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Pigeons were trained to discriminate 5.0 mg/kg pentobarbital from saline under a two-key concurrent fixed-ratio 10 fixed-ratio 40 schedule of food presentation, in which the fixed-ratio component with the lower response requirement was programmed to reinforce responding on one key after drug administration (pentobarbital-biased key) and on the other key after saline administration (saline-biased key). After responding stabilized, pigeons averaged 98% of their responses on the pentobarbital-biased key during training sessions preceded by pentobarbital, and they averaged 90% of their responses on the saline-biased key during training sessions preceded by saline. In test sessions preceded by doses of pentobarbital, chlordiazepoxide, or ethanol, pigeons switched from responding on the saline-biased key at low doses to responding on the pentobarbital-biased key at higher doses (the dose-response curve was quantal). High doses of phencyclidine produced responding on both keys, whereas pigeons responded almost exclusively on the saline-biased key after all doses of methamphetamine. These and previous experiments using concurrent reinforcement schedules to study drug discrimination illustrate that the schedule of reinforcement is an important determinant of the shape of dose-effect curves in drug-discrimination experiments.  相似文献   
Emergent research identifies cultural tightness-looseness as an important factor for understanding cross-national outcome differences during the coronavirus pandemic. Because perceived tightness-looseness can be measured as an individual-level difference rather than a nation-level difference, and because tightness-looseness may shift during large-scale crises, we investigated whether such shifts occurred early in the coronavirus pandemic in both China (a relatively tight nation, n = 3642) and the U.S. (a relatively loose nation, n = 3583) across three cohorts. Tightness increased across cohorts in China and reduced across cohorts in the U.S. These changes transmitted corresponding indirect effects whereby compliance and institutional trust (scientific and government) about the pandemic were increased in China across cohorts, but decreased in the U.S. across cohorts. These patterns extend advice that national governments can increase compliance and trust via “tightening” by cautioning against norm-setters signaling the reverse (that norms about compliance are loose) given the outcomes observed in the U.S. samples.  相似文献   
以随机点立体图为实验材料,采用三维空间线索-目标范式,将刺激呈现于同一视野位置以排除眼跳因素干扰,通过观察有意注意倾斜平面和无意注意倾斜平面与测试平面间的方向一致性和角度一致性对检测平面加工的影响,探讨了注意在不同倾斜平面间的转移是否产生返回抑制。结果表明:(1)以视差线索构造的三维视觉空间中,存在与注意有关的返回抑制效应;(2)无意注意加工能导致返回抑制,注意引导平面比无意注意平面引起更大的抑制效应。本研究的结果支持Posner返回抑制是由注意转移所致的观点  相似文献   
Yin  Dake  Yu  Jiangping  Jin  Jiangping  Shen  Chao  Zhang  Li  Li  Xudong  Zhang  Keqin  Wang  Haitao 《Animal cognition》2023,26(4):1423-1430
Animal Cognition - Birds have the ability to assess the risk of predation in their environment and adjust their antipredation strategies based on this risk information. However, whether nest site...  相似文献   
诚信人格特质初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究旨在探讨诚信人格特质的结构.利用人格词评定法,通过探索性因素分析得出诚信人格结构包括正性取向:实干重义、诚实信用、公正无欺、忠实可靠;负性取向:自私欺人、钻营世故、多谋寡信、虚伪不实.并通过验证性因素分析检验,结果表明所得的八个因素与诚信人格的结构拟合较好.  相似文献   
论哈贝马斯对道德与伦理的区分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哈贝马斯借助于道德与伦理的区分对"我应当做什么"做出了一元与多元的不同回答.哈贝马斯对道德和伦理的区分是在全面总结亚里士多德的伦理学、功利主叉和康德的道德学说的基础上做出的,同时对黑格尔的道德与伦理的区分理论予以深刻批判.但是,哈贝马斯的区分陷入视角论、类型论和综合论三重标准相互抵牾之中,其区分理论也由此陷入困境.  相似文献   
吴念阳  李艳  徐凝婷 《心理科学》2008,31(3):605-608
通过考察上下意象图式隐喻的映射机制和形成机制,验证其向抽象概念的映射具有心理现实性.实验一中,学龄期儿童阅读与图式一致材料反应时,较阅读与图式不一致材料反应时短,说明上下意象图式存在于概念水平,并在即时阅读中被激活.实验二中,学龄前幼儿表现出物品摆放的上下方位偏好差异,表明幼儿在概念形成过程中,抽象概念与空间上下方位存在体验性联结.研究证明:部分抽象概念表征具有上下方位线索,人们借助上下意象图式建构抽象概念.  相似文献   
对中国宗教及其积极社会功能的正面认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文为2011年度中国宗教研究五十人论坛的命题文章,仅对中国宗教及其积极的社会功能作正面探讨。限于篇幅,简要探讨了什么是中国宗教,中国宗教三元并存的格局,中国宗教的包容风格,中国宗教的组织原则,中国宗教扮演的经济角色,中国宗教是多神教,中国人宗教信仰的功利性等问题。  相似文献   
论孔子“仁”学的人本意蕴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"仁"作为孔子伦理思想的核心德目,其所具有的人本意蕴并非不言而喻、不证自明."仁者人也"、"仁者爱人"强调把人当人看,对社会各阶层都应持有起码的平等的同情心和爱心,"仁民爱物"意味着这一关爱之情由人类向自然万物的推及."仁"不远人、"为仁由己"、"推己及人"强化了人的道德自主和社会承担意识,同时彰显了中国文化的现世追求和内在超越的品格;"克己复礼为仁"标志着中国文化由神本向人本、由外向内的转型,它的首要意义在于对于人的发现,在于唤醒人类的"同类意识",在于凸显人的反省和自觉,将其从整体上理解为牺牲自我、人的独立人格的丧失、人的异化有失公允.  相似文献   
从1980年代以来,中国宗教社会学的研究就已经从欧美宗教社会学的译介开始了。30年以来,中国宗教社会学的研究,无论是对欧美经典的翻译,还是对中国本土宗教的社会学研究,都已经形成了一道可观的学术风景线,成为当代中国宗教学领域中一个重要的构成。本文对30年宗教社会学在中国的引进和发展,有一大致的综述,希望能够从中总结出中国宗教学、宗教社会学研究的某些发展规律。  相似文献   
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