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Arab-Muslims have extremely religious-centered and restrictive cultural practices. Living in a foreign country where Islam is a minority religion and culture is categorically different entails a great deal of adjustment. This study explored how Arab-Muslim International Students live and cope in a non-Arab, non-Muslim country. The authors used phenomenological approach with Colaizzi’s method of analysis to (1) explore the lived experience of the Arab students’ academic and social life and (2) come up with recommendations that can be supported by universities in Philippines and other countries with Arab students. Emergent themes include Hybrid vision and empowerment from education beyond borders “Tatallo at wa kudurat,” Stigma in the Arab world “Hallah,” Islam as way of life “Al Islam: Manhaj Hayyat,” and Future of the Arab-Muslim students “Wahaa.” The major concepts that emerged from the lived experience of these students focused on the practical reasons for quality education, challenges along the way, culture shock, the stigma, and misconceptions about Arabs and Muslims. They experienced discrimination, the impact of stereotyping and misconceptions about the Arab-Muslims. Their tenacity of the Islam faith has become a coping mechanism and kept them enormously strong. They also strived to show the real meaning of being Muslim, and finally, looking forward to how they can become the oasis in the desert. The Arab-Muslim International Students experience difficult adjustments in a foreign country to acquire high quality education, while holding on to their Islam faith and keeping their culture intact.  相似文献   
A cross-sectional study investigated changes in patients' value systems following a diagnosis of cancer. Fifty patients at 1 to 6?months following cancer diagnosis, were asked to compare their current values with their recollection of past values. Using the Rokeach Value Survey we obtained statistically significant results showing that twenty-seven out of thirty-six values changed their importance from the patients' perspective: 16 values significantly increased, while 11 values significantly decreased in importance. Changes with respect to nine values were insignificant. We indentified clusters of values increasing in importance the most: Religious morality (Salvation, Forgiving, Helpful, Clean), Personal orientation (Self-Respect, True Friendship, Happiness), Self-constriction (Self-Controlled, Obedient, Honest), Family security (Family Security, Responsible), and Delayed gratification (Wisdom, Inner Harmony). We also observed that the following value clusters decreased in importance: Immediate gratification (An Exciting Life, Pleasure, A Comfortable Life); Self-expansion (Capable, Ambitious, Broadminded), Competence (A Sense of Accomplishment, Imaginative, Intellectual). The remaining values belonged to clusters that as a group changed slightly or not at all. Practical implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   
Huntington disease (HD) is caused by an expansion of CAG repeat in the Huntingtin gene. Patients demonstrate a triad of motor, cognitive and psychiatric symptoms. A transgenic rat model (tgHD rats) carrying 51 CAG repeats demonstrate progressive striatal degeneration and polyglutamine aggregates in limbic structures. In this model, emotional function has only been investigated through anxiety studies. Our aim was to extend knowledge on emotional and motivational function in symptomatic tgHD rats. We subjected tgHD and wild-type rats to behavioral protocols testing motor, emotional, and motivational abilities. From 11 to 15 months of age, animals were tested in emotional perception of sucrose using taste reactivity, acquisition, extinction, and re-acquisition of discriminative Pavlovian fear conditioning as well as reactivity to changes in reinforcement values in a runway Pavlovian approach task. Motor tests detected the symptomatic status of tgHD animals from 11 months of age. In comparison to wild types, transgenic animals exhibited emotional blunting of hedonic perception for intermediate sucrose concentration. Moreover, we found emotional alterations with better learning and re-acquisition of discriminative fear conditioning due to a higher level of conditioned fear to aversive stimuli, and hyper-reactivity to a negative hedonic shift in reinforcement value interpreted in term of greater frustration. Neuropathological assessment in the same animals showed a selective shrinkage of the central nucleus of the amygdala. Our results showing emotional blunting and hypersensitivity to negative emotional situations in symptomatic tgHD animals extend the face validity of this model regarding neuropsychiatric symptoms as seen in manifest HD patients, and suggest that some of these symptoms may be related to amygdala dysfunction.  相似文献   
It has been shown that optimists tend to rely more on their prior expectations than sensory input when making decisions of an intense nature (Geers & Lassiter, 2002). We investigated the degree to which this tendency persists over a range of discrepancies between prior cues and actual stimuli. Eighty‐seven participants were shown a subset of happy, sad and fearful pictures drawn from the Ekman facial expressions of emotion (Ekman & Oster, 1979). Each picture was preceded by a verbal cue indicating the impending emotional expression and intensity. The displayed pictures were either in agreement, slightly discrepant or very discrepant with the cue. Participants rated the extent to which they agreed/disagreed with the expectation cue. Probit signal detection models were used to produce acquiescence for each subject at each level of discrepancy. Correlation analysis was performed on acquiescence and dispositional optimism scores. There was a significant correlation between all acquiescence scores for levels of discrepancies and dispositional optimism. Optimism appears to be a trait associated with acquiescence. The apparent tendency of optimists to comply may be due to a cognitive style that relies on expectations, such that it takes them longer to recognise the extent of discrepancy between expectations and incoming information. