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Although there have been many AI chatbots in industry service, social media, and e-commerce platforms, research on AI chatbots such as Replika, neglected the effects of human-like traits on users' continuance using intention. This article aims to explore the main effects of human-like traits (perceived warmth vs. perceived competence) of friendship AI chatbots (FAIC) on continuance using intention and customer engagement, and the moderating effects of the need to belong and information sensitivity. Three studies are conducted to collect data (Ntotal = 1420). Our findings of Study 1 demonstrate that perceived warmth and perceived competence can increase the continuance using intention to FAIC and customer engagement, and perceived usefulness plays a mediating role in our conceptual model. Additionally, consumers' need to belong (high vs. low) (Study 2) and information sensitivity (high vs. low) (Study 3) related to chat contents moderate the main effects significantly. This article contributes to the literature on the relationship between FAIC and consumers by presenting the influence of perceived warmth and perceived competence and establishing the underlying process. Analogously, the findings can be beneficial for marketers and firms in designing and developing the coding program of FAIC to promote consumers' continuance using intention and customer engagement.  相似文献   
Luxury brands are increasingly adopting chatbots for online customer service. But, little is known about the role of adding design features such as emoticons on customers' luxury experience. This study fills this research gap by exploring the influence of a luxury brand chatbot's adoption of emoticons on status perception and its underlying mechanisms. Results from two experiments suggest that luxury brands might be better off not using emoticons in chatbot communications because it dampens the brand status perception due to perceived unexpectedness, which in turn decreases the perception of the appropriateness of the interaction with chatbots. However, this negative effect of luxury brand's use of emoticons in chatbot communication only exists for traditional luxury brands, not for masstige brands. This study advances the literature on AI, particularly regarding luxury brand-specific chatbot applications. It also offers insights for luxury brand managers that they should be cautious in adopting emoticons in chatbot communication given the risk of ruining the brand status, especially when the brand is a traditional luxury brand as opposed to a masstige brand.  相似文献   
Emotions affects moral judgements, and controlled cognitive processes regulate those emotional responses during moral decision making. However, the neurobiological basis of this interaction is unclear. We used a graph theory measurement called participation coefficient (‘PC’) to quantify the resting-state functional connectivity within and between four meta-analytic groupings (MAGs) associated with emotion generation and regulation, to test whether that measurement predicts individual differences in moral foundations-based values. We found that the PC of one of the MAGs (MAG2) was positively correlated with one of the five recognized moral foundations–the one based on harm avoidance. We also found that increased inter-module connectivity between the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and middle temporal gyrus with other nodes in the four MAGs was likewise associated with higher endorsement of the Harm foundation. These results suggest that individuals' sensitivity to harm is associated with functional integration of large-scale brain networks of emotional regulation. These findings add to our knowledge of how individual variations in our moral values could be reflected by intrinsic brain network organization and deepen our understanding of the relationship between emotion and cognition during evaluations of moral values.  相似文献   
