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Previous research has contrasted patterns of cautious or prevention‐oriented relationality in various West African settings with patterns of growth or promotion‐oriented relationality in many North American settings. The present research draws upon the concept of relational mobility to test the hypothesis that different patterns of relationality have their source in respective affordances for embedded interdependence or abstracted independence. Study 1 investigated the relationship between cautious intimacy and perception of relational mobility among a sample of Hong Kong students. Study 2 compared students in Hong Kong and North American settings to test whether differences in perception of relational mobility mediated the hypothesized differences in caution about friends. Study 3 used an experimental manipulation among a sample of Hong Kong students to test the hypothesis that increased perception of relational mobility reduces caution about friends. Results reveal broad support for the hypotheses. Whether as a measured variable or as an experimental treatment, the perception of relational mobility was negatively related to caution about friends. Moreover, this relationship mediated hypothesized cross‐national differences in caution about friendship. A discussion of the results considers intersections of cultural and ecological approaches to psychology and implications for theoretical conceptions of interdependence.  相似文献   
Existing literature on the mini‐ultimatum game indicates that counterfactual comparison between chosen and unchosen alternatives is of great importance for individual's fairness consideration. However, it is still unclear how counterfactual comparison influences the electrophysiological responses to unfair chosen offers. In conjunction with event‐related potentials’ (ERPs) technique, the current study aimed to explore the issue by employing a modified version of the mini‐ultimatum game where a fixed set of two alternatives (unfair offer vs. fair alternative, unfair vs. hyperfair alternative, unfair offer vs. hyperunfair alternative) was presented before the chosen offer. The behavioral results showed that participants were more likely to accept unfair chosen offers when the unchosen alternative was hyperunfair than when the unchosen alternative was fair or hyperfair. The ERPs results showed that the feedback‐related negativity (FRN) elicited by unfair chosen offers was insensitive to the type of unchosen alternative when correcting for possible overlap with other components. In contrast, unfair chosen offers elicited larger P300 amplitudes when the unchosen alternative was hyperunfair than when the unchosen alternative was fair or hyperfair. These findings suggest that counterfactual comparison may take effect at later stages of fairness consideration as reflected by the P300.  相似文献   
