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Two investigations were conducted to determine the nature of the relationship between facial reactions and surprise and humor ratings as suggested by the facial feedback hypothesis. In the correlational investigation, individual subjects showed a positive correlation between their spontaneous facial reactions and funniness ratings over 36 cartoons (within subjects). Subjects who were facially more reactive to all the cartoons, however, did not rate them as funnier than did subjects who were less facially reactive (between subjects). In the experimental investigation, spontaneous facial reactions were evoked by a discrepant weight and also were inhibited or amplified on verbal demand. Surprise and funniness ratings varied with spontaneous facial reactions but were unaffected when those reactions were voluntarily inhibited or amplified. The results were interpreted as not supporting the facial feedback hypothesis and suggested that facial reactions may only correlate with emotional experience.These investigations were supported by Ball State University Research Grants.  相似文献   
Filicide is defined as the killing of children from birth to age 18 by a natural or step-parent. The legal definition of filicide in Korea does not impose such age limits. Although families in contemporary Korea are nuclear in structure, they were multigenerational prior to the industrialisation that occurred during the second half of the twentieth century. While psychiatric and evolutionary theories have been predominantly used in the filicide literature, prior works have neglected to examine how culture shapes violence against one’s offspring. This paper explores the offence, offender, and victim characteristics in South Korean filicides (1948–1962) through a content analysis of a major newspaper (Chosun Ilbo). Results indicate that filicides occur in one-on-one contexts, primarily carried out by biological parents against their offspring while adoptive children appeared as victims due to the genealogical customs practiced in Korean society. Results indicate that more than 12% of filicide victims are adults. The implications of our findings are discussed.  相似文献   
Mindfulness and self‐compassion have garnered interest as tools for improving counselor wellness and performance, yet little is known about how they relate to compassion. Compassion—for oneself and others—is considered important to counselor well‐being and effective counseling. In Buddhist and current models, mindfulness is theorized to increase self‐compassion and, subsequently, compassion for others, but the study of these proposed relationships is limited. Using mediation analysis, the author confirmed self‐compassion as a mediator of mindfulness and compassion for others among 152 master's‐level counseling interns. Implications and practical application of mindfulness and self‐compassion for counselor development are discussed.  相似文献   
Applying a loss and grief perspective, this article explores lived experiences and perceptions of social workers and human service professionals who provided psychosocial supports and services to children, youth, and families recovering from the 2013 flood in southern Alberta, Canada. Five interrelated themes emerged from the analysis: (a) challenges with providing services while experiencing personal loss; (b) lack of funding for long-term postdisaster psychosocial recovery; (c) parenting in the context of disaster-related loss; (d) children’s and youth’s experiences of disaster-related loss and grief; and (e) the impact of the flood on family socioeconomic status. Recommendations for research, education and practice are discussed.  相似文献   
The transition from preschool to formal schooling constitutes an important developmental milestone for children and their families. Very few empirical studies investigating the kindergarten transition for typically developing children have been published, and fewer have examined transition experiences from the perspective of caregivers. The aims of our study were to investigate: (1) parent concerns during transition, (2) perceived needs during transition, and (3) parent involvement in kindergarten preparation activities. Parents/caregivers of 86 general education students transitioning to kindergarten completed a survey assessing their concerns, needs, and involvement in transition preparation activities. Results suggest that although the majority of parents expressed few concerns regarding their child’s kindergarten transition, a subset (i.e., 27.9%) reported significant concerns. The areas of concern most often cited by families in this sample were socio-behavioral in nature. Parents in this sample expressed a desire for various types of information during transition. Parents most often reported engaging in low intensity transition practices characterized by generic forms of contact, rather than more individualized and intensive practices often cited in the literature as best practices. In addition, parent involvement in transition preparation activities differed by family socioeconomic status as well as district locale. This study offers practical suggestions and policy implications for coordinating family and school efforts during children’s kindergarten transition.  相似文献   
