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对伦理学历史演变轨迹的一种概述(上)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
最早产生的伦理学理论主要是目的论的.超验目的论、幸福论、快乐主义是它的重要形式.效用主义是快乐主义的一种较晚近的形式.德性伦理学也是最早产生的一种目的论伦理学.中国儒家学说在其核心处是一种德性的伦理学.在斯多亚学派的学说中,德性与至善概念疏离后成为目的本身.在西方,德性伦理学又由于它具有的不同特点被称为完善论或自我实现论.从德性伦理学中逐步分离出独立的正当概念.康德在许多方面来说是从德性伦理学到义务论伦理学的联系环节.在义务论伦理学中正当(应当)成为核心的概念.在义务论伦理学中,基于对正当的不同解说,形成责任论与权利论两脉.康德学说是责任论的杰出典范.在权利论中,首先形成作为其古代先声的回应的近现代契约论伦理学.从这种传统中新近发展出程序论的伦理学.  相似文献   
孝道思想是道教的重要内容,其产生时间较早,并受到道教产生前背景观念的影响。道教早期文献《太平经》具有大量道教孝道思想的表达,并且具有代表性。本文通过对早期道教孝道思想产生的背景和对《太平经》文本的分析,得出道教早期孝道思想两重意蕴,即世俗层面和神圣层面,并指出道教孝道思想的最终落脚点在效法天地、顺其自然。  相似文献   
People may hold different understandings of race that might affect how they respond to the culture of groups deemed to be racially distinct. The present research tests how this process is moderated by the minority individual's lay theory of race. An essentialist lay theory of race (i.e., that race reflects deep-seated, inalterable essence and is indicative of traits and ability) would orient racial minorities to rigidly adhere to their ethnic culture, whereas a social constructionist lay theory of race (i.e., that race is socially constructed, malleable, and arbitrary) would orient racial minorities to identify and cognitively assimilate toward the majority culture. To test these predictions, the authors conducted 4 studies with Asian American participants. The first 2 studies examine the effect of one's lay theory of race on perceived racial differences and identification with American culture. The last 2 studies tested the moderating effect of lay theory of race on identification and assimilation toward the majority American culture after this culture had been primed. The results generally supported the prediction that the social constructionist theory was associated with more perceived similarity between Asians and Americans and more consistent identification and assimilation toward American culture, compared with the essentialist theory.  相似文献   
This study examined 3 coping strategies (reflective, suppressive, and reactive), along with self-esteem, as moderators of the relation between perceived discrimination and depressive symptoms. International students (N = 354) from China, India, Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong provided data via an online survey. The role of perceived general stress was statistically controlled. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated a significant direct effect of perceived discrimination, a significant 2-way interaction of perceived discrimination and suppressive coping, and a significant 3-way interaction of perceived discrimination, reactive coping, and self-esteem in predicting depressive symptoms. An increased tendency to use suppressive coping appeared to strengthen the association between perceived discrimination and depressive symptoms. In contrast, the association between perceived discrimination and depressive symptoms was not significant when reactive coping was infrequently used, but only for students with relatively high self-esteem. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   
自我觉知的适应、不适应性及其在心理疗法中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自我觉知是当注意力指向个体自身时对自己所产生的内部主观状态,根据其指向及程度可以有多种分类方法。自我觉知在心理过程中既有适应性,如促进自我了解、对他人的理解、提高自尊等;但过度的自我觉知会对心理产生不良影响,诸多研究对其与抑郁和焦虑的关系进行了论证。很多心理疗法中都涉及到自我觉知对心理状况的影响,包括格式塔疗法、来访者中心疗法、森田疗法等等。如何保持适度的自我觉知以促进心理健康是需要进一步研究的。  相似文献   
廖岩  张钦 《心理科学》2012,35(5):1083-1090
摘 要 本研究将经典情绪启动范式和学习-再认范式相结合,探讨学习时启动与目标的情绪一致性对目标再认的影响。在记忆编码阶段,以情绪面孔图片为启动刺激、一般情绪图片为目标刺激,要求被试对目标图片的效价进行判断;在提取阶段向被试呈现一般情绪图片,要求被试判断是否在前一阶段见过。结果表明,编码阶段的加工背景对记忆提取产生了显著影响。一致启动促进了认知加工与记忆编码,提高了再认正确率。ERP结果也表明,在目标刺激呈现后300-500ms,编码时的情绪一致性对再认阶段消极目标诱发的ERP产生了显著影响。  相似文献   
The main goal of this study is to determine whether women are underrepresented in prestigious ethics journals relative to their representation in the field of ethics. Our study proceeds in three steps. Step one: we estimate the percentage of women who specialize in ethics. Step two: we estimate the percentage of articles in prestigious ethics journals that are authored by women. Step three: we examine whether there is any difference between the percentage of women who specialize in ethics and the percentage of articles in prestigious ethics journals that are authored by women. We conclude that women are underrepresented in prestigious ethics journals relative to their representation in the field of ethics.  相似文献   
Although many children adopted from the public child welfare system have special needs, little is known about the experiences of African American adopted children with disabilities and their families. The purpose of this study is to explore different categories of disabilities, including chronic health issues; emotional, mental, or behavioral (EMB) disorders; and intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDDs) on adoption outcomes in a sample of African American children. Data were from the Post-Permanency Round II Survey collected in 2008. A random sample of 412 adoptive parents or legal guardians self-reported their children’s disability diagnoses and family caregiving experiences. Hierarchical regression modelling was used to investigate the relationship between child disability and child and parental outcomes. Results indicated that chronic health issues (β?=?.10, p?<?.05), EMB disorders (β?=?.16, p?<?.01), and IDDs (β?=?.12, p?<?.05) were positively associated with parental burden. In addition, asthma (β?=?.10, p?<?.05), from the larger physical health issue category, was also associated with parental burden. However, none of the disability categories was significantly related with caregiver commitment or adoption dissolution. Future research should disentangle the definitions of special needs or disabilities.  相似文献   
Research on subjective well-being suggests that it is only partly a function of environmental circumstances. There may be a personality characteristic or a resilient disposition toward experiencing high levels of well-being even in unfavorable circumstances. Adult attachment may contribute to this resilient disposition. This study examined whether the association between attachment anxiety and subjective well-being was mediated by Neff's (2003a, 2003b) concept of self-compassion. It also examined empathy toward others as a mediator in the association between attachment avoidance and subjective well-being. In Study 1, 195 college students completed self-report surveys. In Study 2, 136 community adults provided a cross-validation of the results. As expected, across these 2 samples, findings suggested that self-compassion mediated the association between attachment anxiety and subjective well-being, and emotional empathy toward others mediated the association between attachment avoidance and subjective well-being.  相似文献   
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