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王丽娟  刘伟  杨治良 《心理科学》2011,34(2):328-331
前瞻记忆是一种记住在将来执行某个意向活动的记忆。研究采取2线索类型×2提示被试间设计探究了线索特征和有无提示对基于事件前瞻记忆的影响。结果表明:(1)提示使前瞻记忆的反应速度明显变慢,说明基于事件前瞻记忆的加工过程可能是自动完成的;(2)在具体线索条件下,被试完成进行中任务的速度显著快于概念线索条件下的速度。说明线索类型虽然没有影响到前瞻记忆加工,但是影响到了进行中任务的效率。  相似文献   
The present study examined the role of controlled attention in age differences in event-based prospective memory performance across adolescence. The researchers tested whether presenting the prospective memory cue in or out of focal awareness of the ongoing task (resulting in low versus high demands for controlled attention, respectively) might affect age-related prospective memory performance. In total, 119 Chinese participants ages 13 to 20 took part in this study (60 adolescents: age M = 13.26 years, SD = 0.50; 23 boys; 59 young adults: age M = 19.70 years, SD = 0.87; 19 men). Findings demonstrated a significant interaction, F(1, 114) = 6.41, p < .05. No effect of age on prospective memory performance was revealed when a focal cue was used (F < 1), whereas there was a reliable age effect between adolescents and young adults when nonfocal prospective memory cues were presented, F(1, 59) = 16.13, p < .01. This pattern of results suggests that the interplay of both available resources of controlled attention and working memory, along with specific task demands, may contribute to possible age differences in prospective memory performance across adolescence. Results are discussed in the context of the multiprocess theory of prospective memory.  相似文献   
石晶  崔丽娟 《心理科学》2014,37(2):412-419
采用问卷法(研究一)和实验法(研究二)探讨群体愤怒与群体效能对集体行动意愿的影响及其内在心理机制。结果表明:(1)群体愤怒与群体效能对集体行动意愿有显著的预测作用;(2)内在责任感中介群体愤怒与群体效能对集体行动意愿的影响;(3)应对群体问题的自我效能感是联接群体效能与内在责任感的桥梁(中介变量)。  相似文献   
从最初对西方身体转向的应激反应,到开始关注中国古代哲学的身体维度,再到多角度、宽领域深入开掘中国传统哲学的身体特质,作为中国哲学研究的新视野,中国哲学的身体性研究展现出了非凡的活力.关于这一研究的新进展,海峡两岸"中国哲学研究的身体维度"会议从三个方面,即"身体与伦理"、"体感与体知"、"身体与语文"作了细致的探讨,不仅深化了中国哲学的身体性研究,也推进了海峡两岸学者在这一领域的学术交流,中国哲学的身体性研究已成为建设当代文化的重要资源.  相似文献   

Inference of variance components in linear mixed modeling (LMM) provides evidence of heterogeneity between individuals or clusters. When only nonnegative variances are allowed, there is a boundary (i.e., 0) in the variances’ parameter space, and regular inference statistical procedures for such a parameter could be problematic. The goal of this article is to introduce a practically feasible permutation method to make inferences about variance components while considering the boundary issue in LMM. The permutation tests with different settings (i.e., constrained vs. unconstrained estimation, specific vs. generalized test, different ways of calculating p values, and different ways of permutation) were examined with both normal data and non-normal data. In addition, the permutation tests were compared to likelihood ratio (LR) tests with a mixture of chi-squared distributions as the reference distribution. We found that the unconstrained permutation test with the one-sided p-value approach performed better than the other permutation tests and is a useful alternative when the LR tests are not applicable. An R function is provided to facilitate the implementation of the permutation tests, and a real data example is used to illustrate the application. We hope our results will help researchers choose appropriate tests when testing variance components in LMM.  相似文献   
同品和异品是因明学体系中的两个基本概念,对它们的准确理解是解读九句因和因三相的一把钥匙,是确定新因明论式逻辑性质的前提条件.学术界已经存在的三种相关定义,为人们理解同品和异品提供了程度不同的启示,但均存在尚需完善之处.从内涵角度而言,同品是指具有所立法性质的事物,异品是指不具有所立法性质的事物;从外延角度而言,宗之前陈是否应当属于同品或者异品,在立量之际立敌双方对此意见分歧;但实际上,宗之前陈或者属于同品或者属于异品,二者必居其一,这是因明论式具有自悟和悟他功能之需要.这种视野下的同品和异品,可以解决九句因的归类以及九句因和因三相之间的一致性问题.  相似文献   
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