本研究通过两个模拟量刑实验,具体考察了案件无关情绪和案件相关情绪对法官量刑决策的影响。结果发现案件无关情绪显著影响法官量刑。法官在悲伤情绪下所判刑期短于中性情绪,愉悦和愤怒情绪与中性情绪下刑期无显著差异。案件相关情绪显著影响法官量刑,法官同情情绪下刑期更短,厌恶和愤怒情绪下刑期更长。性别对法官量刑无显著影响,从业时间对法官量刑无显著影响。性别和从业时间对案件无关情绪和相关情绪诱发均无显著影响。  相似文献   
为考察罗夏墨迹测验Exner综合系统常模的客观性和准确性,运用元分析的方法,将来自16个国家的18篇罗夏综合系统正常成人的研究结果,与Exner新版常模进行比较。结果显示,在综合系统的全部113个变量中,有23个变量在联合样本与Exner常模间存在显著差异,包括被试的资源、能力、认知水平和人际关系等方面,且均为Exner常模样本结果更加优秀。结论:新版罗夏综合系统常模具有一定的偏差,存在偏好倾向,使用时应注意避免对被试的低估甚至做出假阳性的诊断。  相似文献   
采用事件影响量表、创伤后成长问卷、社会支持问卷、应对方式问卷等对汶川地震1年后极重灾区的106名中小学教师进行调查,考察前灾难因子、灾难当下因子和后灾难因子等对教师创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)和创伤后成长(PTG)的影响。结果发现:(1)灾后中小学教师的PTSD处于中低水平、PTG处于中上水平,其中女教师的PTSD和PTG水平高于男教师,班主任教师PTSD水平高于非班主任教师,有过被困经历的教师PTSD水平高于没有被困经历的教师,有亲朋或学生受伤的教师其PTSD和PTG水平均高于无亲朋或学生受伤的教师;(2)社会支持对PTSD没有显著的预测作用,社会支持中的信息支持可以促进PTG,而情感支持和实质性支持对PTG没有显著的影响;(3)逃避的应对方式能显著地正向预测PTSD,问题解决的应对方式能显著正向地预测PTG,而寻求帮助的应对方式对PTSD和PTG都不具有显著的影响。  相似文献   
"道"是老子哲学体系中的核心,老子不仅提出虚空的道是宇宙的本体,是无法用语言来描述的,而且说明道是混成之物,即道是有精妙的内部结构属性的,并从不同的侧面说明了认识"道"是混成之物的路径。道是由无限创生因子混融而成的系统,宇宙在创生及万物演化的过程中,道或无限的创生因子始终起着根本性的作用,即宇宙间的一切事物现象都是道所为。道是由创生因子混融而成的思想观点,可为现代宇宙论的发展提供新的思维维度,为科学探索真空世界的奥秘提供新的研究途径,推进现代宇宙学的进步。  相似文献   
通过对启动任务范式的改进,运用3个实验全面考察了复合社会范畴本身的熟悉性和兼容性对复合社会范畴刻板印象中抽象表征和样例表征策略运用的影响。实验1分别以熟悉的、不熟悉且在刻板印象上不兼容的复合范畴为研究对象,研究发现对熟悉的复合范畴采用抽象表征,而对不熟悉且在刻板印象上不兼容的复合范畴的表征采用样例表征;实验2以熟悉且在刻板印象上不兼容的复合范畴为研究对象,研究发现对于熟悉但构成范畴不兼容的复合范畴的表征也采用样例表征;实验3采用相同的实验范式,在描述和定义两种启动任务中设置子范畴间兼容的刻板特质词和不兼容的刻板特质词,选择与实验2相同的复合范畴"男中学教师"为目标群体,更加严密地证实和整合了实验1与实验2的研究结论。3个实验的结果说明复合范畴刻板印象的表征关键取决于兼容性,一旦复合社会范畴的构成范畴在刻板印象上不兼容,那么对于这一复合社会范畴刻板印象的表征采用样例表征。当构成复合范畴的两个子范畴之间兼容时,熟悉性成为刻板印象运用抽象表征还是样例表征的影响因素,无论是对内群体的刻板印象还是外群体的刻板印象,对熟悉的刻板特质词的表征运用抽象表征。  相似文献   
本文以118名企业员工为被试,以自编实验材料和量表为研究工具,探讨组织不公平与反生产行为之间的关系,并考察了权力距离对组织不公平与反生产行为关系的调节作用。结果发现:当被试面对组织不公平情境时,倾向于实施反生产行为;组织不公平情境下,低权力距离组被试在反生产行为得分上显著高于高权力距离组个体,而在中性情境下,两组被试得分差异不显著,即权力距离在组织不公平与反生产行为之间起负向调节作用。由于反生产行为的产生常与组织不公平相关,因此本研究结果将有助于我们更好地理解反生产行为产生的原因,并从心理学角度帮助组织管理者制定减少反生产行为发生的措施。  相似文献   
采用内隐联想测验和问卷法探讨高中生内隐、外显成就动机与学业拖延的关系。结果表明:(1)内隐、外显成就动机是相互独立的动机系统,但两者以显著的交互作用共同影响学业拖延;(2)不同动机组合的学生,拖延情况有显著差异:高内隐、高外显组的拖延最少,高内隐、低外显组的拖延最多;(3)动机越不一致,拖延越严重,动机一致性能够减少拖延;(4)成绩中等偏下的学生在学习过程的补救和总结上有更多的拖延。因此,学生只有具备了高内隐、高外显的一致性动机,才会出现最少的拖延。  相似文献   
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