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养生文化是中国传统文化中一个很重要的组成部分,它虽然不属于道教的专利,但毫无疑问,道教是提倡养生的集大成者.然而道教养生号称有三千六百法门,应该从哪里人手呢?当然应该先从道理学起."本立而道生",养生之术是标不是本,这个本就是养生的道理、理念.简而言之,有三个原则,就是"自然养生"、"清静养生"、"以德养生".  相似文献   
黎明 《中国道教》2009,(2):45-46
八段锦是我国古代民间流行最广的导引术之一,分为两大类:坐式八段锦与立式八段锦,即文八段锦(坐式静功)和武八段锦(站式动功). 坐式八段锦主要起源于八仙之一钟离权所传之八段锦.钟离八段锦因吕洞宾手书于石壁而得以流传下来.  相似文献   
朱熹与康德作为中西方最重要的哲学家,对道德的思考有着一定的相似性.他们都试图通过把握一个超验概念进而展开他们的道德哲学;认为道德法则在本质上是先验、普遍与绝对的;个人的幸福和欲望应从属于普遍的道德法则,主张道德自律;坚持道义优先,拒绝对道德进行功利主义的理解.但是由于两种道德哲学的根本价值指向不同,结果也导致了两种理论的不同遭遇和命运.  相似文献   
社会主义核心价值体系的基本属性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尽管学界对社会主义核心价值体系的内涵、理论框架等进行了富有成果的讨论,但对于社会主义核心价值体系的基本属性仍然存在模糊认识.社会主义核心价值体系的基本属性应体现在三个方面:普遍性与民族性、单元性与复合性、保护性与扩展性.即社会主义核心价值体系应具有普遍价值理念,民族精神的精华,道德单元构成,道德单元与道德意识、实践的复合,保护性"硬核",自我完善与不断创新等属性.  相似文献   
"仁"作为孔子伦理思想的核心德目,其所具有的人本意蕴并非不言而喻、不证自明."仁者人也"、"仁者爱人"强调把人当人看,对社会各阶层都应持有起码的平等的同情心和爱心,"仁民爱物"意味着这一关爱之情由人类向自然万物的推及."仁"不远人、"为仁由己"、"推己及人"强化了人的道德自主和社会承担意识,同时彰显了中国文化的现世追求和内在超越的品格;"克己复礼为仁"标志着中国文化由神本向人本、由外向内的转型,它的首要意义在于对于人的发现,在于唤醒人类的"同类意识",在于凸显人的反省和自觉,将其从整体上理解为牺牲自我、人的独立人格的丧失、人的异化有失公允.  相似文献   
利益集团如何用“中和之道”守护既得利益   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李刚 《中国道教》2009,(5):33-39
以道家、道教的“智慧之眼”审视,利益集团应该如何用“中和之道”守护自己的既得利益?若以人之常情分析,谁不想守护住自己的既得利益?谁又不想把自己的既得利益代代相传?有谁愿意君子之泽、当世而斩?然而,既得利益集团从历史走到现在,往往却是事与愿违,眼睁睁看着自己的财富从手上丢失,为什么会如此?有没有什么路径进人可以解决这一难题?  相似文献   
道教法术与民间术数有着紧密的联系。道法渊源于民间术数,是民间术数的精致化、系统化。而在民间法术走向精致化、系统化的过程中,戒律传授与经篆传授是至关重要的。然而,在法术的实践中,民间的法师往往无篆可授,行法而不受篆的情况屡见不鲜。在民众的实际宗教需要中,“法”比“篆”更为重要,  相似文献   
People overweight certainty, even when certainty is only an illusion. A vaccine that was described as 100% effective against 70% of disease targets was preferred to one described as 70% effective against 100% of disease targets (Studies 1 and 2). The appeal of 100% extends beyond the probability attribute. In Study 2, participants preferred both of the vaccines above to normatively equivalent vaccines that were less than 100% effective toward fewer than 100% of targets. In Study 3, participants preferred a 100% discount on a cup of coffee every 10 days to other more frequent, but lower amount, discounts. This preference evaporated, however, when savings were framed as points rather than as percentage discounts. We propose that people view 100% as a salient reference point and overweight it in those domains where it cannot be exceeded (e.g., probability, discount); the overweighting is weaker in domains where 100% can be exceeded (e.g., target range, points).  相似文献   
Attention to a prepulse presented shortly before a startling stimulus enhances prepulse inhibition (PPI) of startle in normal people, but not in schizophrenics. Fear conditioning for the prepulse enhances PPI in socially reared, but not isolation-reared, rats. In humans, selective attention to acoustic signals against masking can be facilitated by precedence-effect-induced perceived spatial separation between the signal and the masker. This study investigated whether perceived spatial separation between a prepulse and a noise masker enhances PPI in socially reared rats and isolation-reared rats. The results show that both PPI and conditioning-induced PPI enhancement were larger in socially reared rats than in isolation-reared rats. More important, in socially reared, but not isolation-reared, rats, a further PPI enhancement was induced by precedence-effect-induced perceived separation between a prepulse and a masker only after the prepulse became fear conditioned. Thus, perceived separation facilitates normal rats’ attention to a conditioned prepulse and enhances PPI. Isolation rearing impairs rats’ ability to attend to ecologically significant acoustic events.  相似文献   
编制了“小学1~4年级学生思维能力测验”,该测验有文字、数字、图形三种测试材料,包括比较分类、归纳推理、演绎推理、空间认知、类比推理、抽象概括6个分测验。793名1~4年级小学生参加了测试,结果表明该测验难度适中、区分度较好、信度和效度较高。  相似文献   
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