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Tested a 7-month, media-based, community intervention among Hispanics in San Francisco designed to change levels of information on the damaging effects of cigarette smoking and on the availability of culturally appropriate cessation services. Three community-wide surveys of Hispanics were conducted with independent random samples, two as baselines (n = 1,660 and 2,053) and one postintervention (n = 1,965). Results showed that changes in the level of awareness of cessation services had taken place after implementation of the intervention. Furthermore, those changes took place primarily among the less acculturated Spanish-speaking Hispanics who were the target of the intervention. The changes in information reported here demonstrate that a culturally appropriate information dissemination campaign that utilizes multiple channels can produce changes in a community's level of information even when the campaign is implemented for a relatively short period.  相似文献   
How is meaning assigned to those terms in a theory which are remote from direct observational instantiation? Models and analogies play a role, but close examination of theories in high energy physics shows that the design of experimental apparatus also influences the interpretation of such terms. Certain apparatus favours certain kinds of effects, and this affects the way mathematical theories are interpreted. In particular track producing apparatus becomes involved with theories in which photonic terms are picked out in the theory. A further conceptual constraint is thus introduced. It is argued that this situation favours the interpretation of dispositional properties as affordances rather than as simple dispositions.  相似文献   
The role accorded to the public by scientists and philosophers of science has undergone an essential historical change in the last three centuries. Public participation in (witnessing of) scientific experiments was considered an important requirement for 17th century experimenters (e.g. for Boyle or Pascal). The cognitive role played by lay persons was later substantially downgraded; witnessing went out of fashion, while science became more and more esoteric and a matter for experts only. Part of this process was that all scientific disciplines became intensively compartmentalized and in consequence a rather puzzling or even paradoxical situation appeared: that the scientists themselves were and are being reduced epistemically to the status of lay persons, outside of their proper field of expertise (as was pointed out by J. Hardwig). The paper deals with some cognitive aspects of this historical process.  相似文献   
信号检测论方法引入集值统计试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
集值统计是模糊数学方法的应用,信号检测论之评价法与有无法实验满足集值统计条件,可用集值统计的程度函数表示辨别力或感受性的大小。本文提出两种计算程度函数的数学模型:(1)a=1/K[∑a_(k1·CP_(k1)(Y/SN)+∑a_(k2)·CP_(k2)(Y/N)],(2)f(u)=1/2[∑a_(k1)·P_(k1)(Y/SN)+∑a_(k2)·P_(k2)(Y/N)]。试验结果证实两种模型所计算的程度函数与信号检测论方法所计算的辨别力指数d’有高相关(r_(ad’)=0.842,r_f(u)d’=0.953、n=67),程度函数与d’一样,不仅可以作为辨别力的指标,而且可将判断标准与辨别力分开,不同的是程度函数用β=a_N/a_(SN)或β=f_N(u)/f_(SN)(U)计算的判断标准是一次性综合判断。此点不同于信号检测论可对每一个类别反应的判断标准进行计算。程度函数与d’的计算都利用了对信号与噪音的反应信息。除上述二者的共同之处外,程度函数比d’还具有以下一些优越性:(1)程度函数应用集值统计,无须信号检测论要求对信号与噪音的感觉分布为正态的基本假设,可认为是非参数的方法;(2)可克服信号检测论方法不同判断标准下d’不稳定又难以解释的困难;(3)可适当地减少试验次数;(4)程度函数取值在0-1之间,易于形成量表值方便比较,意义清晰、明确;(5)更符合心理判断的实际状态。  相似文献   