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In this article the author reflects upon the place imagination has in education and argues that imagination for adults is an important part of the reflective practice. The article explores the importance of going beyond the traditional way of thinking to capture the essence of understanding teaching and learning practice. The goal of this self-study is to create a way of professional development as a teacher educator which the author could utilise with teacher students. To accomplish that, the author travels to the three (imaginary) lands of reflective practice, and applies this as a way of reflective learning. The author demonstrates how reflective practices can draw together a dialogue between the embodied experience and understandings based on imaginative meanings. The author argues that reflective practice could benefit from a perspective that focuses on imaginative thoughts and more creative discussion in all aspects of education. Furthermore, to enhance students’ reflective learning one must first and foremost be able to grasp the imaginative element within oneself in order to improve students’ learning through reflective practice.  相似文献   
Psychological defences are conceptualized as protective processes that help individuals to maintain their integrity in the face of threat and danger. Accordingly, their role in defending trauma victims from post‐traumatic symptoms was examined. The sample consisted of 128 Palestinian male political ex‐prisoners who had reported various degrees of torture and ill‐treatment. The first aim was to analyze the dimensionality and distribution of different defence mechanisms. The second was to examine which defences would moderate the association between the reported torture and ill‐treatment and the post‐traumatic symptoms (PTS). Third, the direct associations between reported torture and ill‐treatment and defences and between the defences and symptoms were explored. Defence mechanisms were assessed by a 40‐item version of the Defense Style Questionnaire (DSQ), and Post‐traumatic symptoms by the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire (HTQ), and experiences of torture and ill‐treatment by a scale developed for that purpose. The results show, first, that the men used predominantly mature defences such as anticipation, sublimation, suppression, and rationalization, but also relatively frequently somatization and dissociation, which are characteristic responses among trauma victims. Second, the principal component analysis revealed four defence dimensions, differentiated by the level of maturity and the approach to reality: the mature reality‐based, the consciousness‐limiting, the immature reality‐escaping, and the immature reality‐distorting defences. Third, against our hypothesis, the moderating analyses indicated that the reported torture and ill‐treatment were relatively more associated with vigilance, avoidance, and intrusion symptoms if men used consciousness‐limiting defences. Yet as expected, the mature reality‐based defences did not show a protective effect. Furthermore, a high level of reported torture and ill‐treatment was associated with a low level of the mature reality‐based defences, but not with a high level of immature defences. Last, similarly to earlier studies, the immature reality‐distorting and immature reality‐escaping defences associated directly with high, and mature reality‐based defences with low, levels of PTS‐symptoms.  相似文献   
When a global moving pattern is superimposed on high-contrast stationary or slowly moving stimuli, the latter occasionally disappear for periods of several seconds (motion-induced blindness, MIB). Here, an adaptation paradigm was used to determine if orientation-selective adaptation still occurs for the stimulus that is no longer visible. Two slowly drifting high-contrast Gabor patches were presented to observers. As soon as both patches disappeared, one was eliminated from the screen. After 2 s, two low-contrast Gabor patches were presented as tests at the same locations and observers were asked to report their orientations. The observers' performance was significantly higher when the orientation of the low-contrast test patch was orthogonal to the orientation of the high-contrast adapting patch (p < 0.0001) for the location where the patch was present during MIB, even though it was perceptually invisible. The observers' performance was not significantly different at the adjacent control location where the stimulus was absent during the MIB. Although no stimulus was visible at either location, orientation-selective adaptation was preserved only for the location at which the patch remained present. Since orientation information is processed in low-level visual areas such as the primary visual cortex (V1), we conclude that MIB originates in an area higher than V1.  相似文献   
Research has demonstrated that destination memory (i.e., the ability to remember to whom information was previously told) can be influenced by characteristics (e.g., emotional expressions and age) of the destination. Building on this literature, we investigated whether destination memory can be influenced by the attractiveness of the destination. We invited participants to give information on attractive faces, unattractive faces, or neither‐attractive‐nor‐unattractive faces. On a recognition test, they were invited to decide to whom each piece of information had been previously told. Results demonstrated higher destination memory (1) for attractive faces than for neither‐attractive‐nor‐unattractive faces, and (2) for unattractive faces than for neither‐attractive‐nor‐unattractive faces. We attribute the higher destination memory for attractive and unattractive destinations to their distinctiveness compared with neutrally attractive destinations. We also provide some attentional explanations for the high memory for attractive and unattractive destinations.  相似文献   
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