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Nationally representative longitudinal data on 1394 employed white men aged 15 to 24 in 1966 were used to assess whether job opportunities or vocational aspirations are the more important determinants of later job held. Support was found for two hypotheses: (a) men more often achieve congruence between their aspiration and their field of employment by changing aspirations to match the job rather than vice versa; and (b) aspirations for field of work generally are not as useful as actual job field for predicting the field of jobs held 1 to 5 years later. Contrary to expectation, middle-class young men were no more able to attain their aspirations either for field of employment or for status level of occupation than were lower-class male youths. These results suggest that although aspirations have some predictive power, the opportunity structure—which both conditions aspirations to narrow ranges early in life and affects the direction of early career development—is too often neglected by vocational psychology. One suggestion for counseling practice is that interest and maturity assessments be used as sources of information to both client and counselor about past influences. Attempts to actually counteract those influences should be clearly specified as such and separated from the assessment process.  相似文献   
A series of experiments is reported on the stimulus suffix effect with the primary variables being age of the subject (7 and 11 years), rate of presentation, and list length. While the suffix effect was larger for younger subjects at a slow rate of presentation, the effect was nearly identical across age groups with a fast presentation rate. It was concluded that when the contaminating effects of more central processes are reduced, there is no developmental change in the capacity of echoic memory. An interesting effect of rate of presentation is reported with younger subjects performing better at faster rates of presentation and adults performing better at slower rates.  相似文献   
A field experiment was designed to examine the role of gender trait assumptions in occupational treatment discrimination. Professional personnel consultants evaluated male or female employees who were physically attractive or unattractive and masculine, feminine, or androgynous. Consultants made decisions about promotion, opportunity for special training, delegation of work assignments, and a child care leave of absence request in masculine, feminine, and sex-neutral occupations. Decisions about career development were strongly influenced by gender trait information, rather than by gender or attractiveness. In contrast, females were more likely than males to be granted a child care leave without pay, regardless of sex role. The results supported the assumption that the congruence between gender traits and the occupational requirements mediates occupational sex discrimination. Only for decisions involving competing role demands stemming from faily circumstances was there evidence that beliefs about appropriate roles for the sexes mediate discrimination. Implications of these findings are discussed in terms of new approaches for reducing sex discrimination in the treatment of employees.  相似文献   
On the basis of Thibaut and Walker's theory of procedural justice, it was predicted that subjects who experienced control through choosing a trial decision rule would be more satisfied with the outcome of a dispute and the conflict resolution procedure than would yoked subjects who were not given control. Two additional conditions were added to the design in order to investigate the extent to which control had an influence on trial evaluations independent of being allowed to discuss the rules and obtaining a preferred rule in the absence of actual choice. Regardless of role in the dispute (accuser, accused, or no knowledge) and the nature of the rule adopted, those subjects who exercised control through rule choice evaluated all aspects of the trial experience more positively than subjects who did not exercise control through rule choice. The results also revealed that discussion of the rules and obtaining the preferred rule without choice contributed positively to evaluations of the trial procedure and verdict.  相似文献   
Previous research in the area of assertiveness training has been examined with respect to the definitions of assertive, aggressive, and nonassertive behavior and the prominent assertion model. Logical inconsistencies have led to a refinement of the definitions of these behaviors, the inclusion of passive aggressive behavior, and the testing of a new two-dimensional model of assertion. The present study has developed a psychometric test to measure assertive, aggressive, nonassertive, and passive aggressive behavior in the college dormitory population. In addition, support was demonstrated for the validity of the two dimensional model of assertion. The instrument development was divided into four phases: item generation, item evaluation and revision, reliability testing and item analysis, and validity testing. Data analysis supported the two-dimensional model of assertion. In addition, an 86-item Del Greco Assertive Behavior Inventory designed for use with college dormitory students has weathered preliminary validity and reliability testing.  相似文献   
A white noise (60 dB SPL) was always present except for brief silent periods (“gaps”) which occurred just before an eyelid reflex was elicited in human volunteers by a brief innocuous shock to the forehead. In Experiment 1 (n=8), 10-msec gaps (“S1”) were given 40, 80, 120, 160, or 200 msec before the shock (“S2”). Compared with S2-alone trials, the reflex was inhibited by about 50% at intervals of 80 msec and beyond. Experiment 2 (n=12) first provided detection thresholds for gaps using a simple version of the method of limits: on average a gap of 5.4 msec duration was just detected. Then gaps of 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 msec were given in random order, each 100 msec before S2. The 4-msec stimulus was an effective inhibitor of the reflex, and inhibition further increased on to 6- and then to 8-msec durations. A comparison of the values obtained on reflex inhibition with the 5.4-msec threshold obtained with the conventional psycho-physical test reveals that in humans reflex inhibition provides an objective index of stimulus detection that is at least of sufficient sensitivity to warrant its clinical application. The steady increase in reflex inhibition as gap duration increased from 2 to 8 msec may be of significance for tracing the rate of decay of afferent stimulation following noise offset, as it presumably reflects the growing sensitivity to the resumption of the noise as the duration of the silent period is increased.  相似文献   
Previous research indicates that the work of women is often devalued rela- tive to that of men. Two experiments tested the hypothesis that such sex bias appears when judges follow ambiguous guidelines or criteria in making evalua- tions, but not when they tollow clear evaluation guidelines. In each experiment, male and female undergraduates evaluated a performance that was attributed to either a man or woman (an intellectual test performance in Experiment I; an artistic craft object in Experiment 11). Subjects followed either clear, explicit evaluation criteria or vague, ambiguous criteria. As predicted, female subjects Lyaluated the "female's" performance less favorably than the "male's" only when. criteria were vague. In contast, male subjects showed little evidence of sex bias, regardless of the criteria they followed. Discussion centers upon: (1) possible cognitive processes underlying the observed effects of clear criteria; and (2) potential practical applications designed to alleviate sex bias in naturalistic settings.  相似文献   
An observationally based assessment of social problem-solving skill was contrasted with more traditional testing methods. A preschool child with low social success was chosen for a demonstration profile analysis. The relative frequencies of the social goals, strategies, and targets shown by this child during free play were plotted in relation to that of his same-sex peer group. Parallel profiles of his relative success with specific goals, strategies, and targets were also constructed and compared to relevant group means and standard deviations. Specific social problem-solving strengths and weaknesses were identified from these profiles, using both intra- and interindividual analyses. The benefits and limitations of this approach for measurement and treatment of social problem-solving deficits were discussed.  相似文献   
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