The human experience of survival from a plague is about distinguishing the sick from the healthy as quickly as possible, establishing a barrier to stop the infection, and protecting healthy people. Nevertheless, the various quarantine rules and the acceptance and compliance of the population are a kind of battle between policy implementers and the public. This paper tries to understand how Chinese cultural attitudes (Henderson, 1984) unconsciously influence the Chinese people to be most cooperative with the strict containment and quarantine measures to confront the COVID-19 pandemic. This article begins with the Chinese characters, exemplified by the four characters of disease and plague, to discuss how the pictograph nature and spatial structural way profoundly shaped the cultural mind. Then, through plague-related Chinese legends, stories and folklore, the paper sets out the Chinese cultural attitudes which are also manifested in the analogical associations between disease, plague and seasons, the balance of the five elements of the universe and ghosts, gods and the government bureaucrats in the Kingdom of the Heaven. All of these approaches are well in line with Jung’s method of associative amplification as a way to locate the archetypal wisdom that assures survival.  相似文献   
Several recent works have tackled the estimation issue for the unidimensional four-parameter logistic model (4PLM). Despite these efforts, the issue remains a challenge for the multidimensional 4PLM (M4PLM). Fu et al. (2021) proposed a Gibbs sampler for the M4PLM, but it is time-consuming. In this paper, a mixture-modelling-based Bayesian MH-RM (MM-MH-RM) algorithm is proposed for the M4PLM to obtain the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimates. In a comparison of the MM-MH-RM algorithm to the original MH-RM algorithm, two simulation studies and an empirical example demonstrated that the MM-MH-RM algorithm possessed the benefits of the mixture-modelling approach and could produce more robust estimates with guaranteed convergence rates and fast computation. The MATLAB codes for the MM-MH-RM algorithm are available in the online appendix.  相似文献   
本文在春秋时期齐国齐桓公和管仲的经济政治改革中相伴产生了“四民分业”的社会职业教育思想,这是据现有文献记载的中国最早的比较全面系统而深刻的社会职业教育思想,有很强的时代和自身的特色,对后世的职业教育产生了深远的影响。从中可以看出当时先进国家中,教育是如何为富国强兵的政策服务的。  相似文献   
中国古代关于认识真理性检验标准的思想可以大致归纳为四种主要观点。先秦及汉代的唯物主义思想家已经有了把感觉经验和行为效果作为检验认识真理性标准的思想;古代唯心主义思想家则坚持无客观标准论,他们要么直接坚持主观标准论,要么认为根本无是非标准可言;宋、明、清时期的一些唯物主义哲学家提出并坚持以客观事物或事实作为检验认识真理性的标准;与此不同,王廷相、王夫之、颜元等人则提出“行”标准说,这种颇具光辉的哲学思想,使中国古代关于认识真理性检验标准思想的探讨大大前进了一步。  相似文献   
春秋战国时期是第一个大变局时期。在政治格局上,亲缘政治开始瓦解而地缘政治开始兴起。诸侯国兴起,春秋的历史基本上都是围绕着“争霸”这个主题展开的:制度改革、学术争鸣以及兼并战争。齐法家在春秋时期通过一系列主张帮助齐国在争霸中强大起来。笔者认为,其主张中已经包含接近现代国际法的国际法理念。齐法家思想中的国际法要素主要体现在齐国主持的历次会盟的盟约,以及齐法家的代表人物的外交活动中所遵循的原则中,本文着重从这两个方面展开论述。  相似文献   
道家学派理论面对忧患强调“天人合一”和解脱,因而具有浓郁的审美意识倾向。道家学派对“道”的体认也体现在对音乐本质的理解上。审美主体伴随着质态不尽相同的音乐过程,依次连缀形成“有声之乐”、“无怠之声”和“天乐”这三个层面的心理过程流时,这样的音乐才是老子所谓的“大音”,才是道家学派理想中的音乐。  相似文献   
学龄儿童汉语正字法意识发展的研究   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
李娟  傅小兰  林仲贤 《心理学报》2000,32(2):121-126
该研究以小学一年级、三年级、五年级儿童及大学生为被试,让他们对左右、上下和半包围三种结构类型的90个真字、假字和非字进行词汇判断,以探讨儿童正字法意识的发展,结构类型的相应影响,以及年龄对汉字识别中结构类型效应的作用。结果表明;(1)儿童正字法意识的形成是以识字为基础的逐步发展的过程。小学一年级儿童已萌发了正字法意识,但至五年级时才基本达到了成人水平。(2)只有小学一年级被试的真字识别受结构类型影响。汉字识别中是否存在结构类型效应可能与被试识字经验、材料熟悉性等因素有关.(3)年级内部正字法意识的萌发和年级之间正字法意识发展的差异不受结构类型的影响,但萌发之后各年级内部均是对左右结构汉字正字法意识优于上下结构和半包围结构。  相似文献   
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