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Previous studies have suggested the cross-cultural generalizability of a 5-factor structure for personality traits. In this article, we analyzed the utility of 2 versions (100-item and 50-item) of the IPIP Big-Five factor markers in both heterosexual (N = 633) and homosexual (N = 437) samples in China. Factor analysis within versions showed that both versions of these IPIP measures showed clear 5-factor orthogonal structures that were nearly identical to the American structure in both subject samples. The reliabilities of the five factors were quite high except for the 50-item measure of Agreeableness. The part-whole correlations between the 100-item and 50-item factors were high, as were the factor congruence coefficients between the heterosexual and the homosexual samples. Both versions of the IPIP Big-Five factor markers were strongly correlated with the scales from the Big-Five Inventory (BFI: John, Donahue, & Kentle, 1991), thus providing some concurrent validation in a Chinese context.  相似文献   
The concept of offspring provides a symbolic shield against the fear of death. The existential function of offspring was examined in two studies conducted in China employing real-life dependent measures. In Study 1, reminders of death through a word-completion task increased the disapproval of a birth-control policy in China. In Study 2, hospitalized patients generally preferred young family members more than other family members. Cancer patients showed this preference to a greater extent than non-cancer patients. Taken together, the findings showed that the death-anxiety-buffering function of offspring affects people's judgments and desires in real-life settings.  相似文献   
Three studies examined the form and function of ideologies that negate (versus recognise) the historical basis of claims for reparation for past injustices. Historical negation (a) predicted opposition towards the resource‐specific aspects of social policy and (b) functioned as the mechanism though which majority group members high in a threat‐driven security‐cohesion motivation (indexed by right‐wing authoritarianism (RWA)) legitimated policy opposition in both undergraduate student (Study 1) and general population (Study 2) samples of the majority group (New Zealand Europeans/Pakeha). Study 3 experimentally manipulated historical negation in a general population sample using extracts adapted from political speeches, and demonstrated that historical negation increased opposition among liberal voters towards the resource‐specific aspects of bicultural policy. These results suggest that history serves an important symbolic function in mobilising support for public policies regarding intergroup relations because temporal continuity is central to claims of legitimacy, especially where resources are involved. Research in this area is important for any nation with a history of intergroup conflict, as it aids not only in understanding the form and function of historical narratives that legitimate social inequality, but also provides insight into the ways in which such discourses can be countered and re‐formulated in order to promote social equality. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Previous studies examining face learning have mostly used only a single exposure to 1 image of each of the faces to be learned. However, in daily life, faces are usually learned from multiple encounters. These 6 experiments examined the effects on face learning of repeated exposures to single or multiple images of a face. All experiments provided evidence for image-specific picture learning taking place over and above any invariant face learning, with recognition accuracy always highest for the image studied and performance falling across transformations between study and test images. The relative roles of pictorial and structural codes in mediating learning faces from photographs need to be reconsidered.  相似文献   
古人对《周易·无妄·六三》爻辞的注释是千人千面,他们所依据的爻位说首先就值得怀疑,之后的解说也没能把握爻义的本质。这则爻辞实际上反映的是古人转移巫术中的移祸巫术。  相似文献   
刘玉明 《管子学刊》2008,(3):108-113
柳下惠是我国春秋前期一位著名的仁人,被孟子誉为“和圣”。柳下惠的仁德不仅是他个人修养而成,而且也是社会发展的必然。本文从柳下惠的刚正、柔和、使乙喜巧退齐师、“论祭爱居非政之宜”、以诚信救国等几个方面探讨其仁的高尚品格。“和圣”柳下惠的思想道德行为,可为我们今天和谐社会的构建提供有益的借鉴,其价值是常恒的。  相似文献   
立足于基本适应目标与决策原则的功能分析,致力于心理过程多维度的动态考察,动态进化心理学在坚持适应主义原则基础上,将基因与经验、环境同时纳入心理发展解释框架,更为彻底地贯彻了有机体与环境交互作用观,在一定程度上克服了传统进化心理学的局限。但由于忽略社会实践的作用,它所展示的更多的是生物学意义上的人的发展图景,对心理过程的动态分析亦难以挣脱形而上学的桎梏。  相似文献   
道教对中国民众的影响至深且远,它对中国化过程中的佛教疑伪经同样有着重要的影响,部分佛教疑伪经中融摄了道教的思想内容,形成了中国佛教疑伪经经典.此外,有的疑伪经还吸收了一些民间信仰的思想,演变成不同于印度佛教的新的信仰内容,这些融合有中国道教、民间信仰的疑伪经经典为佛教在中国的进一步发展提供了便利条件.  相似文献   
<甘水仙源录>(以下简称<仙源录>,若无说明,本文所引皆出自此书)十卷,元代著名道教学者李道谦撰,前八卷录自王重阳以下全真教派约五十人之传记、碑文、祭文等.后二卷录全真道宫观碑记及七真传序赞.各篇大抵出自当时名流,如元好问、姚遂、王磐、王鹗、金源(王寿)、陈时可、秦志安等,故历来被史家所重,是研究全真道历史的重要典籍.本文拟从其对全真教发展史的记述、对全真教与士人关系的反映、对道观经济的记述等方面,进一步揭示其史料价值.  相似文献   
程黎  施建农  刘正奎  徐琴美 《心理科学》2008,31(6):1389-1393
研究者以239名10岁、11岁和12岁的儿童为实验对象,采用四种作业时间(2分钟、4分钟、6分钟和8分钟)和两种指导语导向(无导向、导向独特性)为实验条件,考察了这些条件对儿童发散性思维的影响.结果发现,作业时间和指导语导向对儿童发散性思维的流畅性,变通性和独特性均有明显的影响.在该实验条件下,发散性思维的三个指标随作业时间的增加而增加.有导向组儿童的发散性思维作业成绩显著高于无导向组.另外,在各实验条件下,儿童的作业成绩都有随着年龄的增长而上升的趋势.  相似文献   
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