is a useful index of in vivo gamma strength and supports an important role of CA3 gamma oscillations in spatial reference memory.  相似文献   
Perceptual learning refers to the phenomenon that practice or training in perceptual tasks often substantially improves perceptual performance. Often exhibiting stimulus or task specificities, perceptual learning differs from learning in the cognitive or motor domains. Research on perceptual learning reveals important plasticity in adult perceptual systems, and as well as the limitations in the information processing of the human observer. In this article, we review the behavioral results, mechanisms, physiological basis, computational models, and applications of visual perceptual learning.  相似文献   
Zhang M  Chen X  Way N  Yoshikawa H  Deng H  Ke X  Yu W  Chen P  He C  Chi X  Lu Z 《Developmental science》2011,14(5):1059-1065
Self-regulatory behavior in early childhood is an important characteristic that has considerable implications for the development of adaptive and maladaptive functioning. The present study investigated the relations between a functional polymorphism in the upstream region of monoamine oxidase A gene (MAOA) and self-regulatory behavior in a sample of Chinese infants at 6 months of age. Self-regulation was assessed by observing infants' behavior of orienting visual attention away from a threatening event in the laboratory situation. The results indicated that regulatory behavior was associated with the functional MAOA gene polymorphism in girls, but not boys. Girls with 4/4 genotypes displayed significantly higher regulation than girls with 3/3 and 3/4 genotypes. The present study provided evidence for gender differences on the role of MAOA gene polymorphism in socioemotional functioning in the early years.  相似文献   
卵巢肿瘤蒂扭转急腹症诊治进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卵巢肿瘤可因肿物扭转、破裂、出血等而导致剧烈腹痛、恶心呕吐、甚至出现失血性休克等急腹症的表现,是妇科临床常见的急腹症之一,有时容易误诊而导致严重后果。随着医疗水平的提高及微创观念的引入,目前对一些妇科急腹症如卵巢囊肿蒂扭转的处理等在诊断与治疗方面发生了很大的变化,现综述如下。  相似文献   
现代人为什么不重视美德   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
现代人重视权利而不重视美德。必须通过对传统社会到现代社会之历史转变过程的全面考察,才能理解现代人为何不再重视美德。现代性有强烈的去道德化倾向。现代政治、经济和科学都表现出不同程度的去道德化倾向。正因为如此,道德"场"大为弱化。人们觉得不需要过多的美德,过多的美德是浪费(品质浪费),这是现代人不重视美德的内在原因;现代社会不容有太多具有美德的人,这是现代人不重视美德的外在原因。  相似文献   
Recent studies indicated that the pre-motor area may be recruited in human higher level cognitive functions, including inductive reasoning. In the present study, a typical task of inductive reasoning, function-finding, was explored using functional MRI. fMRI results showed the significant activation of bilateral pre-motor cortex (BA 6), and its left lateralization. Taking together the previous studies and the present experimental design, we concluded that the left pre-motor cortex in the present study may associate with implicit relation synthesis, while the right pre-motor cortex may reflect spatial information processing involved in arithmetic rules.  相似文献   
Although computer keyboards and mice are frequently used in measuring response times (RTs), the accuracy of these measurements is quite low. Specialized RT collection devices must be used to obtain more accurate measurements. However, all the existing devices have some shortcomings. We have developed and implemented a new, commercially available device, the RTbox, for highly accurate RT measurements. The RTbox has its own microprocessor and high-resolution clock. It can record the identities and timing of button events with high accuracy, unaffected by potential timing uncertainty or biases during data transmission and processing in the host computer. It stores button events until the host computer chooses to retrieve them. The asynchronous storage greatly simplifies the design of user programs. The RTbox can also receive and record external signals as triggers and can measure RTs with respect to external events. The internal clock of the RTbox can be synchronized with the computer clock, so the device can be used without external triggers. A simple USB connection is sufficient to integrate the RTbox with any standard computer and operating system.  相似文献   
对呈现在儿童面前的不熟悉的材料用儿童熟悉的、各不相同的类别标签命名之后,使儿童面临知觉相似和类别冲突的情形下,研究了儿童的归纳推理及其发展。研究结果显示,在此情形下,5岁儿童的归纳推理主要是基于知觉相似的,7岁儿童基于知觉相似和基于类别的归纳推理之间差异不显著,11岁儿童则主要基于类别进行归纳推理。  相似文献   
探讨一致的先前知识对类别学习的影响,包括2个实验。被试是112名大学生,分别探讨不同实验任务和不同项目呈现时间引发的机械特征在类别学习中的重要程度和加工程度不同的情况下先前知识对类别学习的影响。结果表明:(1)在实验任务为项目类别归属判断任务时,机械特征重要程度低,主题特征与机械特征在学习上存在竞争关系;在实验任务为项目类别归属及记忆任务时,机械特征重要程度高,主题特征与机械特征在学习上存在促进关系。(2)在限制步速呈现项目时,机械特征加工程度低,主题特征与机械特征在学习上存在竞争关系;而在自定步速呈现项目时,机械特征加工程度高,主题特征与机械特征在学习上不存在竞争关系。  相似文献   
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