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目前国内学界通常将"Religious pluralism"一词译作"宗教多元论"或"宗教多元主义"。本文通过对其内涵的深入分析,揭示出该术语三重含义:"宗教多元性"、"宗教多元观"与"宗教多元论"。文章进一步提出判断某种理论是否属于宗教多元论的标准可概括为"以相对化为途径,祛除宗教自我中心主义,在新秩序内实现宗教平等"。由此揭示出当代宗教多元论的目标在于通过建构宗教共同体建立宗教平等的"新秩序"。  相似文献   
作为中国“轴心时代”的重要思想家,孟子希望以道德化政治,实现天下有道。他提出士人修养的“浩然之气”,在士人与君主的关系上主张“道高于君”,而对于广大普通民众则倡导“使先知觉后知,使先觉觉后觉”。在此基础上,孟子推出了四种士人典范。而在孟子这些思想中,一以贯之的乃是对德性的张扬,在“尊德性”与“道问学”之间,他明显偏重于前者,这是孟子关于士人精神的特色所在。在孟子的精神世界里,我们可以看到的更多的是一种道德信仰和勇气。正是从这个意义上讲,孟子是一位信仰道德的“宗教家”,而不是一位代表智性的“学问家”。  相似文献   
李琴 《管子学刊》2008,(3):16-19
在人类消费文化发展史上,有两本书的消费观点格外引人注目。分别是成书于我国先秦时期的《管子》和西方18世纪荷兰经济学家曼得维尔的《蜜蜂的预言》。撇开时间和空间的诸多差异,两书的消费思想竟有惊人的相似之处:它们都在一片尚俭声中主张适度消费,发挥消费对社会生产的积极作用;反对过度节俭,认为奢靡能增加社会财富、提供就业机会;两书虽是它们所处时代论述消费问题的开天辟地之作,却并未受重视,反而对后人产生了深远影响。  相似文献   
According to the Body‐Specificity Hypothesis (BSH), people implicitly associate positive ideas with the side of space on which they are able to act more fluently with their dominant hand. Though this hypothesis has been rigorously tested across a variety of populations and tasks, the studies thus far have only been conducted in linguistic and cultural communities which favor the right over the left. Here, we tested the effect of handedness on implicit space‐valence mappings in Tibetan practitioners of Bön who show a strong religious preference for the left, in comparison to an English group. Results showed that Bön right‐handers tended to implicitly associate positive valence more strongly with their dominant side of space despite strong explicit associations between the left and goodness in their religion. This pattern of results found in Bön participants was indistinguishable from that found in English speakers. The findings of the present study support the BSH, demonstrating that space‐valence mappings in people's minds are shaped by their bodily experience, which appears to be independent of space‐valence mappings enshrined in cultural conventions.  相似文献   
病理性使用互联网的界定与测量   总被引:61,自引:0,他引:61  
病理性使用互联网(Pathological Internet Use,PIU)是人在互联网使用过程中出现的一种新型心理疾病。很多研究者认为互联网使用过度或不当是病理性使用互联网的主要原因。该文对病理性使用互联网已有研究的概念的界定与测量问题进行了分析与整合,讨论了在中国社会文化背景下如何界定与测量病理性使用互联网。  相似文献   
新生血管生成不仅为肿瘤组织提供营养支持,而且是肿瘤细胞进入循环系统的途径.CD105仅在激活的上皮细胞表达;VEGF-C为重要的血管生成因子之一,但二者与肝癌转移是否存在关联尚不明晰.探讨CD105及VEGF-C表达与肝癌肝内转移的关联.构建承载37例肝癌及癌旁组织的组织微阵列,免疫组织化学方法检测CD105及VEGF-C的表达.存在肝内转移的肝癌组织MVD-CD105均值为28.4±19.4,而无肝内转移的肝癌组织MVD-CD105均值为5.4±5.2,差异显著(P<0.01);VEGF-C在存在肝内转移的肝癌组织表达率为46.15%(6/14),无肝内转移的肝癌组织中表达率为41.67%(10/24),二者无显著差异.MVD-CD105分值与肝癌肝内转移密切相关;血管生成可能在肝癌肝内转移过程中起重要作用.  相似文献   
In this article, we used results from two studies to show the need to go beyond linguistic equivalence to establish construct validity and measurement invariance in cross-cultural research. Study 1 examined Rosenberg Self-Esteem (RSE; 10 items) data from 156 Mainland Chinese youth (M = 13.8 years, SD = .53) and 213 Chinese-American youth (M = 13.6 years, SD = 2.1) from high socioeconomic status (SES) families. The Chinese translation of the RSE has been widely used. Study 2 included 1060 Mainland Chinese youth (M = 15.6 years, SD = 2.3) and 412 racially diverse American youth (M = 16.0, SD = 2.9) from all SES backgrounds. Data were collected with the third and newest edition of the Behavioural Assessment System for Children-Self Report of Personality (BASC-3-SRP; 189 items). We translated and back-translated the BASC-3-SRP between English and Chinese to establish linguistic equivalence. All participants were females. Study 1 showed that the RSE had acceptable internal consistency but lacked construct validity. Study 2 showed that the original and the translated BASC-3-SRP had good internal consistency and construct validity, but nine of its 16 subscales lacked measurement invariance. These results highlight measurement issues facing international and cross-cultural research.  相似文献   
Research has demonstrated that implicit theories of creativity are crucial in shaping an individual’s behavior and real‐life decisions toward being creative. The present study proposed and examined the underlying mechanisms of how two kinds of implicit theories—the growth mindset of the creative self and the stereotype of creative others—are associated with creative achievements through the mediating role of creativity motivation. Participants were 606 undergraduate students who were enrolled in an education major in two universities in China. Overall, the study found that Chinese students held a positive image toward a creative student, regarding him or her as highly competent, warm, and popular. Student perceptions of a creative other were positively related to their growth mindset of creativity. Moreover, results verified both the mediating role of creativity motivation on growth mindset, as well as the effect of positive stereotyping of the creative other on students’ creative achievement. These findings point to promising creativity motivation strategies including the cultivation of a malleable view of creativity and of creative role models, that may, in turn, promote creative achievement by encouraging students to do, learn, and accomplish new things.  相似文献   
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