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We administered the Gender Identity Interview for Children, a 12-item child-informant measure, to children referred clinically for gender identity problems in Toronto, Ontario, Canada (N = 329) and Amsterdam, The Netherlands (N = 228) and 173 control children. Confirmatory factor analysis identified a Cognitive Gender Confusion factor (4 items) and an Affective Gender Confusion factor (8 items). Patients from both clinics had a significantly higher deviant total score than the controls, and the Dutch patients had a significantly higher deviant score than the Toronto patients. In this cross-national study, we are the first to report on the validity of this measure to discriminate children with gender identity disorder from controls outside of North America.  相似文献   
A primary goal of behavioral interventions is to reduce dangerous or inappropriate behavior and to generalize treatment effects across various settings. However, there is a lack of research evaluating generalization of treatment effects while individuals with functionally equivalent problem behavior interact with each other. For the current study, the severe problem behavior of two participants with developmental disabilities was targeted for assessment and treatment. Results of a functional analysis indicated that for both participants, problem behaviors occurred when destructive behavior produced reinforcement of participant mands . The use of a multiple schedule that alternated between differential reinforcement of other behaviors and differential reinforcement of alternative behavior (mands) was sufficient to produce a significant reduction in problem behavior for one participant; the addition of differential reinforcement of alternative behaviors via compliance was necessary for the second participant. Extended treatment sessions, which focused on interaction between the two participants, involved one therapist concurrently implementing each participant’s treatment while they were directed to play with one another (a situation that previously evoked problem behavior). Results show that each participant’s treatment produced low to zero rates of problem behavior even during extended interactions.  相似文献   
The investigation presented here explores the hypothesis that participants are less likely to respond in a socially desirable fashion on self-report questionnaires completed on the Web relative to those completed in the laboratory--the candor hypothesis. A battery of social desirability questionnaires (i.e., Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding [Paulhaus, 1984], Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale [Crowne & Marlowe, 1964], Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised Lie Scale [Eysenck & Eysenck, 1994]) was administered to 3 groups: 2 groups consisted of undergraduate participants who were randomly assigned to complete the measures either in the laboratory (n = 60) or on the Web (n = 60), and 1 group consisted of self-selected participants who visited our experimental Web page and completed the measures online (n = 284). This design allowed us to assess the role of Web administration while controlling for differences in sample type, an oft-neglected issue in the Web literature. Results do not support the claim that administering self-report measures over the Web results in a decrease in socially desirable responding. Furthermore, these findings highlight the problems associated with confounding sample and medium. Implications for the use of Web as a research tool are discussed.  相似文献   
Mind‐wandering is mostly studied for its negative effects on ongoing cognitive tasks but may be also of adaptive value. We tested the idea of mind‐wandering providing opportunities for rehearsal by asking participants to study 20 grocery items for a recall test. After cued recall of 10 items, participants were either told that the recall task was finished or that it was interrupted for another task. All participants then performed a two‐back task during which thought contents were repeatedly probed. Cued recall of the remaining items was better in the interrupted than in the finished condition, and this effect was accompanied by a more efficient rehearsal strategy: Participants' thought‐reports in the interrupted condition revealed a stronger and more persistent engagement in shopping‐task‐related thoughts. Activating a relevant goal led to mind‐wandering episodes being persistently used as opportunities for rehearsal revealing participants' adaptive usage of off‐task thoughts.Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Background: We report on the preliminary results of two independent studies that (1) compare the hair cortisol concentrations (HCC) of healthy controls with patients displaying post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS, study 1+2), (2) investigate whether pre-trauma HCC are predictive for the development of acute stress symptoms (ASS) and PTSS (study 1) and (3) determine whether HCC correlate with PTSS in a clinical sample of children (study 2).

Methods: In study 1, the clinical symptoms of 35 minors were examined one (T1) and seven weeks (T2) after surgery following an accident. Hair samples were taken after the accident that reflect cortisol secretion over the past three months before the accident (healthy controls). In study 2, HCC and PTSS symptoms were cross-sectionally assessed in 22 minors who had experienced a psychological trauma.