Patient-reported outcomes are increasingly used as dependent variables in studies regarding the effectiveness of clinical interventions. But patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) do not provide intuitively meaningful data. For instance, it is not clear what a five point increase or decrease on a particular scale signifies. Establishing ‘interpretability’ involves making changes in outcomes meaningful. Attempts to interpret PROMs have led to the development of methods for identifying a minimum important difference (MID). In this paper, however, I draw on Charles Taylor’s distinction between weak and strong evaluations to suggest that identifying a MID, specifically, a MID that uses a patient-reported reference group, may not provide an adequate interpretation of these measures. Moreover, I argue that the difficulty with interpreting these measures is tied to a larger problem concerning their validity. If researchers wish to interpret PROMs, they may first need to know more about the constructs they attempt to measure, namely, quality of life.  相似文献   
There has been much philosophical interest regarding the ‘hierarchy of evidence’ used to determine which study designs are of most value for reporting on questions of effectiveness, prognosis, and so on. There has been much less philosophical interest in the choice of outcome measures with which the results of, say, an RCT or a cohort study are presented. In this paper, we examine the FDA’s recently published guidelines for assessing the psychometric adequacy of patient-reported outcome measures. We focus on their recommendations for demonstrating content validity and also for how researchers should weigh up the sum of psychometric evidence when choosing these measures. We argue that questions regarding judgment and understanding meaning of these measures should play a more central role in determining their adequacy.  相似文献   
Protein kinase Mζ (PKMζ) maintains long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term memory through persistent increases in kinase expression. Early-life adversity is a precursor to adult mood and anxiety disorders, in part, through persistent disruption of emotional memory throughout life. Here we subjected 10- to 16-wk-old male bonnet macaques to adversity by a maternal variable-foraging demand paradigm. We then examined PKMζ expression in their ventral hippocampi as 7- to 12-yr-old adults. Quantitative immunohistochemistry reveals decreased PKMζ in dentate gyrus, CA1, and subiculum of subjects who had experienced early-life adversity due to the unpredictability of maternal care. Adult animals with persistent decrements of PKMζ in ventral hippocampus express timid rather than confrontational responses to a human intruder. Persistent down-regulation of PKMζ in the ventral hippocampus might reduce the capacity for emotional memory maintenance and contribute to the long-lasting emotional effects of early-life adversity.

Early-life adversity is associated with an increased vulnerability to stress-related disorders that is maintained into adulthood, suggesting a very long-lived effect on emotional memory by the early-life event (Coplan et al. 1996). Although several structural and neurochemical sequelae of early-life adversity have been reported (Teicher et al. 2003; Jackowski et al. 2011), the direct effects of early-life adversity on the molecular substrates maintaining long-term memory storage have not been explored.Accumulating evidence supports a crucial role for the autonomously active, atypical protein kinase C (PKC) isoform protein kinase Mζ (PKMζ) in maintaining synaptic long-term potentiation (LTP), a putative physical substrate for memory, and long-term memory storage (Ling et al. 2002; Pastalkova et al. 2006; Glanzman 2013; Sacktor and Fenton 2018). The autonomous activity of PKMζ is due to its unusual structure that differs from other PKC isoforms (Sacktor et al. 1993). Most PKCs consist of two domains: a catalytic domain and an autoinhibitory regulatory domain that suppresses the catalytic domain. Therefore, most PKCs are inactive until second messengers bind to the regulatory domain and induce a conformational change that releases the autoinhibition. Because second messengers that activate PKCs such as Ca2+ or diacylglycerol have short half-lives, most PKCs are only transiently activated.PKMζ, in contrast, consists of an independent PKCζ catalytic domain, and the absence of an autoinhibitory regulatory domain results in autonomous and thus persistent activity once the kinase is synthesized. PKMζ mRNA is transcribed from an internal promoter within the PKCζ/PKMζ gene that is active only in neural tissue (Hernandez et al. 2003). The mRNA is translationally repressed and transported to dendrites of neurons (Muslimov et al. 2004). High-frequency afferent synaptic activity during LTP induction or learning derepresses PKMζ mRNA translation, triggering new synthesis of PKMζ protein (Osten et al. 1996; Hernandez et al. 2003; Tsokas et al. 2016; Hsieh et al. 2017).Once increased, the steady-state amount of PKMζ remains elevated during LTP or long-term memory maintenance. Recent work with quantitative immunohistochemistry (IHC) shows that spatial conditioning induces persistent increases of PKMζ in somatic and selective dendritic compartments of dorsal hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells that can last at least 1 mo (Hsieh et al. 2021). The persistent increases are preferentially expressed in CA1 pyramidal cells that were activated during the formation of the memory, specifically at the termination zone of the Schaffer collateral/commissural inputs from subfield CA3. In contrast, persistent PKMζ increases are not evident in stratum lacunosum-moleculare, the termination zone that originates in entorhinal cortex that nonetheless is capable of expressing PKMζ. Postsynaptic domain-specific PKMζ expression patterns hint at distinct circuit-specific modifications