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Litotes, “a figure of speech in which an affirmative is expressed by the negative of the contrary” (OED) has had some tough reviews. For Pope and Swift (“Scriblerus” 1727), litotes—stock examples include “no mean feat”, “no small problem”, and “not bad at all”—is “the peculiar talent of Ladies, Whisperers, and Backbiters”; for Orwell (1946), it is a means to affect “an appearance of profundity” that we can deport from English “by memorizing this sentence: A not unblack dog was chasing a not unsmall rabbit across a not ungreen field.” But such ridicule is not without equivocation, given that litotes, or “logical” (non-concordial) double negation, may or may not be semantically redundant. When the negation of a logical contrary yields an unexcluded middle, it contributes to expressive power: someone who is not unhappy may not be happy either, and an occurrence may not be infrequent without being frequent. But if something is not possible, what can it be but possible? Why does Crashaw’s “not impossible she” survive rhetorically while Orwell’s “not unsmall rabbit” is doomed? How is Robbie being “not not friends” with Mary on 7th Heaven distinct from being friends with her, if not not-p reduces to p? The key is recognizing in litotes a corollary of MaxContrary, the tendency for contradictory (wide-scope) sentential negation ¬p to strengthen (at least) pragmatically to a contrary ©p, as when the formal contradictory Fr. “Il ne faut pas partir” (lit. ‘It is not necessary to leave’) is reinterpreted as expressing a contrary (‘one must not-leave’). Just as the Law of Excluded Middle can apply where it “shouldn’t”, resulting in pragmatically presupposed disjunctions between semantic contraries, so that “p v ©p” amounts to an instance of “p v ¬p”, the Law of Double Negation can fail to apply where it “should”. When not not-p conveys ¬©p, the negation of a virtual contrary, the middle between p and not-p is no longer excluded, rendering the Fregean dictum that “Wrapping up a thought in double negation does not alter its truth value” not unproblematic.  相似文献   
While much research on adolescent risk behaviour has focused on the development of prefrontal self-regulatory mechanisms, prior studies have elicited mixed evidence of a relationship between individual differences in the capacity for self-regulation and individual differences in risk taking. To explain these inconsistent findings, it has been suggested that the capacity for self-regulation may be, for most adolescents, adequately mature to produce adaptive behaviour in non-affective, “cold” circumstances, but that adolescents have a more difficult time exerting control in affective, “hot” contexts. To further explore this claim, the present study examined individual differences in self-control in the face of affective and non-affective response conflict, and examined whether differences in the functioning of cognitive control processes under these different conditions was related to risk taking. Participants completed a cognitive Stroop task, an emotional Stroop task, and a risky driving task known as the Stoplight game. Regression analyses showed that performance on the emotional Stroop task predicted laboratory risk-taking in the driving task, whereas performance on the cognitive Stroop task did not exhibit the same trend. This pattern of results is consistent with theories of adolescent risk-taking that emphasise the impacts of affective contextual influences on the ability to enact effective cognitive control.  相似文献   
The history of scholarship on negation tracks and illuminates the major developments in the history of metaphysics, philosophy of language, and philosophy of mind, from Parmenides, Plato and Aristotle through Frege, Russell, and Wittgenstein to contemporary formal theorists. Our perspective focuses on the catalytic role played by the 20th century philosopher of language Paul Grice, whose views on negation serve as a fulcrum for his attempt to bridge the (neo-)Traditionalist and Formalist traditions in logical thought. Grice's remarks on negation and speaker meaning and the elaboration of his ideas by subsequent neo-Griceans are summarized and situated within a broader picture of the role of contradictory and contrary negation in the frameworks of Aristotelians, Medievals, early modern schoolmaster-logicians, 19th and early 20th century neo-Idealists and Formalists, Oxford ordinary-language analytics, practitioners of classical and non-classical logics, and a range of other philosophers and linguists. Particular attention is paid to the relations between negation and the other operators of propositional and predicate calculus. Implications for accounts of the semantics and pragmatics of natural language are also pursued and extensive references to related work are provided.  相似文献   
