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The present note demonstrates that Baron’s (1971) second-guess data are not inconsistent with the basic assumptions of Kristofferson’s attention-switching model.  相似文献   
A quasi-experiment was conducted to determine if the effectiveness of the R.C.S. Home Energy Audit Program could be improved by training auditors to use social-psychological principles during the audit procedure. Nine experienced home energy auditors attended two 1-day workshops in which they were trained to: (a) communicate vividly; (b) personalize their recommendations to homeowners; (c) induce commitment; and (d) frame their recommendations in terms of “loss” rather than “gain”. The effectiveness of the trained auditors was compared with a control group of experienced auditors who did not receive specific training. Both telephone interview data and utility company records pointed to the success of the auditor training. In interviews, customers served by the trained auditors reported a greater likelihood of acting on the auditors' recommendations, and a large number of these customers reported applying for utility programs to finance retrofits. Utility records validated these customer claims: A significantly larger number of customers served by trained auditors actually did apply for retrofit finance programs. A longitudinal measure of actual energy consumption showed no difference between experimental and control households. Taken as a whole, these findings demonstrate the potential for using principles uncovered in the social psychological laboratory to design applied interventions.  相似文献   
Subjects read aloud words presented once at the rate of one per second. A perceptual identification task, involving 30- or 50-msec presentations, followed. Some of the words presented for identification had been read previously; others were new. After each presentation, in addition to identifying the word, the subjects judged its duration. The data indicate that a single presentation of a word affects its later perception, as revealed by enhanced perceptual identification, longer duration judgments, and better temporal discrimination. A second experiment showed that a single presentation influenced duration judgments even when identification was not required. The final experiment addressed the issue of what is preserved in memory from a prior presentation. The results from the three experiments indicate that duration judgments provide a valuable dependent measure of memory in the perceptual identification task and support the misattribution hypothesis: A prior presentation enhances perceptual identification, and this increase in relative perceptual fluency is incorrectly attributed to a longer presentation duration.  相似文献   
McGurk, Davis and Grehan (1981) have suggested that personality variables may have a moderating effect on the violence—personal space relationship originally reported by Kinzel (1970). Similarly, Wright (1974) has reported enhanced personal space in inmates classified as of low intelligence. The present study was undertaken in order to further investigate possible confounding effects of personality and intelligence differences on the relationship between aggressive behaviour and spatial use. A direct approach stop-distance and a semi-blind measure of personal space were obtained for a group of violent young offenders and a non-violent control group. Verbal and Non-verbal Intelligence scores and personality scores were also collected. Analysis of variance showed no significant differences in personal space size between the violent and non-violent group on any one measure. However, a significant interaction effect was found between violence, P and Non-verbal Intelligence such that violent inmates exhibited augmented personal space in relation to non-violent inmates only in the cases of those scoring both low on Non-verbal Intelligence and high on P. These findings contradict earlier research reporting a difference in spatial use between violent and non-violent Ss. It is concluded that the lack of a standardized well-controlled technique for measuring personal space has resulted in ambiguous findings in this area of research.  相似文献   
When we see combinations of text and graphics, such as photographs and their captions in printed media, how do we compare the information in the two components? Two experiments used a sentence-picture verification task in which statements about photographs of natural scenes were read in order to make a true/false decision about the validity of the sentence, and in which eye movements were recorded. In Experiment 1 the sentence and the picture were presented concurrently, and objects and words could be inspected in any order. In Experiment 2 the two components were presented one after the other, either picture first or sentence first. Fixation durations on pictures were characteristically longer than those on sentences in both experiments, and fixations on sentences varied according to whether they were being encoded as abstract propositions or as coreferents of objects depicted in a previously inspected picture. The decision time data present a difficulty for existing models of sentence verification tasks, with an inconsistent pattern of differences between true and false trials.  相似文献   
