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社会调节对内隐刻板印象的影响研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
连淑芳 《心理科学》2004,27(5):1046-1048
本研究以性别一职业刻板印象IAT纸笔测验为实验材料和测量工具.安排不同的主试主持实验。研究表明:男性被试在女性主试条件下比在男性主试条件下,呈现较轻的内隐刻板印象,而女性被试无此现象,说明社会调节作用对男性被试有显著的影响;在不同主试条件下男女被试均表现出非常显著的内隐效应;实验证明IAT纸笔测验版本是简便可行的。  相似文献   
Genetic counseling is a female-dominated field, with women comprising about 95% of the profession (Smith et al. 2009). Greater patient choice and satisfaction may be achieved by increasing the number of male counselors, but empirical evidence about the reasons for this gender imbalance is limited. In this study 190 undergraduates (110 females, 79 males, 1 unknown) in upper division bioscience courses completed a survey assessing their knowledge and perceptions of and interest in genetic counseling as a career. There were only two significant gender differences. Females indicated significantly greater interest than males in pursuing a genetic counseling career, and they rated interpersonal skills as more integral to genetic counseling than males. Multiple regression analyses of knowledge and perceptions as possible predictors of male and female interest in pursuing a genetic counseling career yielded no significant predictors of male interest. For females, there were four significant predictors: estimated salary, career characteristics, perceptions of genetic counseling as interpersonally focused, and whether they had already chosen a career. Implications for recruiting males to the profession, and research recommendations are presented.  相似文献   
One of the visible but often neglected outcomes of international migration in Asia is the emergence of immigrant-run businesses. Drawing on the experiences of Bangladeshi migrant entrepreneurs in Japan, this study examines how migrants reposition themselves from the rank of irregular workers to that of entrepreneurs under conditions of temporary migration. It highlights both the opportunity structure and the ingenuity of migrants in entrepreneurship. Unlike traditional migrant businesses, Bangladeshi migrant entrepreneurs engage in transactions in ethnic and non-ethnic products and are driven to adopt innovative strategies to make use of available technology in communication and transport and the globalization of markets. In doing so, they maintain multiple orientations in cultivating both the ethnic and local markets and developing a transnational and/or multinational dimension in growing their businesses.  相似文献   
观音信仰的最初形态到底是什么样的?这个涉及观音信仰起源的学术难题在整个国际和国内学术界还都没有解决。本文认为,观音信仰起源于自古相传在印度大陆南端海上解救“黑风海难”和“罗刹鬼难”的宝马信仰,而最初的观音信仰形态正是建立在这种传说基础上的现世救难信仰,由此进一步发展才出现了观音的净土接引信仰、智慧解脱信仰等不同的信仰形态。  相似文献   
廉茵  燕郢 《心理学探新》2002,22(1):12-15
张载是我国宋代新儒学的代表,将佛教作为批判的重点,建构起系统的哲学体系。张栽作为道学的重要开创者之一,提出了“心统性情”的人格结构学说,该文试图就张载的“心统性情”的人格结构学说、人格二重性理论及其认知心理思想进行剖析,探讨其心性学说对中国古代心性理论以及中国心理学思想的深远影响。  相似文献   
Two experiments investigated trigram detection in a continuous recognition task. In Experiment 1 consonant trigrams were presented visually, one at a time, with occasional repetition of a trigram after an interval of 0, 2, 4, 8, or 16 other trigrams. Subjects were told to respond with a button press every time they saw a repeated trigram. If a subject responded to a repeated trigram, it was not repeated again. However, if a subject did not respond to a repeated trigram, it was repeated again at the same interval for up to 3 repetitions. For all intervals greater than 0, the probability of noticing a repeated trigram did not increase with the number of repetitions. In Experiment 2 meaningless shape trigrams were presented, and occasionally a trigram was repeated after an interval of 0, 1, or 2 trigrams. For both intervals greater than 0, the probability of noticing a repeated trigram did not increase with the number of repetitions. The results demonstrate that a repeated input does not necessarily leave a permanent trace in memory.  相似文献   
The detrimental phonological similarity effect (PSE), a robust finding in serial recall of words, sometimes reverses with nonwords. The current study tested the hypothesis that nonwords benefit from phonological similarity because they are harder to retrieve. In two experiments serial recall and serial reconstruction of visually presented words and nonwords were compared. Phonological similarity is known to have a positive effect on item memory and a negative effect on position accuracy in serial recall, and the demands on item retrieval were greatly reduced in the latter task. PSE occurred for words in both tasks and was reversed for nonwords in serial recall, but not in serial reconstruction—a new finding in the literature. The following conclusions can be made: (1) the detrimental PSE on order retrieval occurs irrespective of lexicality, in accordance with prominent short-term memory models; and (2), the positive PSE on item retrieval is crucially affected by lexicality, a finding less well explained by the existing models.  相似文献   
为了了解我国1980年~2005年以来关于中西医结合临床研究文献的质量,从中国生物医学文献数据库及维普全文库和中国期刊网全文库中查阅了相关文献,发现国内近年来开展中西医结合临床研究的RCT文献在不断增多,但研究方法学质量偏低,说明有关文献的RCT质量有待进一步提高,研究方法仍需要不断改进。  相似文献   
选择大学二年级数学系的学生作为被试,要求他们完成控制条件、语音任务、手动任务和随机间隔决策任务条件下的简单指数乘法等式判断任务,实验结果表明:(1)三种次级任务在真假等式判断的反应时上的干扰效应非常显著;(2)三种次级任务显著增加了假等式判断的错误率,但没有显著增加真等式判断的错误率。这说明,语音环路、视空间模板和反应选择成分参与简单指数乘法等式判断,而且真假等式判断具有不同的注意资源需求。  相似文献   
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