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As a developmental psychologist who has conducted studies in educational practice for about thirty years. A series of developmental psychology studies rooted in Chinese culture were performed, and the findings led us to focus on students’ potential in growth, developmental fullness and educational ecosystem. This article mainly talked about three aspects: the viewpoints about the nature of psychological development formed in the context of school; promoting students’ development by continually constructing cultural ecosystem; the characteristics of researches by taking the perspective of cultural ecology and discoveries about deficiency in basic abilities. All of these were based on educational objectives and conducted in educational practice, so they were integrative and dynamic transformation. In educational intervention, aesthetic potential was also found. The relation between aesthetic potential and full development was put forward.  相似文献   
During reading, Chinese readers have been found to obtain useful visual information from one character to the left to three characters to the right of fixation. The perceptual span is asymmetrical, and its leftward extent seems to be limited compared with the rightward extent. We conducted an experiment to investigate whether Chinese readers could process written information beyond the leftward extent of the perceptual span. We did this by using a variation of the gaze-contingent display change paradigm (Rayner, Cognitive Psychology, 81, 65–81, 1975) in order to manipulate the parafoveal “postview” that was available to the left of where readers were fixating. Each sentence contained an invisible boundary. Once the readers’ eyes crossed the boundary, all of the characters to the left of the boundary except for one, two, or three characters directly to the left of the boundary were replaced with visually similar characters. The change lasted for only one single fixation, resulting in four different “postview” conditions including a control condition (n ? 1, n ? 2, n ? 3, control). The results showed that, compared with the control condition, there were more regressions to the display change area immediately after readers’ eyes crossed the boundary in the n ? 1, n ? 2, and n ? 3 conditions, demonstrating that readers can acquire information from the three characters to the left of fixation at least.  相似文献   
Despite being physically nonsalient and task-irrelevant, objects rendered in a color that once signaled monetary reward reflexively capture attention during visual search, a phenomenon known as value-driven attentional capture (VDAC). However, it remains a subject of empirical controversy whether learned reward associations are necessary to driving subsequent attentional capture: VDAC-like effects have been observed when accuracy-based feedback alone was used during the VDAC training phase, resulting in attentional capture by objects that were never associated with monetary reward; perplexingly, the presence of these VDAC-like effects in the literature conflicts with those of a number of control studies in which no such capture has been observed, leaving the issue currently unresolved. In this Registered Report, we present new empirical evidence of attentional capture by unrewarded former targets following limited accuracy-based training. We proposed to replicate these results in an independent sample and to test an empirically derived hypothesis concerning a methodological difference between the studies that have shown VDAC-like effects with accuracy-based feedback and those that have not. In short, we found no evidence that this methodological difference accounts for the inconsistencies in the literature, but our replication efforts were overwhelmingly successful, thus reinvigorating debate about the role that selection history may play in value-driven attentional capture.  相似文献   
李卫东 《学海》2011,(3):143-147
非理性行为是文物艺术品拍卖中普遍存在的现象。本文从羊群效应和认知偏差两个视角,分析了文物艺术品拍卖中非理性行为的表现及产生的原因,对文物艺术品拍卖中非理性行为的激发机制进行了研究。  相似文献   
在院前心肺复苏实践中,我们会遇到很多矛盾的问题。本文从唯物辩证法的角度出发,分析了院前心肺复苏中一些比较棘手的问题,并为解决这些问题提出建议,对从事院前急救的医学专业人士以及非医学专业人士均具有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   
缺血性脑血管疾病的血管内治疗目前已成为脑血管病治疗研究的热点之一,并以其微创的理念、较好的疗效得到广泛认可,本文重点介绍缺血性脑血管病中支架辅助狭窄扩张、动静脉介入溶栓以及静脉窦血栓形成的发展现状以及存在的问题,并对介入技术在缺血性脑血管病中应用的未来发展方向,作了简要回顾和展望.  相似文献   
李慧中  祁飞 《学海》2011,(1):104-109
本文主要对母市场效应理论进行文献评述。描述了Krugman关于母市场效应理论的最初模型,并介绍了对母市场效应的理论拓展和实证检验,文章最后提出了在中国出口市场面临一定变化和强调扩大内需条件下对中国制造业出口的母市场效应进行实证检验的一些设想。  相似文献   
1943年起,中国政府先后与英美等国签订平等新约,废除不平等条约。基督教在华租买土地失去了旧有的条约依据。中国政府在1943—1945年间结合新旧条约的规定,采取了一系列的暂时应对之策。1946年起,国民政府先后颁布《过去外人在华地权清理办法三项》、《各地方政府办理外人地权案件应注意事项》重新规范了基督教在华租地权。这些政策在一定程度上起到了应有的作用,但是限于特殊的现实,它未能从根本上解决基督教在华租地的问题。  相似文献   
李建宇 《学海》2011,(1):5-8
以陈独秀、李大钊、李达、瞿秋白为代表的中国早期马克思主义者为马克思主义在近代中国的广泛传播开辟了道路,并为马克思主义中国化的第一个实践成果——中国共产党的诞生奠定了理论与实践的基础;以毛泽东为代表的第一代中国共产党人以反对本本主义、教条主义为思想先导,以实践论、矛盾论为哲学依据、从总结中国革命正反两方面的经验和教训为契机果断而又准确地提出了"马克思主义中国化"的科学命题,实现了"马克思主义的基本原理与中国革命的具体实际相结合",创造性地开辟了中国特色的新民主主义革命道路,成功回答了"中国向何处去"的历史课题。  相似文献   
恶性肿瘤作为我国的常见病、多发病,其死亡率高居首位.手术、化疗和放疗成为现代医疗对于癌症的常见治疗手段.中晚期癌症患者作为癌症临床诊疗对象的主体,常伴有各种慢性疾病或营养不良.从而,化疗、中药辅助巩固治疗及营养支持治疗成为中晚期癌症患者临床治疗过程中的主体.治疗方法决定给药途径,静脉输液成为了中晚期癌症患者治疗肿瘤的主要手段之一.然而中晚期肿瘤患者静脉穿刺难度大,易发生输液渗漏和静脉炎等特点,以及各种高浓度强刺激性药物和输液器材对静脉血管造成的损伤,都对中晚期癌症患者的疾病治疗产生了不同程度的不利影响.对于中晚期癌症患者来说,静脉保护的程度直接关系到患者疾病治疗的进程及享受到的生命质量.因此,医护人员应对静脉输液致血管损害的相关因素予以高度重视及时采取血管维护的对策,同时加强对输液患者进行静脉维护知识的宣教,促使其树立静脉护理的意识和能力.  相似文献   
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