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本文研究的是极大的最终无不动点且最终不同的集合(m.e.fd.集合)的基数,并讨论了与此相关的一个连续统常量,证明了以下结果:1.c_e〉W2.存在一个大小为2~w的m.e.f.d.集合。3.ZFC+MA c_e=2~w4.令M|=ZFC+ CH,κ是M中满足条件w1≤κ〈2~w=λ的基数。则存在一个c.c.c.的力迫概念P,使得在模型M~p中有:(i)2~w=λ(ii)存在一个m.e.f.d的集合,其基数为κ。5.令M|=(ZFC+CH)。则在M中存在一个基数为W1的m.e.f.d.的集合A,使得对任意一个M上的Cohen力迫概念P,A在M~p中还是m.e.f.d.的集合。  相似文献   
20世纪70年代以来,临床心理学家精神药物处方权就一直成为西方学术界极具争议的问题.支持者们认为,赋予处方权能够充分实现临床心理学的社会价值,有利于临床心理学更具活力地向前发展.反对者们认为,处方权在具体实施当中不仅使培训成本剧增、加重患者经济负担,而且背离心理学的传统理念、增加职业风险与冲突,对于临床心理学及精神病学的发展都将产生负面影响.  相似文献   
Three experiments investigated mediated configural learning in male rats. In Experiment 1, after exposure to audio-visual compounds AX and BY, rats received trials where X was paired with shock, and Y was not. The idea that conditioning with X enables the evoked configural representation of AX to be linked to shock received support from the facts that while AX provoked more fear than BX, there was no difference between BY and AY. Similarly, Experiment 2 showed that after exposure to AX and BY, separate pairings of X and Y with shock resulted in more fear to AX and BY than AY and BX. In Experiment 3, rats in group consistent received separate exposures to A and X in Context C, and B and Y in D, while those in group inconsistent received A and X (and B and Y) in both C and D. After rats had received shocks in both C and D, rats in group consistent showed more fear to AX and BY than to BX and AY, but this was not the case in group inconsistent. These results indicate that configural representations, formed either by presenting auditory and visual stimuli as parts of a compound or in a shared context, are subject to a process of mediated learning.  相似文献   
There is little neurological evidence linking sensation seeking and emotion regulation in adolescence, which is characterised as an emotionally fluctuant period. The present study examined the relationship between sensation seeking and emotion regulation in adolescents. Electroencephalograms were recorded from 22 high sensation-seeking adolescents (HSSs, Mage = 12.36) and 24 low sensation-seeking adolescents (LSSs, Mage = 12.84) during the reactivity and regulation-image task. Group differences in event-related brain potentials (ERPs) associated with the regulation of negative and neutral stimuli were analysed. The results showed that (a) the P2 of HSSs were larger than LSSs during emotion regulation; (b) in down-regulation conditions, the LPP in all time windows were smaller than no-regulation in LSSs. However, there was no significant difference in HSSs; (c) the LPP 300–600 and LPP 1000–1500 of down-regulation were smaller in LSSs than HSSs; (d) for LPP 600–1000, HSSs induced larger LPP than LSSs in the negative down-regulation and negative no-regulation conditions. The results provide neurological evidence that higher sensation seeking is related to the high reactivity to emotional stimuli and poor cognitive control during the regulation of emotions.  相似文献   
康有为、梁漱溟是晚清民国推动传统儒学转化创新的重要代表性人物。梁漱溟对康有为的学问与为人都极其反感,但是客观来看,两人有不少相似性:性格上两人都是狂者型思想家,大乘佛教的思想对两人都有极深的影响,但是两人又都反对近代一度盛行的佛教救国论,认为儒学才是当前和今后相当长一段时间中国所需要的。他们都认为在比较遥远的未来即进入大同社会或共产主义社会之后就会迎来佛教大盛的时代。两位大儒一定意义上都以佛学为人类存在之终极归宿,确实有些吊诡和匪夷所思。梁漱溟终身茹素,晚年一再声称自己是佛教徒,他是本着大乘佛教的精神来阐发儒学的一些人生价值的。就对孔子儒学全面把握的广度、深度与推动儒学转化创新的贡献而言,康有为的历史影响要更大、更为深远。儒学是生生不息、与时俱进的,只要有人类存在,其普遍价值与永恒魅力将并三光而永光,康、梁以佛法为人类存在之归宿,只是想象。  相似文献   
党的十九届五中全会通过了《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年计划和二〇三五年远景目标的建议》,开启了全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程。会议鼓舞人心,引人深思,催人奋进。由教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地李萍所长倡议,中山大学马克思主义哲学与中国现代化研究所暨哲学系、广东哲学学会、广东伦理学学会、广东马克思主义学会、现代哲学杂志社,联合组织了以“新时代·新理念·新格局”为主题的“学习贯彻党的十九届五中全会精神”的视频会议,哲学界尤其是马克思主义哲学专业近二十位专家与会,交流学习心得,共商学术大是。这里刊登部分发言。本刊后续还将组织此一主题的专栏文章。  相似文献   
Journal of Child and Family Studies - With a sample of college students in emerging adulthood (age range: 18–25), the current study investigated sex differences in the impact of parental...  相似文献   
为了解社区居民对公共卫生服务的需求及利用情况,对乌鲁木齐市211户家庭共计570人进行了问卷调查,结果显示,居民对国家基本公共卫生服务的知晓率和利用率偏低;居民认为有必要开展传染病及突发公共卫生事件管理、65岁以上老年人管理和慢性病管理;居民对社区公共卫生服务,不满意的原因主要是服务内容不能满足要求.  相似文献   
新医改方案强调医疗行业公益性和公平性,公开医务信息是对人民群众健康高度负责的体现.以自办网站为例,分6个方向、22项内容调查了123家大型公立医院的医务信息公开情况.结果表明,公立医院应按对象、种类、内容等分步骤、有策略地提高信息透明度,达到促进医院科学发展、医学进步的目的.  相似文献   
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