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采用《中国青少年心理健康素质调查表》调查了天津市425名正常和115名有心理问题大学生的心理健康素质,结果表明:正常组大学生的人际素质、个性素质、自我、应对风格和适应等分量表得分都高于有心理问题组大学生且具有显著差异,而动力系统、认知风格、归因风格分量表得分差异不显著。比较分析研究结果说明《中国青少年心理健康素质调查表》在区分正常和有心理问题大学生的心理健康素质方面可靠、有效。  相似文献   
抗战前的广州基督教青年会是广州一个非常活跃的团体,上至广东省、广州市的政府要员,下至普通百姓,都和青年会有着或多或少的联系,或接受过青年会的服务,可以说是一个尽人皆知的团体.该团体的活动对广州的教育、体育、风俗习惯等方面都产生了不小的影响,但长期以来,对该团体的研究却没有引起学者们的足够重视.该文拟就广州基督教青年会在"德育"、"智育"、"体育"、"群育"四方面的活动略作评述,希望能起抛砖引玉之功效.  相似文献   
有生命,便有生命之"患"。由于生命以"身"的方式存在,生命之"患"本质上便是身之"患"。生命之"患"来自于降生生命之"道"以及生命之身所赖以存在的"货"、"名","道"与"货"、"名"不仅是生命的守护者,还是生命的摧残者。生命对道的抗拒,对"货"、"名"的争夺,必然招致道的惩罚,造成生命之间的相互残杀。破除生命之"患",保全生命之"身",就在于顺从道的旨意,甘愿接受道给予生命的一切;根除生命生存之外、生存之上的欲望,摆脱"货"、"名"的纠缠,同时,效法天地,"无以生为"。  相似文献   
This paper used longitudinal data from five studies conducted in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Ethiopia, and Rwanda to examine the links between family stimulation and early childhood development outcomes (N = 4904; Mage = 51.5; 49% girls). Results from random-effects and more conservative child-fixed effects models indicate that across these studies, family stimulation, measured by caregivers’ engagement in nine activities (e.g., reading, playing, singing), predicted increments in children's early numeracy, literacy, social-emotional, motor, and executive function skills (standardized associations ranged from 0.05 to 0.11 SD). Study-specific models showed variability in the estimates, with null associations in two out of the five studies. These findings indicate the need for additional research on culturally specific ways in which caregivers may support early development and highlight the importance of promoting family stimulation to catalyze positive developmental trajectories in global contexts.

Research Highlights

  • Research on the links between family stimulation and early childhood development in low-and-middle-income countries (LMICs) is limited.
  • We used longitudinal data from studies conducted in five LMICs to examine the links between family stimulation and early childhood development outcomes.
  • Results suggest that family stimulation predicted increments in children's numeracy, literacy, social-emotional, motor, and executive function skills.
  • We found variability in the observed estimates, with null associations in two out of the five studies, suggesting the need for additional research in LMICs.
<正>历史上,与委羽山相关联的知名人物很多,如果罗列出来,那一定是一份很长的名单。这些人物都有其闪光之处,若论与委羽山渊源之深、受后人钦崇之甚,大概要首推司马季主。他身上似乎具有一种很特殊的魅力,以至精神上向来以高标自持的司马迁、诸葛亮、道教上清派宗师杨羲、许穆等,都对他推崇备至。司马迁在《史记》中专门为司马季主立了一部传记,诸葛亮为  相似文献   
为探讨依恋焦虑、无法忍受不确定性、经验性回避与大学生囤积行为的关系,本研究构建了一个序列中介模型。采用问卷法对黑龙江等地高校的610名大学生进行调查研究。结果发现:(1)无法忍受不确定性和经验性回避在依恋焦虑与大学生囤积行为之间均起部分中介作用;(2)无法忍受不确定性和经验性回避在依恋焦虑和大学生囤积行为之间构成序列中介,即依恋焦虑个体通过增强无法忍受不确定性,从而提高经验性回避倾向,进而增加大学生的囤积行为。研究进一步从认知和应对手段角度来考察依恋焦虑对大学生囤积行为的作用机制,对囤积行为的预防和干预具有启示意义。  相似文献   
《管子》是我国齐文化一部重要著述。21世纪是追求“和”之精神的时代,重新审视《管子》乐论,从《地员》、《宙合》、《幼宫》三篇有关乐论的论述中,可以看到“和”之精神的存在。  相似文献   
Yinghua Lu 《亚洲哲学》2020,30(1):71-84

This paper specifically deals with the relation between respect and li禮in the Confucian context. Li has both negative and positive sources. On the positive level, ritual propriety enables one to express internal moral and religious feelings, especially respect, reverence and humility. Furthermore, this work investigates into the relevant feelings and acts of respect and ritual propriety, as well as meaningful critiques of ritual, in an attempt to clarify the genuine expression of ritual propriety that helps to actualize human inner moral and religious approaches.  相似文献   
本实验借助假设检验模型对学生在习得条件下生物学概念形成过程进行探究,实验结果表明:1、学生生物学概念的形成存在高起点、缓增长、平台振荡的特点,没有突破现象;2、探究教学更有利于概念的形成.尤其利于发掘学生后程的学习潜力;3、学生对概念的掌握可能存在一个统计学意义上的阈值,相同条件下探究教学比讲授法较更利于学生达到该阈值.  相似文献   
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