The phenomenon of post-traumatic stress has been well documented in the literature as a lasting mental health condition associated with exposure to traumatic life events. The diagnosis and experience of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease may be such a trauma. On the other hand, the phenomenon of post-traumatic growth (PTG) has been described, whereby people show positive mental health growth in the face of such trauma. This systematic review was set out to explore post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and PTG in people with HIV to monitor prevalence, measurement and efficacy of interventions to reduce stress and/or promote growth. Standardised review techniques were used to track reports on both PTSD and PTG. A total of 206 papers were retrieved from the PTSD and HIV searches, and 13 from the PTG and HIV searches. After reviewing the papers for inclusion according to adequacy and relevance criteria and to remove duplicates, 33 PTSD papers and three PTG were available for full coding. Prevalence of PTSD in HIV ranged from 5% to 74%, which were much greater than the 7-10% in the general population. Seven studies showed a relation between trauma and PTSD, while six showed a link between PTSD diagnosis and reduced antiretroviral treatment adherence. Women were more likely to be diagnosed with PTSD. Only three intervention reports were identified that fitted our inclusion criteria. All of these reported on psychological interventions for HIV+?individuals with trauma. The interventions utilised HIV education, training in coping techniques and support groups. Only coping interventions were shown to be effective. PTG was under researched but showed a promising avenue of study. There needs to be harmonised measurement and the evidence base would need strengthening in order to build on the understanding of the impact of PTSD and PTG over the course of HIV disease. There is good evidence to associate HIV diagnosis and experiences during the course of illness as traumatic. PTSD has been shown to be prevalent and there seems to be good evidence to incorporate standardised measures to track the course of the disorder. There is extremely limited evidence that interventions may affect the course of symptom experience. The evidence and insight into PTG show promise but is currently inadequate.  相似文献   
People with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) show elevated anxiety levels compared to the general population. Anxiety can predate HIV infection or be triggered by HIV diagnosis and the many stresses that emerge during the course of HIV disease. Many psychological and pharmacological therapies have been shown to treat anxiety in the general population but a systematic understanding of which interventions have been tested in and are effective with HIV-seropositive individuals is needed. This review examines all published intervention studies on anxiety and HIV from 1980 to 2009 covered by the databases MedLine (1980-2009) and PsycINFO (1980-2009) for a definitive account of effectiveness of interventions and an indication of prevalence of HIV-related anxiety and measurement within studies. Standard systematic research methods were used to gather quality published papers on HIV and anxiety, searching published data bases according to quality inclusion criteria. From the search, 492 papers were generated and hand searched resulting in 39 studies meeting adequacy inclusion criteria for analysis. Of these, 30 (76.9%) were implemented in North America (the USA and Canada), with little representation from developing countries. Thirty-three (84.6%) studies recruited only men or mostly men. A total of 50 interventions were investigated by the 39 studies; 13 targeted HIV, symptoms or associated outcomes/conditions, 20 directly targeted anxiety and another 17 indirectly targeted anxiety. Twenty-four (48%) interventions were effective in reducing anxiety (including 11 indirect interventions), 16 (32%) were ineffective and 10 (20%) had an unknown effect on anxiety. Sixty-five percent of interventions directly targeting anxiety were effective. Psychological interventions (especially cognitive behavioural stress management interventions and cognitive behavioural therapy) were generally more effective than pharmacological interventions. Only three studies provided prevalence rates - these ranged from 13% to 80%. Anxiety was measured using 16 different instruments. Our detailed data suggest that interventions are both effective and available, although further research into enhancing efficacy would be valuable. Also, the vast majority of studies were Western-based, no studies looked at children or adolescents and few looked specifically at women. An international effort to harmonise measurement of anxiety is also missing. There is a need to routinely log anxiety in those with HIV infection during the course of their disease, to provide specific data on women, young people and those in diverse geographic areas and incorporate management into care protocols.  相似文献   
This work aims to study the propensity to discriminate (PTD) (Dovidio & Helb, 2005 ; Tisserant, Wagner & Barth, 2010) against gender and other salient criteria in the working place, such as ethnic origin and religious background. More precisely, we investigated the link between PTD and the social dominance orientation (Sidanius & Pratto, 1999). 119 counsellors from French employment services answered a questionnaire dealing on concepts and attitudes towards social groups. Results show that social dominance, as a system of belief justifying social inequalities, generally predict the PTD of individuals, whatever the criterion of discrimination considered. The sex of counsellors can be considered as a moderating variable since females are less likely to accept inequalities than males do. We discuss the need for work and organizational psychologists to invest, alongside the managers, this field of research on equality, non-discrimination and diversity (ENDD).  相似文献   
Philosophia - This paper seeks to utilize mathematical methods to formally define and analyze the metaethical theory that is ethical reductionism. In contemporary metaethics, realist-antirealist...  相似文献   
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