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In this article, we examine the hypothesis that problem comprehension and computational processes interact during the solving of an arithmetic word problem. Two experiments tested subjects on a series of addition and subtraction word problems, the content of which varied on the basis of problem type and on the magnitude of the numbers involved (problem size). Performance data are presented and analyzed in terms of solution reaction times and error patterns. Results confirmed the main effects of problem size and problem type as factors determining reaction times but failed to show any significant interaction between the two factors. These results suggest that the cognitive processes involved in understanding an arithmetic word problem and in performing the required computations are best explained by a serial processing model. The absence of an interaction between problem comprehension and computational processes questions the notion that automatized retrieval facilitates problem solving and assertions suggesting that increasing computational requirements can interfere with problem-solving performance.  相似文献   
A Cu36Zr48Al8Ag8 alloy rod with a diameter of 10 mm was fabricated using a copper-mould suction casting method. Structural characterization revealed that the rod has different microstructures along the casting direction, including a complete amorphous structure and an amorphous/crystalline composite structure with different amount of B2 CuZr phase. Nanoindentation tests showed that the hardness and the elastic modulus of the crystalline phase are lower than those of the amorphous matrix. The hardness and the elastic modulus of the amorphous matrix decrease with decreasing crystalline proportion of the alloy, while the Vickers hardness of the alloy increases with a reduction in the crystalline proportion.  相似文献   
Precession electron diffraction (PED) has been carried out on a fully ordered Fe–40at.%Al solid solution in order to explore its suitability for determining the state of order. The integrated intensity ratio of a superlattice reflection with respect to a fundamental reflection was measured as a function of the sample thickness and the results are well fitted by dynamical simulations. It is proposed that, in addition to conventional X-ray diffraction, PED may provide access to the state of order at microscopic and nanoscopic scales.  相似文献   
A measure of Islamic doctrinal orthodoxy was developed, and its relation to personal religious activities was examined. This study also applied the concept of extrinsic, intrinsic, and quest religiosity to Islamic faith as it investigated the structural validity and internal consistency of Islamic versions of the religious orientation scales. A sample of 381 students was taken from three universities in Indonesia. Notably, the scales were found to be psychometrically adequate and their doctrinal orthodoxy and intrinsic and extrinsic religiosity scores significantly related to personal practice of religious activities. A subsequent analysis also revealed that, for Muslims, doctrinal beliefs are largely independent of extrinsic, intrinsic, and quest religiosity and that the three forms of religiosity are three autonomous but continuous dimensions of personal religiosity.  相似文献   
Hypertension affects many older adults and is associated with impaired neural and cognitive functioning. We investigated whether a history of hypertension was associated with impairments to prospective memory, which refers to the ability to remember to perform delayed intentions, such as remembering to take medication. Thirty-two cognitively normal older adult participants with or without a history of hypertension (self-reported) performed two laboratory prospective memory tasks, one that relied more strongly on executive control (nonfocal prospective memory) and one that relied more strongly on spontaneous memory retrieval processes (focal prospective memory). We observed hypertension-related impairments for nonfocal, but not focal, prospective memory. To complement our behavioral approach, we conducted a retrospective analysis of available structural magnetic resonance imaging data. Lower white matter volume estimates in the anterior prefrontal cortex were associated with lower nonfocal prospective memory and with a history of hypertension. A history of hypertension may be associated with worsened executive control and lower prefrontal white matter volume. The translational implication is that individuals who must remember to take antihypertensive medications and to monitor their blood pressure at home may be impaired in the executive control process that helps to support these prospective memory behaviors.  相似文献   
自我不确定感是指个体怀疑“自我”,并且对其看法不稳定而产生的内隐与外显的主观感受及反应.其研究方法主要有自我报告法与情境实验法.自DeCremer和Sedikides首先通过实证研究验证了自我不确定感对程序公正效应的调节作用后,研究者们通过将自我不确定感分解为情绪自我不确定、地位不确定和归属不确定以及探讨程序公正认知机制,不断扩展了此领域的研究成果.未来可以通过自我不确定感调节效应的本土化研究,自我不确定感特质与情境成分交互作用的探讨,自我不确定感与自我肯定、信息不确定感等相关变量的关系研究,进一步深化此领域的研究.  相似文献   
王继 《现代哲学》2020,(1):105-112
胡塞尔的触觉观是常常遭到忽视的一个主题。提到现象学直观,一般会将其与视觉联系起来。但在胡塞尔的诸多文献中,视觉与触觉经常成对出现,而且他认为触觉是元感觉场,强调触感知相对于视感知的优先性,进而将触摸行为视作实践活动的基础。不过,胡塞尔的这些表述大多是零散、不完善的。本文将通过触觉的双重立义特征来探讨其元感觉场地位,引出其作为元实践场的意涵;然后着眼于元实践区域中对象和主体两个维度的原初显现,将触觉优先性放入机械力和能力如何被给予和类比的问题中进行解释,以此对触觉在实践中的基础地位做一个新的系统性阐发。  相似文献   
This research investigates consumers’ perceptions and evaluations of robot service agents compared with human service agents when service requests are rejected. Six studies were conducted. The results show that when consumers receive a rejection of their service request, they evaluate the service less negatively if the service is handled by a chatbot agent versus a human agent. The reason is that consumers have lower expectations that robots will be able to provide flexible services to them. Consequently, their dissatisfaction with the request rejection is lower when the service is handled by robots. However, the aforementioned effect is not observed (1) when consumers have not experienced the service yet, (2) when their service request has been accepted, or (3) when the service agent conveys emotions to apologize for request rejection.  相似文献   
A growing number of studies suggest cultural differences in the attention and evaluation of information in adults (Masuda & Nisbett, 2001; Markus & Kitayama, 1991; Hedden, Ketay, Aron, Markus, & Gabrieli, 2008). One cultural comparison, between Westerners, such as Americans, and Easterners, such as the Japanese, suggest that Westerners typically focus on a central single object in a scene while Easterners often integrate their judgment of the focal object with surrounding contextual cues. There are few studies of whether such cultural differences are evident in children. This study examined 48 monolingual Japanese-speaking children residing in Japan and 48 monolingual English-speaking children residing in the U.S.A. (40 to 60 month-olds) in a task asking children to complete a picture by adding the proper emotional expression to a face. The key variable was the context and shift in context from the preceding trial for the same pictured individual. Japanese children were much more likely to shift their judgments with changes in context whereas children from the United States treated facial expression in a more trait-like manner, maintaining the same expression for the individual across contexts.  相似文献   
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