A scaling analysis of the snake lightness illusion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Logvinenko and Maloney (2006) measured perceived dissimilarities between achromatic surfaces placed in two scenes illuminated by neutral lights that could differ in intensity. Using a novel scaling method, they found that dissimilarities between light surface pairs could be represented as a weighted linear combination of two dimensions, "surface lightness" (a perceptual correlate of the difference in the logarithm of surface albedo) and "surface brightness" (which corresponded to the differences of the logarithms of light intensity across the scenes). Here we attempt to measure the contributions of these dimensions to a compelling lightness illusion (the "snake illusion"). It is commonly assumed that this illusion is a result of erroneous segmentation of the snake pattern into regions of unequal illumination. We find that the illusory shift in the snake pattern occurs along the surface lightness dimension, with no contribution from surface brightness. Thus, even if an erroneous segmentation of the snake pattern into strips of unequal illumination does happen, it reveals itself, paradoxically, as illusory changes in surface lightness rather than as surface brightness. We conjecture that the illusion strength depends on the balance between two groups of illumination cues signaling the true (uniform) illumination and the pictorial (uneven) illumination.  相似文献   
Humans are experts at familiar face recognition, but poor at unfamiliar face recognition. Familiarity is created when a face is encountered across varied conditions, but the way in which a person’s appearance varies is identity-specific, so familiarity with one identity does not benefit recognition of other individuals. However, the faces of biological siblings share structural similarities, so we explored whether the benefits of familiarity are shared across siblings. Results show that familiarity with one half of a sibling pair improves kin detection (experiment 1), and that unfamiliar face matching is more accurate when targets are the siblings of familiar versus unfamiliar individuals (experiment 2). PCA applied to facial images of celebrities and their siblings demonstrates that faces are generally better reconstructed in the principal components of a same-sex sibling than those of an unrelated individual. When we encounter the unfamiliar sibling of someone we already know, our pre-existing representation of their familiar relation may usefully inform processing of the unfamiliar face. This can benefit both kin detection and identity processing, but the benefits are constrained by the degree to which facial variability is shared.  相似文献   
We have demonstrated that non-patterned electrical stimulation of the lumbar cord can induce stepping-like activity in the lower limbs of complete spinal cord injured individuals. This result suggested the existence of a human lumbar locomotor pattern generator, which can convert a tonic input to a rhythmic motor output. We have studied the human lumbar cord in isolation from supraspinal input but under extrinsic tonic input delivered by spinal cord stimulation. Large-diameter afferents within the posterior roots are directly depolarized by the electrical stimulation. These afferents project to motoneurons as well as to lumbar interneurons involved in the motor control of lower limbs. Stimulation at 25-50 Hz can elicit rhythmic alternating flexion/extension movements of the lower limbs in supine individuals. Reducing the tonic input frequency to 5-15 Hz initiates lower limb extension. Epidural stimulation applied during manually assisted treadmill stepping in complete spinal cord injured persons immediately increases the central state of excitability of lumbar cord networks and enhances stepping-like functional motor outputs. Sustained, non-patterned tonic input via the posterior roots can activate human lumbar cord networks. Pattern generating configurations of these multifunctional circuitries can be set-up depending on the stimulation parameters and particularly on the input frequency.  相似文献   
Cued-recall in episodic memory was investigated in relation to low and high cognitive support at retrieval, executive function level and fluid intelligence level in 81 healthy adults divided first into two age groups (young and elderly adults). The first analyses showed that age-related differences were greater when a low cognitive support was provided to recall the words. An individual index of loss of performance when the number of cues was decreased was then calculated. Hierarchical regression analysis revealed that the executive functions measure (perseverative errors on the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test) was a better candidate than the fluid intelligence measure (Cattell's culture fair test) to account for the age-related variance of the size of performance loss. These findings suggest that age differences in implementing strategic retrieval may be mainly due to a decline in executive functions.  相似文献   
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