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母子性格匹配、对性格的喜欢程度与青少年期母子沟通   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以成都市两所中学632对初一到高三青少年及其母亲为研究对象,分别要求他们报告自己的性格、对对方性格的喜欢程度,同时要求青少年报告母子沟通状况,以考察性格匹配、性格喜好程度与母子沟通的关系。结果显示:性格均外向,情绪均稳定,精神质程度均低的母子性格匹配类型比其他母子性格匹配类型有更好的沟通。这一结果部分支持了吻合度理论。进一步的分析发现,相对于性格匹配,性格喜好程度对母子沟通的预测力更强,而且性格喜好程度在母子性格匹配类型与母子沟通的关系中发挥了完全或部分中介作用  相似文献   
根据书写加工理论,从异形字水平、图解动作模式水平和神经动作执行水平三个方面,综合考察一例空间书写障碍儿童的认知加工特点。结果表明:(1)个案QY的异形字水平出现选择性损伤,在视觉整体特征的知觉加工上存在困难,导致自发书写的汉字难以辨识,存在严重的间架结构问题。(2)个案QY在图解动作模式水平以及神经动作执行水平上表现正常  相似文献   
当个体信息与类别信息同时呈现时,个体的自我控制资源与信息效价产生交互作用,且共同影响他人印象形成的认知控制策略和信息加工深度。为进一步探究这一现象所产生的印象控制效应,采用自我控制资源损耗任务将96名被试随机分为高损耗组和低损耗组,并让他们完成内隐联想测验,以考察个体信息与类别信息的效价冲突时,他人印象控制策略如何受到自我控制资源与信息效价的双重影响。结果发现:(1)个体信息与类别信息的印象控制依赖于自我控制资源。(2)自我控制资源损耗与信息效价类型存在显著的交互作用。当个体损耗了较多的自我控制资源后,对效价冲突的个体信息与类别信息进行印象加工时,消极刻板印象的激活因受到这两类效价冲突信息的限制,只能依赖实时更新的面部表情信息,从而形成自下而上的反应性控制; 当个体损耗的自我控制资源较少时,对同样的个体信息与类别信息,不论效价相容或冲突,均能保持对消极刻板印象的自动激活,从而导致自上而下的主动性控制。  相似文献   
韩愈(公元786~824年),字退之,唐朝河阳 (今河南孟县)人,是著名的文学家,唐宋八大家之一,唐朝古文运动的领军人物。他与唐朝另一文学宗师柳宗元开创的韩柳文体对中国古代文学艺术产生了广泛深远的影响,这种影响直到“五四”新文化运动才慢慢衰退。难能可贵的是,韩愈不仅文学造诣非凡,还是古代为数不多的具有朴素无神论思想的士大夫之一。当时的陕西凤翔法门寺有佛塔一座,内藏释迦牟尼佛指骨一节,三十年一开塔。据传开塔之年,必定人和年丰。唐宪宗元和十四年  相似文献   
This investigation examines the respective contributions of perceived support from parents, peers, and school to the psychological adjustment of 519 thirteen-year-old Asian adolescents from a middle school in Singapore, and the mediating role dispositional optimism plays in these relationships. The findings suggest that positive supportive relationships with parents, peers, and the school are important contextual factors influencing the psychological well-being of these adolescents. Dispositional optimism partially mediates support from each of these three sources and psychological adjustment. Sex differences were noted. This study contributes to a small body of research highlighting the role of a positive mechanism that underpins emotional wellbeing and psychological adaptation in the three developmental contexts that are important in shaping the beliefs, thinking and behavior of the growing Asian adolescent, particularly with respect to girls. Implications arising from this study are discussed. This study was supported by the Academic Research Fund grant (RI 5/04 YLS) from National Institute of Education to Lay See Yeo.  相似文献   
Obviously, the negative impact of online games has received much attention as well as having become a popular research topic. This research explored, from flow theory and humanistic needs theory, the psychological motivations of Taiwanese adolescents who are addicted to online games. The purpose of Study 1 was to investigate the relationship between players' flow state and their online games addiction. The results indicated that flow state was negatively correlated with addictive inclination and it was not a significant predictor for players' subsequent additive inclination. Findings also revealed that the addicts' flow state was significantly lower than the nonaddicts. Thus, flow state might not be the key psychological mechanism of players' addiction. In Study 2, the results showed that the psychological needs of players of online games were close to the two-factor theory which depicts satisfaction and dissatisfaction dimensions. Addicted players' need-gratification was similar to the feature of dissatisfactory factor. That is, the absence of playing online games is more likely to generate sense of dissatisfaction; the addicts' compulsive use of online games seems to stem from the relief of dissatisfaction rather than the pursuit of satisfaction. In contrast, online games tend to provide the nonaddicts with a sense of satisfaction rather than a sense of dissatisfaction.  相似文献   
高校辅导员职业压力源量表的编制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:编制高校辅导员职业压力源量表。方法:在访谈、开放式问卷和文献综述基础上,初步编制量表题目,对预试结果进行探索性因素分析,后修订成正式量表,再对结果进行验证性分析。结果:辅导员职业压力源可归为发展保障、工作负荷、社会支持、管理体制、成就动机、工作难度6个维度,总解释率为64.26%,量表的α系数和分半信度分别为0.895和0.774,验证性因素分析模型拟合指标良好。结论:该量表符合心理测量学的要求,可用于相关研究。  相似文献   
This paper describes a program of brief, universal, positive psychology-based interventions to increase targeted behaviors that enhance family relationships, developed and delivered to over 1500 participants using a community-based participatory approach. The cluster-randomized design combined interventions based on one of three themes (gratitude, hope, or open-mindedness) in one of two structures (intervention, or intervention with planning). The latter structure supplemented with materials and exercises derived from the Health Action Process Approach model of behavior change. Planning was more effective in increasing attitude and intention to perform behaviors, frequency of the targeted behaviors, and family health and happiness (Cohen’s ds: 0.10–0.16, p < 0.05), particularly in the theme targeting open-mindedness. Qualitative data supported effectiveness. This project was a first effort to develop a large-scale preventive psychological intervention in an understudied culture with the goal of maximizing acceptability and utilization by involving community stakeholders in every stage of the design.  相似文献   
理解心理学是一种坚持心理学的人文科学取向,倡导人特有研究方式的建构与运用,以达成对人及其心理生活本质或生命意义与价值的理解、描述为目标的心理学流派、思想主张或形态。其发展先后呈现出知识论取向的理解心理学、价值论(或生存论)取向的理解心理学、整合论取向的理解心理学。在方法论上具有鲜明的人文主义特征,致力于探究人的社会本性,构筑了人文科学心理学的历史样态。未来,理解心理学还需摒弃非此即彼的思维方式,携手说明心理学共同推动心理学走向成熟  相似文献   
行为免疫系统理论认为, 为了应对流行病威胁, 人类进化出了一套特殊的行为反应倾向, 包括对疾病线索的警觉、厌恶, 对健康配偶的偏好, 对外群体的排斥, 对集体主义的推崇等。已有研究主要从宏观(群体)和微观(个体)两个水平开展, 虽然有大量研究结果支持该理论, 但也存在不少不一致甚至相反的发现。研究方法、理论基础和现代适用性等方面的不足可能是出现这种情况的原因。未来研究需克服上述问题, 并进一步拓展该理论的研究内容, 检验理论和相关研究的边界, 探讨行为免疫背后的生理机制等。  相似文献   
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