汉语句子的多层次分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李栗 《心理学报》1990,23(2):39-48
本文试图建立一个中文句子分析的计算机模型。在该模型中,句法、语义信息对中文句子的多层次分析是同等重要的。为此,我们提出了一些语义规则,利用这些规则可将语义关系综合进句法和词典,使该模型能同时进行不同层次的加工。对汉语一些典型句型的应用表明,该模型是行之有效的。  相似文献   
卡车驾驶员速度估计研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李小华  彭楚翘 《心理科学》1997,20(6):525-529
用速度知觉测试仪,对251名男性卡车驾驶员在四种实验条件下的速度估计准确性进行了测量。结果发现:安全组卡车驾驶员的速度估计准确性优于事故组卡车驾驶员,两者在低速条件下差异不显著,高速条件下差异显著;事故组卡车驾驶员的高估次数高于安全组卡车驾驶员,低速条件下两者不显著.高速条件下差异显著;事故多发组与安全组卡车驾驶员的速度估计准确性在高速及低速长距离条件下差异显著;速度及距离对速度估计准确性有显著影响,且两者之间存在显著的交互作用;年龄对速度估计准确性无显著影响。  相似文献   
6 15岁儿童对友谊特性的认知发展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
研究目的:(1)考察我国儿童、青少年的友谊特性的认知发展规律和特点;(2)探讨儿童友谊特性的认知结构。研究采用结构访谈法,被试为来自北京市普通幼儿园、小学和中学的6岁、8岁、10岁、12岁和15岁儿童共100名(每个年龄组20名,男女各半)。结果发现:(1)6—15岁儿童对友谊特性的认知结构由5个维度组成,即:个人交流和冲突解决,榜样和竞争,互相欣赏,共同活动和互相帮助,亲密交往。(2)对6—15岁儿童,友谊特性中的5个维度的重要性次序为:共同活动和互相帮助,个人交流和冲突解决,榜样和竞争,互相欣赏,亲密交往。(3)从发展上来看,对友谊特性不同维度的认知发展趋势有很大年龄差异。6—8岁儿童只能认识到友谊特性中一些外在的、行为的特征;以后才能逐渐认识到那些内在的、情感性的特征。但是,原来那些外在的特征并没有随着儿童年龄的增长而被取代,而是与内在的、情感性的特性结合在一起,在认识中逐渐深化。(4)小学六年级儿童在共同活动和游戏上表现出性别差异(男生高于女生);而在冲突解决上,女生的认知水平高于男生。此外,初中三年级学生在互相欣赏方面,男生的认识水平高于女生  相似文献   
教育因素对认知功能年老化过程的影响   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
应用言语-操作和人机对话两种方式共12项作业,完成年龄和教育因素对认知功能影响的研究,被试共734人,46-75岁.结果表明:(1)年龄和教育因素对认知成绩的影响因作业而异,分别为年龄影响明显(图象自由回忆和无意义图形再认)、教育因素影响明显(卡片分类、图象分类和矩阵填图)、年龄和教育因素影响均明显(符号数字、词对联想学习、听觉和视觉数字广度)或均不明显(心算).(2)四项非词语性作业速度明显受年龄和教育因素的双重影响.  相似文献   
Investigated ethnicity and parental alcoholism as factors that might influence the stress vulnerability of adolescents. It extended an initial cross-sectional study of this same sample by adding two annual assessments which allowed for additional cross-sectional analyses and longitudinal tests. Hispanic and Caucasian adolescents (N=306 at Time 1) completed measures of their own life stress, family conflict, and alcohol use. Their parents reported on adolescents' internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Cross-sectional analyses at Time 2, and prospective analyses involving Time 1 and Time 2 measures were, for the most part, consistent with the original study's results. Caucasian adolescents and children of alcoholic parents appeared to be more vulnerable to stress than Hispanic adolescents and children of nonalcoholic parents. Family conflict was a partial explanation for this increased vulnerability. This research was supported by National Institute on Drug Abuse Grant DA05227 to Laurie Chassin (pricipal investigator) and Manuel Barrera, Jr. (coprincipal investigator). Susan Li was supported by an American Psychological Association Minority Fellowship Award. Portions of this research were presented at the conference, “Resiliency in Families: Racial and Ethnic Minority Families in America” that was held at the University of Wisconsin, May 31–June 2, 1994.  相似文献   
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