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Know and remember recognition judgments were made in 2 experiments. In Experiment 1 either 3 (new, know, remember) or 4 (new, guess, know, remember) judgment alternatives were used. Also, the recognition test was either immediate, delayed 2 days, or delayed 1 week. In Experiment 2 the proportion of test items that were studied items was either .20, .50, or .80. Predictions were made from 2 multimemory theories regarding how proportions of know and remember judgments would change with these manipulations. Predictions were also made from 2 detection theories regarding the values of memory sensitivity and judgment criteria. The results supported the revised detection theory, which assumes unequal variances for studied and unstudied items, more than the multimemory theories. Furthermore, general processing tree versions of the 2 multimemory models were created including guessing processes. These extended models were shown to be inadequate in accounting for the data from the 2 experiments.  相似文献   
从中德儿童技术创造性跨文化研究结果看性别差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
施建农  徐凡  周林  查子秀 《心理学报》1999,32(4):428-434
研究者通过对中德儿童技术创造性跨文化研究结果的综合分析,着重讨论了在差异心理学领域一直十分受人关注的性别差异问题。结果发现,无论是中国儿童还是德国儿童,无论是超常儿童还是常态儿童,性别差异具有基本稳定的趋势,而且,在不同的方面具有不完全一致的表现形式。具体表现为:(1)在数字、图形和实用创造性思维方面,在中国和德国儿童中都没有发现创造性思维方面的性别差异;(2)在心理折叠、学习爱好、技术问题理解和  相似文献   
In considering the influences of microsystems on adolescent substance use, familial and peer contexts have received the most extensive attention in the research literature. School and neighborhood settings, however, are other developmental contexts that may exert specific influences on adolescent substance use. In many instances, school settings are organized to provide educational services to students who share similar educational abilities and behavioral repertoires. The resulting segregation of students into these settings may result in different school norms for substance use. Similarly, neighborhood resources, including models for substance use and drug sales involvement, may play an important role in adolescent substance use. We briefly review literature examining contextual influences on adolescent substance use, and present results from two preliminary studies examining the contribution of school and neighborhood context to adolescent substance use. In the first investigation, we examine the impact of familial, peer, and school contexts on adolescent substance use. Respondents were 283 students (ages 13 to 18) from regular and special education classrooms in six schools. Although peer and parental contexts were important predictors of substance use, school norms for drug use accounted for variance in adolescent use beyond that explained by peer and parental norms. Data from a second study of 114 adolescents (mean age = 15) examines neighborhood contributions to adolescent substance use. In this sample, neighborhood indices did not contribute to our understanding of adolescent substance use. Implications for prevention are presented.  相似文献   
自控摄入小剂量酒精影响熟练驾驶行为的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
一个小样本受试者内设计实验,受试者在实验允许的酒精剂量范围内自由选择摄入量。实验安排饮酒前,酒后30分钟、110分钟和170分钟四个测试阶段,分别检验受试者在模拟驾驶和实际驾驶两项任务中的认知行为。酒后30分钟实际驾驶的技能与其他三个测试期相比存在有意义的差别显著性;模拟测试任务中酒后对红、黄两种信号灯的认知反应时之间呈现显著性差别,酒后110分钟对黄色信号灯的反应明显延迟。研究提示:受试对酒精感受性的估计是不可靠的,小剂量酒精也能对驾驶行为构成伤害。  相似文献   
Nonstrategic subjective threshold effects in phonemic masking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three backward-masking experiments demonstrated that the magnitude of the phonemic mask reduction effect (MRE) is a function of subjective threshold and that the magnitude is also independent of stimulus-based response strategies. In all three experiments, a target word (e.g., bake) was backward masked by a graphemically similar nonword (e.g., BAWK), a phonemically similar nonword (e.g., BAIK), or an unrelated control (e.g., CRUG). Experiments 1 and 2 had a low percentage (9%) of trials with phonemic masks and differed only in baseline identification rate. Experiment 3 controlled baseline identification rate at below and above subjective threshold levels, with 9% phonemic trials. The results were that identification rates were higher with phonemic masks than with graphemic masks, irrespective of the low percentage of phonemic trials. However, the magnitude of the phonemic MRE became large only when the baseline identification rate was below subjective threshold. The pattern of the phonemic MRE was interpreted as a result of rapid automatic phonological activation, independent of stimulus-based processing strategies.  相似文献   
社会情绪的神经基础   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文提出了社会情绪概念的界定及其分类,回顾并总结了近年来对社会情绪神经基础的研究结果,指出了现有的研究范式和方法存在的局限,并对该领域未来的研究方向和研究重点做了进一步展望  相似文献   
青少年学校归属感问卷编制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究在开放式问卷与相关研究基础上,编制了学校归属感初始问卷。对240名学生初始测试后进行探索性因素分析,然后对440名学生的正式测验结果进行验证性因素分析。结果表明学生归属感问卷包括四个维度:同伴关系,教师支持,规章制度,硬件设施。验证性因素分析后各个数据均达到可接受水平,四维度模型拟合度较好。问卷具有良好的信度与效度,可以作为青少年学校归属感水平的测量工具。  相似文献   
吴念阳  李艳  徐凝婷 《心理科学》2008,31(3):605-608
通过考察上下意象图式隐喻的映射机制和形成机制,验证其向抽象概念的映射具有心理现实性.实验一中,学龄期儿童阅读与图式一致材料反应时,较阅读与图式不一致材料反应时短,说明上下意象图式存在于概念水平,并在即时阅读中被激活.实验二中,学龄前幼儿表现出物品摆放的上下方位偏好差异,表明幼儿在概念形成过程中,抽象概念与空间上下方位存在体验性联结.研究证明:部分抽象概念表征具有上下方位线索,人们借助上下意象图式建构抽象概念.  相似文献   
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