of cortical–hippocampal synaptic function by maturational and experiential factors.Persistent changes in PKMζ expression are also associated with changes in the capacity for learning and memory across the life span of animals. Decreased memory ability in aged rats is associated with decreased training-induced, persistent PKMζ expression in prelimbic cortex, and increases in PKMζ are crucial for the cognition-enhancing effects of environmental enrichment in the aged animals (Chen et al. 2016). Hara et al. extended the connection between PKMζ and cognitive function to nonhuman primates (NHPs), showing that levels of PKMζ expression in dentate gyrus (DG) axospinous synapses correlate with successful performance on cognitive tasks in young and aged monkeys (Hara et al. 2012). These studies suggest that persistent down-regulation of PKMζ may comprise an important pathophysiological mechanism for cognitive impairment.Here we used a validated NHP model of early-life adversity, maternal variable-foraging demand (VFD), to explore the links between adversity in infancy and PKMζ expression in adulthood (Coplan et al. 1996; Jackowski et al. 2011). Previous studies of the VFD paradigm have revealed that both infants and their mothers exposed to VFD show significant cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) elevations of the stress neuropeptide, corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF). Moreover, the magnitude of CRF change in mothers and infants are positively correlated, suggesting synchronization of maternal–infant stress responses to the VFD stressor (Coplan et al. 2005). From a behavioral standpoint, maternal social rank plays a negligible role in determining an aggregate score of maternal–infant proximity, suggesting preferential attention of mothers to their infants. During the VFD condition, maternal social rank predicts >80% of the variance of maternal–infant proximity, suggesting mothering patterns are interrupted by preferential orientations to social rank; the latter determines food accessibility (Coplan et al. 2015). Dominant females show relative increases in maternal–infant proximity, whereas subordinate females show relative reductions in maternal–infant proximity. Neither pattern of attachment ameliorates an abnormal association between CSF oxytocin concentrations and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity (Coplan et al. 2015). Offspring exposed to VFD rearing assessed both as juveniles and as full adults demonstrate persistent increases in CSF CRF concentrations in comparison with controls reared under non-VFD conditions (Coplan et al. 1996, 2001).Our prior neurohistological studies pointed to the DG as a region particularly vulnerable to VFD exposure, as shown by reduced trophic signaling and neurogenesis (Jackowski et al. 2011; Perera et al. 2011; Schoenfeld et al. 2021). We therefore hypothesized that early-life adversity due to unpredictable maternal care (for brevity, subsequently referred to as “early-life adversity”) reduces the persistent expression of PKMζ within the DG of ventral intrahippocampal neurocircuitry that mediates affective memory processing (Fanselow and Dong 2010). We used PKMζ antisera validated by the lack of immunostaining in PKMζ-null mice (Hsieh et al. 2021) to examine PKMζ expression in ventral hippocampus (NHP anterior hippocampus) in both DG granule cell layer and the stratum moleculare of the suprapyramidal blade that receives direct input from entorhinal cortex, as well as other regions encompassing the hippocampal formation, including the hilus, CA3, CA1, and subiculum.To assess behavioral correlates of hippocampal PKMζ expression, we used a stress-inducing paradigm designed specifically for singly housed bonnet macaque male NHPs, which we refer to as the “human exposure response” (Jackowski et al. 2011; Hamel et al. 2017), which is a variation of the paradigm used in human exposure studies by Kalin et al. in rhesus macaques (Kalin and Shelton 1989). On exposure to a direct human presence, singly housed adult male bonnet macaques react with a dichotomy of responses—confrontational versus timid (see the Materials and Methods) (Jackowski et al. 2011). In our macaque colony, groups of fully adult males are necessarily housed individually to prevent injury sustained during male agonistic encounters, whereas adult females and/or juveniles are safely housed in social groups. Because group housing of nursing females and/or juveniles of both sexes elicits a range of behaviors intrinsic to the species’ social repertoire (Rosenblum et al. 2001; Coplan et al. 2015) that complicates behavioral analyses to human exposure, we restricted our current study to male macaques.  相似文献   
The effect of sensory deficits on power grip force from individual phalanges was examined. The authors found that stroke survivors with sensory deficits (determined by the Semmes-Weinstein monofilament test) gripped with phalanx force directed more tangential to the object surface, than those without, although both groups had similar motor deficits (Chedoke-McMaster and Fugl-Meyer), grip strength, and skin friction. Altered grip force direction elevates risk of finger slippage against the object thus grip loss/object dropping, hindering activities of daily living. Altered grip force direction was associated with altered muscle activation patterns. In summary, the motor impairment level alone may not describe hand motor control in detail. Information about sensory deficits helps elucidate patients' hand motor control with functional relevance.  相似文献   
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