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Can subsidies promote Pareto‐optimum coordination? We found that partially subsidizing the cooperative actions for two out of six players in a laboratory coordination game usually produced better coordination and higher total social welfare with both deterministic and stochastic payoffs. Not only were the subsidized players more likely to cooperate (choose the Pareto‐optimum action), but the unsubsidized players increased their expectations on how likely others would cooperate, and they cooperated more frequently themselves. After removal of the subsidy, high levels of coordination continued in most groups with stochastic payoffs but declined in deterministic ones. This carry‐over disparity between the deterministic and stochastic settings was consistent with the economic theories that agents were more likely to keep the status quo option under uncertainty than without uncertainty. Hence, players with stochastic payoffs were more likely to keep the high coordination level (status quo) brought by the subsidy in the previous subsidy session. A post‐game survey also indicated that with stochastic payoffs, players focused on risk reduction. Temporary subsidies promoted lasting coordination because even after subsidy was removed, players still assumed that others players would prefer reduced risks from cooperation. With deterministic payoffs, however, the subsidy might crowd out other rationales for coordination, with many players indicating that the subsidy was the only reason for anyone to cooperate. Hence, the coordination level dropped when the subsidy was removed. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Applied Research in Quality of Life - In response to the relatively low educational attainment of left-behind children in China, this article examines the determinants of educational expectations...  相似文献   
洛克对自然法的性质进行了详细的阐述,得出了自然法具有神意法和理性法双重属性的结论.这种性质界定具有模糊性,而且神意法与理性法在一定程度上是互相冲突的,因此受到后来学者的诟病;但洛克自然法理论中的这种模糊性源自其对于由理性所开启的现代性进程之谨慎态度.尽管洛克在一定程度上似乎更重视理性的作用,但理性也存在诸多问题:自然法是人类理性无法独证的,对于理性的偏执会在认识论上因缺乏根基而显得武断,而且自然法在政治上的应用及其说服力,仅仅依靠理性推演也是不够的.这些考虑最终使洛克走向一种谨慎的平衡策略-自然法既是神意法,也是理性法.此外,洛克还从上帝存在这一基本背景出发,引申出了人类应当服从的三类自然法义务,并从这三类自然法义务中推导出了人类的三大基本权利:生命、财产与自由,近代权利思想实发轫于此.  相似文献   
和前代相比,宋代学者对《管子》"轻重"内容的分析,更为深入细致;对"轻重"的总体评价与年代作者的认识,也发生了变化。宋代学者对"轻重"近乎一致的否定评价,受到当时理学思想的直接影响;他们对"轻重"著作年代与作者的辨伪,与当时的疑古思潮密切相关。  相似文献   
在召开中国伦理学会成立30周年的庆典大会之际,让我们对伦理学研究所走过的历程以及西方伦理思想史这30年来的研究,进行一次简短的历史回顾。西方伦理思想史的研究分为两个方面:对西方  相似文献   
唐宋时期,作为专指敦煌城的"城隍"在社会生活中占有重要地位,这是因为敦煌城及周边城市不时地遭到外族入侵所致.而敦煌的城隍神信仰并不甚流行,原因是敦煌盛行毗沙门天王信仰,毗沙门天王已经代替了城隍神,担当起了护卫敦煌平安的使命,成为敦煌的保护神.  相似文献   
江西樟树市是驰名中外的“药都”,素有“药不到樟树不齐,药不过樟树不灵”的美誉。在这个城市里,有一座曾焕发出耀眼光辉的道教宫观——三皇宫。该宫是樟树药都的纪念碑,是樟树药文化和道教文化的载体,也是医道同源、药道同源的最好见证。此宫坐落在樟树市密如蛛网的街巷深处,它既有道观的庄严,又带有世俗的繁华。它曾经是樟  相似文献   
20世纪90年代以来,后殖民理论指导下的圣经批评在国际学术界取得了引人瞩目的成就。本文归纳出该领域研究的5个基本主题:探讨后殖民圣经批评理论;揭露殖民者圣经阐释与殖民主义的共谋关系;透视古今帝国与圣经正典生成及阐释的关系;谋求边缘话语的主体性地位;聚焦于对待帝国的态度,重新评价圣经卷籍。同时联系具体研究成果,对以上主题的内涵做出深入辨析。  相似文献   
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