Results: The HCC of patients with PTSS were lower than the HCC of healthy controls (study 1+2). Secondary analyses showed that HCC were significantly lower in male PTSS patients than in male healthy controls, whereas the HCC in females were comparably low in both groups. Pre-trauma HCC did not predict the total ASS and PTSS scores (study 1) and HCC were not directly related to the total PTSS scores (study 2).  相似文献   
Different rehabilitation programs after surgery have been presented to improve the outcome for patients with a hip fracture. Empowerment has been suggested as useful, but requires a change in the caring behaviours of health professionals. The aim with this study was to evaluate if training and supervision of the nursing staff could alter caring behaviours. A case-control study of nursing staff treating hip fracture patients was performed at a hospital with two sites. Training and supervision was given to the nursing staff at the intervention site. The intervention focused on creating positive care interaction by using eight guidelines. The evaluation was performed with recordings of a constructed caring situation before training, and observations of care situations at the ward before and after intervention. The results showed no differences at baseline between the two sites in the caring behaviours. After intervention, significant effects of caring behaviours were seen in seven out of eight guidelines, the effect sizes ranged from medium to large. The findings indicate that the nursing staff can change caring behaviours and facilitate the empowerment of patients with a hip fracture.  相似文献   
Culturally validated rating scales for social anxiety disorder (SAD) are of significant importance when screening for the disorder, as well as for evaluating treatment efficacy. This study examined construct validity and additional psychometric properties of two commonly used scales, the Social Phobia Scale and the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale, in a clinical SAD population (n?=?180) and in a normal population (n?=?614) in Sweden. Confirmatory factor analyses of previously reported factor solutions were tested but did not reveal acceptable fit. Exploratory factor analyses (EFA) of the joint structure of the scales in the total population yielded a two-factor model (performance anxiety and social interaction anxiety), whereas EFA in the clinical sample revealed a three-factor solution, a social interaction anxiety factor and two performance anxiety factors. The SPS and SIAS showed good to excellent internal consistency, and discriminated well between patients with SAD and a normal population sample. Both scales showed good convergent validity with an established measure of SAD, whereas the discriminant validity of symptoms of social anxiety and depression could not be confirmed. The optimal cut-off score for SPS and SIAS were 18 and 22 points, respectively. It is concluded that the factor structure and the additional psychometric properties of SPS and SIAS support the use of the scales for assessment in a Swedish population.  相似文献   
Traditionally in the field of psychology, most theories were developed from the perspective of scholars from Western culture. Because of this, the generality of such theories is usually limited, especially when applying them to people of African descent who have experienced different realities of life as a function of worldwide racial oppression. Especially lacking in the theories is a consideration of the role of spirituality in the development and psychological well-being of people of African descent. The authors discuss the problems of Western theories using Erikson's model of life-span development as an example. They present the definition of spirituality using an African-centered lens, and then propose a synthesis between Western and non-Western developmental theories with the issue of spirituality placed in the center of analysis.  相似文献   
Objectives: Mini Mental State Examination’s (MMSE’s) sensitivity in its upper level is questioned, hence we investigated cognitive abnormalities and defects in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in elderly with MMSE scores ≥24.

Methods: One hundred and four men at age 81 with MMSE scores ≥24 (mean 28.4 ± 1.7), no dementia or stroke, were examined with neuropsychological test battery, and their rCBF was estimated using 99mTc-HMPAO SPECT.

Results: MMSE was very sparsely correlated with rCBF. Instead, visuo-spatial tests were correlated with rCBF in parietal and occipital lobe, verbal tests with rCBF in frontal and temporal-parietal lobes, and most of all between Digit Symbol and all rCBF regions, especially in subcortical gray and white matter. In a cluster of low achievers, test of Synonyms, followed by Digit Symbol and Benton test, had highest discriminatory importance. Low achievers had generalized rCBF changes especially in subcortical areas. Only lower scores on two MMSE items, figure drawing and calculation, could discriminate the clusters.

Conclusion: A substantial number of octogenarian men with MMSE ≥ 24p have widespread rCBF changes corresponding to a decreased speeded performance and verbal capacity.  相似文献   
A wide range of research suggests that the exertion of self-control is a limited resource or constrained by a motivational shift. Less attention, however, has been given to the question how self-control capacity can be restored. This study examined whether this restoration can be achieved by “presence,” the perceptual illusion of non-mediation. We suggest that the adoption of the mediated reference systems creates a “holiday from self” and restores self-control capacity. Depleted participants who saw an immersive video clip performed better in a subsequent self-control task than participants who saw a non-immersive video clip or were in a waiting group. But the concrete mechanism remains open: Self reported presence did not serve as a mediator.  相似文献   
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